After hearing Chen Feng's words, Xu Sanshi didn't give up. He looked up to the sky and roared at Chen Feng, Come on, let's fight in the second round!!

Suddenly, two figures, blue and green, faced each other in the entire fighting spirit field.

With the blessing of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit, Chen Feng's body was greatly strengthened.

When it comes to the bonus to the body, the martial soul of a beast like the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion is stronger.

The weapon soul's bonus to the body is not great.

As Chen Feng released his second martial spirit, the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, the temperature of the entire spirit fighting field dropped rapidly.

The freshmen students with weak soul power in the stands could not help but tremble.

Many students in the stands were stunned when they saw Chen Feng using his second martial spirit.

This is twin martial souls!!

What kind of martial spirit is Chen Feng's second martial spirit? It's so terrifying. It's so terrifyingly cold. Even our stands so far away from the spirit fighting arena are affected.

Ling Luochen in the stands looked at Chen Feng in the spirit fighting arena with fiery eyes.

Is this the Ultimate Ice Martial Spirit Ice Jade Scorpion? My ice elemental Martial Spirit can only reach minus eighty degrees, but the Ultimate Ice can easily reach minus two hundred degrees. This is the power of the Ultimate Martial Spirit!

Now, the eyes of all the spectators in the stands are focused on Chen Feng and Xu Sanshi.

This wonderful soul fighting match is absolutely unparalleled in the soul master realm, no, it is even difficult to find in the soul sect.

Chen Feng carefully understood the power of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit.

Different from Chen Feng's first martial soul, the Soul-Breaking Knife, the soul rings currently attached to Chen Feng's first martial soul are all functional and self-strengthening soul skills, and lack offensive soul skills.

Because of the lack of offensive soul skills, the attack power of the Soul-Breaking Knife has not truly reached its peak.

Although the sword's intention is good, Chen Feng has just mastered it after all, and there is still a lot of room for improvement in its power.

Moreover, the strength of the sword intention is that it can be released together with other attacking soul skills, greatly enhancing the power of the soul skills.

However, Chen Feng's Soul-Breaking Knife has no offensive soul skills, which prevents the Soul-Breaking Knife's power from being used to its full potential.

But the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit is different. None of this Martial Spirit's soul skills can strengthen itself.

The first soul skill of the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit, Ice Emperor's Pincer, makes the hands and forearms extremely hard, enhances strength, and can cause huge damage in close combat.

Ice King's body protection, the surface of the body is covered with a layer of ice crystals for defense, and the defense power is extremely high.

Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Torso Bone Soul Skill, Eternal Frozen Realm, Ice Emperor's Wrath, this is the most powerful offensive skill among the four skills given to Chen Feng by the Ice Emperor, including the soul ring skill.

Chen Feng held the Soul-Breaking Knife in his hand, and his body exuded the deep chill of extreme ice.

In this state, Chen Feng needs to use strong mental power to balance the two martial arts spirits in his body.

This is because the soul-breaking knife has been assimilated by Chen Feng's soul. Otherwise, even if Chen Feng's spiritual power surpasses that of Soul Saint, he would not be able to use two spirits at the same time.

At this time, many students in the stands were stunned as they watched the twists and turns of the fighting spirit.

Nowadays, no one is making any loud noises about so-called bets.

Now the students in the stands just want to see who can win.

Chen Feng smiled and said, Xu Sanshi, I hope you can be stronger, otherwise I'm afraid you will die with the next move.

As soon as these words came out, Xu Sanshi was immediately laughed out of anger.

Before awakening, Xu Sanshi admitted that he was not Chen Feng's enemy, but after Xuanwu awakened, Xu Sanshi didn't think anyone could defeat him at the same level.

Xu Sanshi looked at Chen Feng, who was exuding a terrifying low temperature, and his desire to win was aroused to the extreme.

Chen Feng, you are not ashamed of your words. Today I will let you know that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world!! Facing the huge pressure brought by Chen Feng, Xu Sanshi, who had evolved from the Xuanming Tortoise Shield into the Xuanwu Shield, was not afraid at all.

Chen Feng smiled. The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion was possessed by the martial soul, which greatly improved his body. The soul-breaking knife's first soul ring was sharpened to increase its attack power. The Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion's first soul skill, the Ice Emperor's Claw, was greatly enhanced. Strength, combined with sword intent.

Although the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion, the first 400,000-year-old soul ring, could only exert the power of a 10,000-year-old soul ring due to Chen Feng's own endurance. But still extremely powerful.

I saw that Chen Feng's arms and hands were beautifully covered with a layer of dazzling and magnificent ice crystals, and even the soul-breaking knife was covered with a layer of ice crystals.

The originally plain and simple Soul-Breaking Knife instantly became gorgeous.

