This is the teleportation soul skill!!!

The expressions of the more than forty male students suddenly changed. At this time, Chen Feng took a lunge and rushed towards the auxiliary soul master at the back.

The control soul masters among the male students tried to use control soul skills to stop Chen Feng, but they were shocked to find that their control soul skills actually passed through Chen Feng's body.

This is the third soul skill of Chen Feng's ten thousand year soul ring, Virtual Sword!

The phantom created by Chen Feng using his third soul skill confused these new students.

This phantom is extremely real. Not to mention that these are only freshmen students of the first and second rings. Even those strong soul kings of the fifth ring will find it difficult to detect the problem if they don't observe carefully.

The power of the ten-thousand-year soul skill is not in vain. At this time, the real Chen Feng has quickly approached the auxiliary soul master.

The ten male students from the auxiliary department looked at Chen Feng holding the black knife in his hand, charging toward them like a ferocious beast. Suddenly his face turned pale with fear and his legs became weak.

At this moment, the male students with long-range skills in the freshmen team did not dare to attack at will.

Because Chen Feng had already entered the middle of them and released his soul skills at will, he might accidentally injure his teammates before he could hit Chen Feng.

At this time, what Chen Feng said before the game started echoed in their minds.

Referee, I strike very carefully. What I'm afraid of is that they accidentally injure themselves.

All the students were immediately horrified and felt that the person they were facing was a monster.

Could it be that he had predicted the scene before him?

In just two breaths, Chen Feng reached the end of the male students of class nine, and punched these auxiliary soul masters lightly.

Chen Feng considered that these auxiliary soul masters were too weak. Let alone slashing them with the soul-breaking knife, even a punch from Chen Feng could seriously injure them.

With a powerful body that can withstand ten-thousand-year soul rings, and an ultimate martial soul that far exceeds the powerful soul power of a soul master of the same level, Chen Feng really has a heart for these auxiliary soul masters, sniffing out the roses.

So Chen Feng had no choice but to turn his sword intention and focus it on his fists and feet.

One punch per male student, all the male students hit by Chen Feng felt no physical pain.

But a domineering intention penetrated their bodies and struck directly into their spirits.

Suddenly, the bodies of these auxiliary department students seemed to be no longer under the control of their minds.

Even the martial souls released by themselves were recovered by themselves, and then they all lay down on the soul fighting field helplessly, looking at Chen Feng in horror.

Apparently they were all defeated by Chen Feng's domineering sword intent and could no longer fight against Chen Feng.

After Chen Feng dealt with all the auxiliary soul masters, he looked at the remaining male students who had panic-stricken expressions on their faces.

Chen Feng hooked his hand and said with a smile, Come on, keep going!!

Ah!! Chen Feng, take a punch from me.

Don't be afraid, with so many of us, we can kill him!!

Chen Feng rushed into the square of male students from the ninth class of freshmen students with a single lunge, like a tiger rushing into a flock of sheep. Chen Feng was not so gentle towards these rough-skinned and fleshy fighting soul masters.

The punches and kicks were so powerful that they carried terrifying knife intent. No one could get up after being knocked down.

These students wanted to gather together to launch an attack, but they were either dodged by Chen Feng's teleportation, or they hit the fake figure.

Looking at the terrifying figure that was as elusive as a ghost, the male students were in despair...

Every time Chen Feng made a move, he would definitely knock down a male student. Soon, the huge spirit fighting arena was filled with figures lying on the ground.

At this time, only one of the more than 40 male students was still standing.

The last male student was stunned in place, his mind went blank, and he looked at Chen Feng blankly.

Chen Feng slowly walked up to the male student and punched him. Before Chen Feng's fist could knock him down, the male student fainted.

The world is quiet at this time...

The two referees...Hibiscus...the girls in the audience...

Looking at the male students lying on the ground in the spirit fighting arena, I suddenly found myself speechless.

Shocking to the extreme, this was a crushing victory with a pair of forty people. At this moment, everyone looked at the handsome and domineering young man wearing a white school uniform in the spirit fighting arena.

Ning Tian looked at Chen Feng in the spirit fighting arena, his eyes filled with fire. Ning Tian thought to himself, Isn't this kind of man the unrivaled powerhouse I'm looking for?!

Wu Feng, who was next to Ning Tian, ​​had red eyes full of disbelief, How is that possible!! How can the Soul Lord be so strong?

Wu Yue and others: Abba, Abba, Abba...

Chen Feng felt that a lot of soul power was consumed in his body, and took a deep breath. Teleportation and the virtual sword consumed a lot of soul power. In addition, Chen Feng had to hold back his strength and could not use the soul-breaking knife. Attacking will naturally consume more soul power.

However, with the rapid operation of Yin Yang Jue, Chen Feng's soul power is recovering quickly.

Chen Feng looked at the dumbfounded referee and said, Referee, I win!

After Chen Feng said that I won, the world suddenly returned to hustle and bustle.

The referee said, Chen...Chen Feng wins!!

Then everyone recovered from the shock.

Cheers, shouts, and screams of admiration from female students.

The male students lying on the ground in the spirit fighting arena all looked up at Chen Feng in awe.

They were impressed by Chen Feng's powerful strength. They really couldn't imagine how there could be such a powerful person of the same age.

Mu Jin looked at Chen Feng who could easily suppress more than forty male students with his own strength and even had enough energy to spare. I couldn't help but feel happy.

In the freshman assessment three months later, who else will be the champion besides Chen Feng? Chen Feng will definitely win the championship, his senior teacher is guaranteed! ! !

Mu Jin looked at Chen Feng and said with concern, Chen Feng, please go back to the stands and sit down and have a good rest.

Then Mu Jin went to the teacher in charge of treatment in the Soul Fighting Area.

Soon an ordinary-looking mature woman of about thirty years old came to the spirit fighting arena.

Looking at the students lying down, he looked at Hibiscus with a dark face.

Teacher Mujin, you want to tire me to death.

Teacher Wang, please.

Teacher Wang followed Mu Jin onto the field and checked on the male student lying on the ground.

All of these students are fine. They all have superficial injuries, and they are also mentally affected. They should just rest and be fine.

In the stands, Chen Feng found a seat and sat on it, then meditated to recover his consumed soul power.

The female students around him cast their fiery gazes over from time to time, and then discussed Chen Feng in a low voice.

With Chen Feng achieving the feat of one against forty, ordinary female students no longer dared to come over and get close to Chen Feng. They knew clearly that they were not worthy of Chen Feng. For a while, Chen Feng's surroundings were quite quiet.

Ning Tian's big aqua-blue eyes looked at Chen Feng meditating there to recover his soul power, and he was too embarrassed to disturb him.

Nanmen Yun'er, who was next to Ning Tian, ​​looked at Ning Tian's eyes and suddenly felt quite uncomfortable. It was obviously Chen Feng who she fell in love with first...

Ning Tian turned around and met Nanmen Yun'er's eyes. The two pairs of aqua blue and dark green eyes refused to give way to each other.

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