At this time, the people around heard Xu Sanshi accepted the challenge and cheered immediately. For a while, the entire east gate was surrounded by onlookers.

Tang Ya, who was eating snacks not far away, looked at the crowd at the east gate curiously, swallowed the snack in her mouth with a surge in her throat, and quickly walked towards the crowd.

Huo Yuhao at the grilled fish stall watched Xu Sanshi take away the grilled fish he had prepared for Teacher Xiaoya. His impression of Xu Sanshi plummeted and he secretly cursed, hoping that Chen Feng could give this arrogant Xu Sanshi a lesson. Unreasonable person.

After Xu Sanshi agreed to Chen Feng's date, the two of them walked towards the Shrek Academy's spirit fighting arena, followed closely by the crowd of Shrek students who were watching the excitement around them.

Not long after, Tang Ya came to the east gate of Shrek. At this time, Tang Ya, who was unaware of the snack food, asked Huo Yuhao: Yuhao, where are the two grilled fishes I asked you to leave for me? Why are they gone? And what interesting thing happened here just now? Why did so many people suddenly gather? Where are those people now?

Hearing that Tang Ya's mouth was like a machine gun, Huo Yuhao said sentence by sentence: Teacher Xiaoya, the grilled fish I left for you has been snatched away.

Hearing that her grilled fish had been snatched away, Tang Ya was so angry that she puffed up her face and said, Yuhao, tell me! Which bastard did it? Where is he now? I must take care of him.

Huo Yuhao saw Tang Ya's angry look and said quickly: Teacher Xiaoya was snatched away by a person named Xu Sanshi, but you don't need to deal with him. Chen Feng and Xu Sanshi went to the soul fighting field to fight souls just now.

Tang Ya immediately exclaimed, Why did Chen Feng get into a fight with that bastard Xu Sanshi? Yuhao, please tell me.

Then Huo Yuhao told Tang Ya everything that had just happened.

After Tang Ya heard this, she said to Huo Yuhao: I understand, Yuhao, please close the grilled fish stall and go back to practice as soon as possible. I'll go to the spirit fighting arena to have a look.

Then Tang Ya moved her long legs and ran towards the spirit fighting arena.

Huo Yuhao suddenly smiled when he saw the money he earned from selling grilled fish. Just when Huo Yuhao was about to close the stall, a golden light came into Huo Yuhao's eyes. Huo Yuhao took a closer look. Isn't this the gold soul coin that Xu Sanshi threw to him? Immediately without any pretense, he happily accepted the gold soul coin.

Just when Huo Yuhao loaded the tools for setting up a stall into his storage soul tool (a replica of the Twenty-Four Bridges on the Bright Moon Night that he got after joining the Tang Sect), he was about to walk towards the dormitory building.

His eyes unconsciously glanced in the direction of the Soul Fighting Arena. Finally, he couldn't help but be curious, so he changed direction and walked towards the Soul Fighting Arena.

When Huo Yuhao walked into the Soul Fighting Arena, he found that he needed to pay a Silver Soul Coin to watch the game, which immediately made Huo Yuhao feel heartbroken.

This is a silver soul coin, which is worth a day's meal. At this time, Huo Yuhao discovered that the duel between Chen Feng and Xu Sanshi actually attracted the attention of many students.

In addition to the students who had seen the excitement at the entrance of the academy, there were also people coming over to watch the battle.

Huo Yuhao came relatively early. Sitting in the stands, Huo Yuhao saw Tang Ya at a glance.

Teacher Xiaoya!! Huo Yuhao happily greeted Tang Ya.

Yuhao, you're here too! Tang Ya looked at Huo Yuhao's figure in surprise.

While Huo Yuhao and Tang Ya were talking, Shrek Academy's dormitory radio was broadcasting.

Half an hour later, in the Soul Fighting Arena No. 1 in the Soul Fighting Area, Xu Sanshi, the twin stars of Shrek's Outer Court and the owner of the strongest defensive spirit in the Outer Court, will have a fierce soul fight with Chen Feng, the strongest freshman in the first grade. , if you are interested, please come to the Soul Fighting Arena to watch.