At this moment, Chen Feng's power has reached an extremely terrifying level.

Then Chen Feng stepped on the ground with one foot, and his whole body turned into an arrow that leaped into the sky. Chen Feng was in the air, condescending, using the potential energy from top to bottom, turning his body, and wielding a domineering sword light.

A domineering and sharp blue sword light fell from the sky, and the entire fighting spirit field was immediately divided into two by the sharp edge of the blue sword light, and then it quickly slashed towards Xu Sanshi.

Xu Sanshi looked at the blue sword light that spanned the entire soul fighting field. He raised his basalt shield high, and his soul power burst out fiercely. The first three soul rings, two yellow and one purple, shone together.

What's even more astonishing is that these three soul rings came together in an instant and turned into a black soul ring that shone brightly.

The dark green snake on the basalt shield seemed to be awakened, its tongue was slightly raised, and red light bloomed in its eyes. The huge turtle and snake phantom then rose from behind Xu Sanshi.

This is the Xuanwu Divine Beast bloodline talent and soul ring combination.

Combination skills of the first, second and third soul rings: Xuanwu Roar

Soul skill effect: Xuanwu shield enlarges to block the opponent's attack and engulfs it, greatly weakening the opponent's soul power; Xuanwu roars, causing the opponent to lose consciousness for three seconds, and the body becomes unable to move as if it has fallen into the thickest swamp.

Xu Sanshi's first three soul skills are Xuanming Zhen, Xuanming Shield Formation, and Xuanming Power.

At this time, the three major soul skills were combined into one, forming a ten-thousand-year soul ring.

Xu Sanshi looked at the Xuanwu figure he had summoned with a pale face and a smile on his lips.

The basalt shield instantly grew larger under the basalt coils, almost in the blink of an eye, reaching a diameter of three meters.

Immediately afterwards, a low roar came from Xuanwu surrounding Xu Sanshi. This roar came out. With Xu Sanshi's body as the center, everyone in the entire soul fighting field, including the seven-ring soul saint level referee, Their minds went blank amid the terrifying roar, and their bodies were as if they were stuck in the thickest swamp, unable to move.

But Chen Feng was an exception. With a spiritual body that surpassed the soul saint level, and under the protection of the magical yin-yang furnace deep in Chen Feng's soul, a small roar could not do anything. It was like a mayfly shaking a tree, unable to shake Chen Feng in the slightest. At this time, Xu Sanshi took a bow, the huge shield tilted, and then collided with Chen Feng's domineering sword behind the shield.

The moment the two combined soul skills collided, the entire competition stage emitted a harsh tearing sound, and a dazzling bright light emitted between the collision of the soul skills.

So much so that at that moment, the distant spectators could no longer see clearly what was happening on the stage.

The moment Xu Sanshi felt the domineering sword light touch the Xuanwu Shield, he felt that his whole body was swallowed up by the cold, sharp and domineering sword light.

Even though Xuanwu tried his best to swallow up the sword light, it was like a little snake trying to swallow an elephant, overestimating its own capabilities.

Xuanwu screamed in pain and was cut in half by the light of the blue sword.

Then the blue sword light was unstoppable and struck Xu Sanshi's basalt shield fiercely.

Just like chopping watermelons and vegetables, the Xuanwu Shield was directly cut open by the blue sword light.

The Xuanwu shield was cut open...

When the Xuanwu shield was cut open, Xu Sanshi spat out a mouthful of blood. The martial spirit and the spirit master were closely related.

The martial soul was cut open, and Xu Sanshi, who was closely related to the Xuanwu Shield, was naturally severely injured.

But how can the severe physical damage be compared to the heavy mental blow.

The pride in Xu Sanshi's heart was severely crushed by Chen Feng.

Xu Sanshi's eyes were dull and his energy was distracted. However, because of Xu Sanshi's Xuanwu roar, the referee's mind went blank and his body was unable to move.

The referee was unable to save him, and Xu Sanshi was about to be cut in half by Chen Feng, killing him.

An old man with disheveled hair appeared in front of Xu Sanshi.

His image is really bad. What was supposed to be a white robe has turned into taupe, and is damaged in many places, and his hair is disheveled. His feet without shoes and socks stood in the spirit fighting arena, with a huge gourd hanging on his waist.

The gourd was purple-red, of unknown material. In his right hand, he held a roast chicken.

The old man looked very old in other parts, but his eyes were extraordinarily bright, and his red eyes had a thrilling feeling.

The old man stretched his left hand forward calmly, and the blue sword light was easily grasped by the old man's left hand.

Then he took a bite of the roast chicken on his right hand, and his eyes suddenly brightened, Okay! This knife is really overbearing, cold and sharp to the extreme, hahaha.

