Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 270 Ling Luochen: What happened?

Chen Feng looked at the perfect creation that was white and rosy, and felt that he was quite pretentious in the past. He didn't like the evil sect's cultivation. It was a waste of resources.

How could such a beautiful thing be thrown away? Thanks to Xiao Tao's initiative, he was able to find his way back and learn to appreciate the joy of it.

Ma Xiaotao looked at Chen Feng, smiled, took out the plant essence from the storage soul guide, and threw it to Chen Feng.

Then he said: "Chen Feng, have you tasted the sweetness? Who was not willing to do it before?"

Chen Feng: () I used to be too pretentious, but I didn’t expect that one day the Law of True Fragrance would come to my door.

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Sister Xiaotao, lie down and I'll press it for you~"

Ma Xiaotao smiled and lay on Chen Feng's lap, closing her eyes.

Chen Feng took the plant essence and began to massage Ma Xiaotao.

Soon Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao began to discuss the evil cultivation methods~

……………………Three thousand words are omitted here.

At this point, with Chen Feng's efforts, the harem has ushered in initial harmony.

Chen Feng's first girlfriend Ma Xiaotao accepted Chen Feng being with other women.

Although Ma Xiaotao still can't accept being with other women with Chen Feng.

But this already made Chen Feng very happy, at least the scene of fighting like before would not happen again in the future.

A few days passed in a blink of an eye, and Chen Feng was living a very comfortable life these days.

There is no need to think about fighting between women, and there is no need to hide the relationship with Wu Minghan Ruoruo.

You can directly and openly enjoy the blessings of others.

At this time on Poseidon Island.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, a handsome young man and two mature and beautiful women were walking on the path of Poseidon Island.

The young man has a tall and straight figure, a perfect head-to-body ratio, and long, jet-black hair that is smooth and of excellent quality.

The bridge of the nose is high and straight, the thin lips are soft and sexy, and the skin is moist. The face shape is flawless, the lines are smooth, soft and three-dimensional.

Especially the dark eyes are as deep as the stars, bright and dazzling. His whole body exuded a kind of magical attraction, which made the female students around him couldn't help but focus on the young man.

On the left and right sides of the young man, there are two mature beauties, although their brilliance is overshadowed by the young man's unparalleled beauty, but they are also rare beauties, each with their own characteristics.

The person on the left is a sexy beauty with beautiful long golden hair who looks in her mid-twenties.

The fair face is quite delicate, the long eyelashes tremble slightly like butterfly wings, the bridge of the nose is high, and the red lips are full and attractive.

Wearing a conservative black dress, she hid her curvy figure and a pair of slender and powerful legs, just waiting for the owner of this delicate body to appreciate and play with her in the evening.

The mature beauty on the right hand side of the young man has a head of black and thick waist-length hair like a waterfall, and looks a little older than the blonde beauty on the left.

His eyes were as black as paint, and his face was slightly thin, but even more refined.

The bridge of her nose is high and elegant, her lips are red and full, and she is wearing a cheongsam, which makes her look slim and graceful, with a slender waist. The plump breasts and hips are graceful and full of the charm of a mature woman.

The legs under the cheongsam are slender and straight, and the exposed skin is as white as snow, delicate and smooth, without a trace of blemishes.

The two women stretched out their lotus arms to hold the young man's arm. The three of them were Chen Feng, Wu Ming, and Han Ruoruo.

Ever since their relationship with Chen Feng was made public, Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo would drag Chen Feng around openly and openly on Poseidon Island and Shrek City from time to time.

As if they were announcing something, Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo's smiles bloomed like peach blossoms. Looking at Chen Feng, their eyes were watery and radiant, and the affection in their eyes was so strong that it was about to overflow.

At this time, the male students around him all looked at Chen Feng with envy and jealousy.

They were secretly wondering why Chen Feng could hug him from left to right and ride on several boats without overturning, but he could only be single and unable to catch a beautiful woman from the inner courtyard.

Chen Feng didn't care about these envious and jealous looks, and still maintained his indifferent and confident smile, walking leisurely on the path of Poseidon Island with the two beauties Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo.

Chen Feng said, "Ming'er, Ruoruo, should we go to Shrek City to eat tonight, or should we go to the inner courtyard cafeteria?"

Wu Ming said directly, "Go to Shrek City. The food in the cafeteria is the same every day. I'm tired of it."

Han Ruoruo looked at Chen Feng and asked Chen Feng for his opinion, "Brother Chen Feng, what do you want to eat tonight?"

