Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 62 Fifty Thousand Years Soul Bone (please support)

Mr. Xuan's blushing face from shame and anger could not disappear for a while. At this time, Mr. Xuan directly changed the subject and curiously asked Mr. Mu, Mr. Mu, Mr. Chen Feng entered the underground world of the golden tree and meditated deeply for a month. What magic has he achieved through his cultivation?

At this time, several other Poseidon Pavilion elders were also looking at Elder Mu curiously, waiting for Elder Mu's answer.

Mr. Mu sighed, with some emotion in his tone, Not only has he achieved some success in his practice, that kid surprised me. After a month of deep meditation, he actually directly created a soul skill that is unique to his own martial soul. It is so powerful. Not under my Dragon King’s Evil Breaking and Dragon King’s Shock Territory Boundary.”


For a moment, Lao Xuan, Lao Zhuang and Lao Song were all shocked and made noises. Wasn't it because of Lao Mu's Dragon King Breaking Evil and Dragon King Zhenyu Realm?

This is too unbelievable. Is there really such a genius in the world? ?

Moon's old face lying on the recliner smiled, That child is indeed a genius. I think he is the lucky child of this era, and the future belongs to this child.

At this moment, Mu En still had something to say in her heart. Chen Feng’s talent was beyond ancient times and today, and he had the talent to become a god!

Although several pavilion elders were shocked at this time, they quickly came to their senses. Mr. Xuan muttered: This kid Chen Feng is really a monster.

As soon as these words came out, several pavilion elders nodded in agreement.

Moon suddenly said, I plan to select a high-quality soul bone from the Poseidon Pavilion's treasure house and give it to Chen Feng. Do you have any objections?

Xuan Laozhuang, Lao Song and Lao Xuan all agreed, and no one raised objections.

Song Laodao said, No objection. It is indeed necessary to prepare a high-quality soul bone for Chen Feng. The sooner the high-quality soul bone is fused, the greater the benefits.

Mr. Zhuang said with a smile, The huge improvement of the physical quality of the soul bone can greatly increase the number of years that Chen Feng can fuse with the soul ring. The higher the number of years of the soul ring, the greater the benefits. This is like a snowball. Compared with those without Soul masters with soul bones have improved much more.

Mr. Xuan scratched his head, But there are only two high-quality soul bones from the Soul Bone Academy suitable for Chen Feng. One is the torso bone of the Ice Blue Wolf King that is 50,000 years old, and the other is the head soul bone of the Fear Demon Dragon that is 30,000 years old.

Moon made a decision and said, In that case, give Chen Feng the 50,000-year-old Ice Wolf King torso bone. The torso bone will improve physical fitness even more, and can allow Chen Feng to leapfrog his fourth soul ring. Absorb the ten thousand year soul ring.

Several other pavilion elders nodded after listening.

Mu En said, Xuanzi, then go to the treasure house of Poseidon Pavilion to take out the 50,000-year-old Ice Wolf King torso bone, and hand it to Chen Feng when he returns to the inner courtyard after school.

Song Laodao, who had been silent at this time, said, Speaking of physical fitness, I remembered that Xiaotao Wuhun is an evil fire phoenix and a soul emperor. I don't know if Chen Feng can bear it.

Everyone knows how powerful the evil fire phoenix martial spirit is as a soul master. I am worried that the two young people will eat marrow to taste, indulge in excessive sexual activities, and cause physical depletion.

At first, several pavilion elders thought that nothing would happen, and when they were about to leave, they were directly pulled back by Mr. Song's words.

What Mr. Song said is very reasonable, very reasonable. Young people often don't know how to measure. They don't know the depth because of their youth. Mr. Zhuang said with approval, looking like someone who has come before.

Mr. Xuan said ignorantly, How about telling the two of them to be more restrained?

Mr. Song shook his head, You can't control this kind of thing. If you do, they will secretly find opportunities to do it. Later, arrange more study tasks for Xiao Tao and let Xiao Tao study more, so as not to make Chen Feng weak.

At this time, Ma Xiaotao didn't know that because Mr. Song was afraid that she would break Chen Feng's body, he arranged a lot of study content for her, and soon she would not be able to be with Chen Feng every day.

If Ma Xiaotao knew about it, she would definitely be confused Σ(°Д°;

It was obvious that Chen Feng had bullied her to the point of exhaustion every time and wanted to fall asleep. Why was it her fault that she had to increase her study tasks.

After hearing this, Mr. Zhuang praised him repeatedly, As expected of Mr. Song, he is tall, he is really tall.

After hearing this, Moon nodded and said, In that case, let's arrange it this way.

After Munn finished speaking, several people in the hall of Poseidon Pavilion disappeared without a trace in an instant.


The day passed in a flash.

At noon, Chen Feng went back and forth to Poseidon Island, ate the nutritious meal specially prepared for him by the academy, and then took a short rest before returning to the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy to continue his classes.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, the day's classes ended.

Just as Chen Feng was about to stand up and leave, a girl with short blond hair and big aqua eyes stood in front of the desk where Chen Feng was sitting.

It was Ning Tian. Ning Tian was wearing a white freshman uniform. He was tall and almost 1.7 meters tall. He had delicate facial features and fair skin. Although he had not yet grown, he was still pleasing to the eye.

Ning Tian had a sweet smile on her delicate face, and her aqua blue eyes looked at Chen Feng fieryly.

Ning Tian has no feelings for Chen Feng. She is very utilitarian in the relationship between men and women. As the young master of the Nine Treasure Glazed Sect, her choice is always the strong one.

But it is undeniable that Chen Feng's invincible figure has made Ning Tian understand that he is his best choice.

He single-handedly suppressed the entire class of male students and easily defeated Xu Sanshi, the twin star of the outer courtyard. Now he entered the inner courtyard not long after he enrolled.

Ning Tian knew that compared with Chen Feng, no man would be able to catch her eye again.

Chen Feng's excellence made Ning Tian a little more anxious, especially since Chen Feng hadn't been seen for a month since he entered the inner courtyard.

Chen Feng came to class today, and Ning Tian planned to invite Chen Feng to have dinner with him at noon, but who expected that after class at noon, Chen Feng would be gone.

So Ning Tian suppressed his shyness and blocked Chen Feng in the afternoon after school.

At this time, Wu Feng, who was behind Ning Tian, ​​lowered her head, her long red hair covering her eyes, making it unclear what she was thinking.

Students from the ninth class of freshmen saw Ning Tian and Wu Feng blocking Chen Feng's desk.

Many male students let out heartbroken cries of pain.

There were even more lewd smiles on the faces of many male students.

Wu Yue and his group even whistled, looking happy to hear what they were seeing.

Only the female students in the class looked ugly.

Chen Feng looked at Ning Tian and said, Ning Tian, ​​what can I do for you?

Ning Tian took out an invitation from the exquisite gold bracelet storage soul guide on his wrist.

He smiled and said to Chen Feng, Squad leader, this is an invitation to the Shrek City auction. Can you come with me?

At this moment, a tall, proud and beautiful red figure came behind Ning Tian.

Tearing and tearing, a pair of slender hands took the invitation away from Ning Tian and tore it into pieces...

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