Then the sloppy old man gently squeezed Chen Feng's blue sword light with his left hand, turning it into energy and disappearing between heaven and earth.

Then the old man suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Only the spirit fighting arena that was divided into two and Xu Sanshi, who was severely injured and vomited blood because his martial spirit was divided into two, proved that the fierce and domineering blue sword light just now was not an illusion.

Xu Sanshi escaped from death, glanced at Chen Feng blankly, and then passed out.

A serious injury to one's martial spirit is definitely not a small matter...

Chen Feng's eyes were indifferent. To deal with Xu Sanshi, Chen Feng didn't even need to use the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion's strongest soul bone skill.

Winning is just a matter of course.

Even if it hadn't been for the awakening of Xu Sanshi's martial soul and his evolution into a basalt shield, Chen Feng would have been able to defeat Xu Sanshi with just a few flat-A hits.

But what concerned Chen Feng was the sloppy old man just now.

With a slovenly image of a wine gourd and a roast chicken in one hand, Chen Feng could naturally tell at a glance who the person who saved Xu Sanshi was.

The ninety-eighth-level super Douluo, the Taotie Divine Ox with martial souls, is nicknamed Xuanzi, the student killer.

The corners of Chen Feng's mouth raised, revealing a smile.

He powerfully crushed and defeated the core disciple among the core disciples, Xu Sanshi, one of the pre-determined next generation Shrek Seven Monsters.

Chen Feng is confident that with his revealed qualifications, I am afraid that the top management of the college will no longer be able to sit still and will soon try to win over him...

At this time, the Soul Saint Judge came to his senses, and his face suddenly turned red with shame. He was unexpectedly... unexpectedly restrained by the soul skill of a three-ringed Soul Master. It was such a shame and a great humiliation! What a shame! ! (Refer to the Soul Master Competition Soul Saint referee being restrained by Xu Sanshi)

The referee looked at Xu Sanshi, who was seriously injured and fell to the ground, and then at Chen Feng, who was standing in the spirit fighting arena.

Chen Feng wins. The referee announced.

At this time, thunderous applause suddenly broke out in front of the stands.

This wonderful soul fighting game left endless memories for all who watched the game.

Chen Feng!

Chen Feng!!

The squad leader won!!!

So strong, is this still what Soul Lord can do??


At this time, countless girls on the stands looked at Chen Feng in the spirit fighting arena with burning eyes.

The look in her eyes was like that of a female demon who saw Tang Monk...

Beibei in the stands clenched his hands and looked heavy as he watched Xu Sanshi, who had awakened his martial soul into a Xuanwu Shield, and was defeated by Chen Feng.

Beibei couldn't help but feel a little confused. Is there really a so-called son of destiny in the world, a trend-setter of the times?

After the soul fighting competition, Xu Sanshi was sent to the infirmary for treatment.

Chen Feng got rid of the encirclement and questioning of many people, and ran towards the east gate of Shrek City with Ling Luochen.

Tonight, new student Chen Feng's victory over Shrek Academy's twin star Xu Sanshi will surely spread throughout the entire Shrek Academy outer courtyard.

Chen Feng will also become the new star of Shrek Academy's outer court.

Just as Chen Feng and Ling Luochen continued their interrupted play.

Shrek Academy Poseidon Pavilion.

Level 98 Super Douluo, the second strongest person in Shrek Academy. Regardless of the greasiness, he ate meat and drank wine happily.

There was silence in the large conference hall of Poseidon Pavilion.

Ten people were sitting around a long oval table, and at the main seat on the innermost side of the long table, there was a lounge chair with Dragon God Douluo Munn lying on it.

The leaders on both sides are Mr. Lin and Mr. Xuan respectively. The four principals and deputy deans from the martial arts department and the soul guidance department still accompanied the last one.

Old Mu's gentle voice sounded, Tell me, Xuanzi, why did you propose to convene the Poseidon Pavilion meeting?

Mr. Xuan nodded, stood up slowly, and said happily: Mr. Mu, tonight, I saw what a peerless genius is! He is even better than you, Mr. Mu, when you were young!!

As soon as Mr. Xuan said this, everyone was shocked. You must know that Mr. Mu on the recliner is the Dinghai Shenzhen of Shrek Academy.

The top of the continent, the ninety-ninth level ultimate Douluo.

When Mr. Mu was young, at the age of eighteen, his soul power reached level 69. He was only one step away from breaking through the bottleneck and becoming the true form of the martial soul.

He is even better than Mr. Mu when he was young. No one here believes it.

Someone immediately asked, Mr. Xuan, how can anyone surpass Mr. Mu?

When Mr. Mu heard Xuanzi say that someone was better than himself when he was young, he said happily, Ou? Xuanzi, which young man can be worthy of your high praise?

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