Chen Feng smiled and hugged Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo's slender waists and said, "Then let's go to Shrek City to eat something."

After saying that, the figures of Chen Feng and the three of them stretched out in the afterglow of the setting sun, like a beautiful picture scroll, and gradually disappeared from everyone's eyes.

This caused many young men and women in the inner courtyard to talk about it.

"Wow, I'm so envious of Senior Sister Wu Ming and Senior Sister Han Ruoruo. They are both radiant and moisturized.

Junior Chen Feng is really amazing. He can actually make Senior Wu Ming and Senior Han Ruoruo willingly become women for her. "A pretty female student from the inner courtyard looked at Chen Feng's back and said.

Next to this pretty female student, another female student from the inner courtyard hugged her shoulders and looked at her with disdain, and said in a disdainful voice, "Oh, he's just a playboy and a scumbag, what's so great about it?" ."

"Chen Feng must be very powerful, not only in terms of talent and strength, but I think he is also very powerful in other aspects. Otherwise, how would he be able to silence the flame mad demon Ma Xiaotao." Another female student from the inner courtyard guessed.

As the female student finished speaking, the surrounding female students all looked at each other, then blushed and lowered their heads shyly.

While the female students were discussing, the male students on the other side were also discussing.

"Oh my god, Chen Feng is so enviable. He is hugging him from left to right, and there is also the flame mad demon Ma Xiaotao." A male student who looked tall and strong said.

"Are you envious of this? Aren't you even more envious at night? Ma Xiaotao, Wu Ming, and Han Ruoruo are serving three beauties together. It's so cool." A skinny monkey-like male student said with a playful smile.

Another male student said with envy and hatred, "I don't think it will take long before this guy Chen Feng will be drained of all his energy and drained to death. He, a little soul king, dares to take advantage of three powerful women at the soul saint level." Soul Master, look how he died on the bed."

"Death under the peony flowers, even a ghost is romantic. It is truly a life worth living to have such a relationship with three beauties."

Chen Feng: (;_) A bunch of scum...

Chen Feng and Wu Minghan Ruoruo went on a trip, attracting many passers-by to watch and discuss.

While the onlookers were discussing.

Several inner academy students who went out to hunt soul beasts and needed to obtain soul rings returned to Shrek City.

The two inner courtyard teachers who had reached the Contra level and were responsible for leading the team looked at the majestic Shrek City, and their tense spirits suddenly relaxed.

The two teachers from the inner courtyard put their arms around each other, turned to look at the students behind them and said, "Shrek City has arrived, students, the team is disbanded. Everyone is very tired from being outside these days, so please relax."

After saying that, the two teachers walked towards the most relaxing entertainment city in Shrek City.

Several inner courtyard students who had obtained soul rings thanked the two inner courtyard teachers, "Thank you for your hard work, teacher."

After expressing his gratitude to the teacher, a sweet-looking female student from the inner courtyard said, "Why don't you find a place to celebrate?"

A male student from the inner courtyard looked at the female student from the inner courtyard infatuatedly and said, "Tingting, this is a good suggestion. Obtaining the soul ring went very smoothly this time. There was no danger. Everyone also found the soul ring that suits them. It’s really time to celebrate.”

Several other students also agreed after hearing this, and one by one said, "Such a good thing must be celebrated somewhere."

Just when several inner court students expressed their intention to celebrate, only one inner court student remained silent.

At this time, the other inner courtyard students said to the silent inner courtyard student, "Ling Luochen, will you come and celebrate together?"

When he heard other students calling him, Ling Luochen, who had just absorbed the sixth soul ring and became a powerful soul emperor, said calmly, "You guys go, I'm going back to Shrek Academy first."

Seeing that Ling Luochen was so aloof, the other inner courtyard students stopped inviting them and said to Ling Luochen, "Okay, Ling Luochen, bye, let's go celebrate."

After saying that, he waved goodbye to Ling Luochen and walked towards Shrek City's most prosperous business district.

Ling Luochen had no interest in participating in any celebrations. Even if he celebrated, he would celebrate with Chen Feng.

Thinking of Chen Feng, a smile appeared on Ling Luochen's delicate and cold face.

After absorbing the sixth soul ring, Ling Luochen's pretty face became more refined, and her skin was as white as jade and as tender as water.

Her eyebrows are as thin as willows, her eyes are filled with autumn water, and the corners of her eyes are slightly raised, revealing a unique coolness. The lips are light red, as soft as petals. Especially a pair of beautiful legs, thin and straight.