Girls dormitory building.

Wow, the squad leader is going to fight with someone. Let's go and see it. After hearing the announcement, several female students from the ninth class of freshmen immediately planned to go to the spirit fighting area to watch Chen Feng's game.

It sounds like the person who fought against the squad leader is very powerful.

Of course he is powerful. Senior Xu Sanshi is a man of the hour in the college. Although the monitor is powerful, he is still young and may not be able to defeat Senior Xu Sanshi.

Okay, you little traitor, you actually said that the squad leader may not win!!! I will ignore you!

No way? I support the squad leader, but Senior Xu Sanshi is indeed very powerful...

The first-year female students, in addition to the female students in Class 9, the female students in other classes are also very curious about Chen Feng. Many girls walked out of the dormitory building and walked towards the spirit fighting field... Ning Tian Wu Feng Nanmen Yun'er... Cui Yajie... Xiao Xiao , even Wang Dong walked out of the dormitory building and walked towards the spirit fighting arena.

As for the first-year male students, except for the male students from Class 9 who had already been convinced by Chen Feng, the male students from other classes were very dissatisfied when they heard this broadcast.

The words The Strongest Freshman on the radio sounded so harsh to the ears of some arrogant male students.

Dai Huabin, the second son of Duke White Tiger, was furious after hearing the broadcast. Dai Huabin believed that he would never lose to anyone of his age. Dai Huabin heard the slogan on the dormitory broadcast.

Unconvinced, he snorted: I want to see what this Chen Feng is capable of and is actually called the strongest freshman! The strongest? Ask me if Dai Huabin has ever asked me!

After saying that, Dai Huabin walked out of the dormitory and walked towards the spirit fighting arena...

There were quite a few freshmen male students who had this idea, and they all set off towards the Soul Fighting Area.

The fourth grade dormitory building, above the bed. A blue figure, sitting cross-legged in silence.

This person is Beibei. Ever since he met Chen Feng, Beibei has been hit hard and practiced hard. At this time, Beibei was surrounded by thunder, and the blue thunder was dazzling and bright.

Beibei, who was already thirty-nine, was under tremendous pressure from Chen Feng, his love rival. At this moment, Beibei broke through the level 40 bottleneck.

Just a quarter of an hour after Beibei broke through level 40, Beibei heard the dormitory broadcast saying that Chen Feng and Xu Sanshi were going to have a soul fighting competition.

Beibei was immediately curious, how did Xu Sanshi get involved with Chen Feng? Beibei got dressed and walked towards the spirit fighting area.

At this time, many senior students were quite curious when they heard that Xu Sanshi was actually going to fight a first-year student. They walked out of the dormitory and rushed towards the spirit fighting area.

Huo Yuhao and Tang Ya watched people pouring in, and heard that there were more students coming in an endless stream.

Huo Yuhao said in surprise, Teacher Xiaoya, why are so many people coming to watch the soul fighting match between Chen Feng and Xu Sanshi?

Tang Ya was also quite surprised. This number of people was even greater than when Beibei and Xu Sanshi were fighting for their souls.

Tang Ya thought for a moment and looked at the many new students, suddenly thoughtful. He said to Huo Yuhao, Chen Feng is very famous among the freshmen. In addition, Xu Sanshi, the twin star of the outer courtyard, one is an old student and the other is a freshman. They are very topical, so there are so many people watching the game.

The spirit fighting area is hexagonal, almost as big as Shrek Square, with a large open space in the center where the players compete.

Surrounded by a circle of seats that gradually rise upward, it can accommodate approximately 3,000 people at the same time.

At this time, there were nearly a thousand people sitting around the edge of the field. The stands were full of people and it was very lively.

There were also students who had followed from the east gate of Shrek, telling those who came after them about the gambling fight between Chen Feng and Xu Sanshi.

Suddenly the stands became more lively.

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