Ling Luochen thought to himself, "I haven't seen Chen Feng for several days. I really miss him."

With this thought in mind, Ling Luochen moved lightly towards the east gate of Shrek City. (The main gate of Shrek Academy is at the east gate of Shrek City)

Just as Ling Luochen was walking towards the gate of Shrek Academy, Chen Feng, Han Ruoruo, and Wu Ming walked out of the gate of Shrek Academy.

Chen Feng, Wu Minghan and Ruoruo are three handsome men and a beautiful woman. They attract the attention of countless people as soon as they go out, especially the combination of one man and two women is even more eye-catching.

At this time, it was dusk, and the students in the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy had already finished school. After the day's classes, they naturally took this time to eat, drink, have fun, and relax.

So at this time, the gate of Shrek Academy was filled with vendors and Shrek Academy students.

Seeing Chen Feng and the three of them holding hands and arm in arm, the people gathered at the east gate of Shrek Academy all said, "Who is that male student? He actually brought two beauties with him?"

"You don't even know him, but he is Chen Feng."

"Chen Feng? That Chen Feng who represents Shrek Academy in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition as a regular member?"

"Yes, that's him. He is known as the most talented student since the establishment of Shrek Academy."

"So he is Chen Feng. No wonder he is accompanied by two beautiful women."

"These two beauties are not simple. They are both students in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. One is the number one control soul master in the inner courtyard, Jin Xianzi Han Ruoruo, and the other is the Golden Crow Saint. There are two active volcanoes in the inner courtyard. One of Wu Ming."

"Isn't Chen Feng's girlfriend Ma Xiaotao? What's going on with these two?"

"I don't know. How do we know about the students in the inner courtyard?"


Chen Feng listened to the discussions among the people around him, looked at Wu Minghan Ruoruo and said with a smile, "Are you satisfied?"

Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo looked at Chen Feng and said, "We just want others to know that you are our man."

Chen Feng patted the arms of Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo and said, "Sister Ming'er, sister Ruoruo, in the future, I will give you a grand wedding so that everyone in Douluo Continent will know that you are my women. ."

Hearing Chen Feng's words, Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo almost fell to the ground. They could only lean on Chen Feng, and then looked at Chen Feng with their eyes.

Brother Chen Feng~ is so good, senior sister can’t stop him~

At this moment, Ling Luochen, the little paicai who was rushing towards Shrek Academy, saw that the entrance of Shrek Academy was crowded with people, blocking the entrance of Shrek Academy.

Ling Luochen thought to himself, "What happened? Why are there so many people?"

Immediately, he tiptoed to the ground and jumped onto a building. Then he opened his eyes wide and saw the scene that almost made Ling Luochen choke on his saliva.

"Chen...Chen Feng? Ahem, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough, cough. There are two old women, Wu Minghan, Ruoruo, how can they go out so openly? Aren't they afraid that Ma Xiaotao will find out?" Ling Luochen looked at Chen in surprise. Feng and the others muttered.

Ling Luochen, who went out to obtain the soul ring, naturally did not know that the relationship between Chen Feng and Wu Minghan Ruoruo had been discovered by Ma Xiaotao when she obtained the soul ring.

In the end, there was a big fight and everyone in the inner courtyard knew about it. Afterwards, Chen Feng even smoothed over Ma Xiaotao and made Ma Xiaotao accept Chen Feng's other women.

Ling Luochen thought to himself, "What happened on Poseidon Island during my absence? Why did I suddenly not recognize him?"

At this time, Chen Feng noticed Ling Luochen's gaze and immediately looked up, meeting Ling Luochen's eyes.

Chen Feng said to Wu Minghan Ruoruo beside him, "Sister Ruoruo, sister Ming'er, Xiaoba Cai is back, let's go find her."

Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo nodded.

After saying that, Chen Feng used the virtual sword soul skill, and Wu Minghan Ruoruo and Wu Minghan disappeared from the sight of the people around them.

"Where is Chen Feng?"

"No need to ask, he must have left."

"It's a pity. I still want to try to have a word with Chen Feng."

"Don't be crazy. You and Chen Feng are not from the same world. Even if you really say a few words to him, will you be able to take off?"


Soon, Chen Feng and the others came to the opposite side of Ling Luochen.

Chen Feng looked at Xiao Pa Cai, whom he had not seen for several days, and said with a smile, "Chen'er, congratulations on becoming a powerful Soul Emperor!"

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