When Ma Xiaotao heard what Mr. Wang Ge said, she clenched her fists excitedly. She was finally able to leave this boring place called Qingxin Chamber. Mom, I am free! !

Cai Mei'er looked at Ma Xiaotao and smiled softly, "Xiaotao, you come out early. Chen Feng doesn't know if you want Chen Feng to come and pick you up."

"Master's wife, there is no need to tell Chen Feng, I can just go back directly, just in time to give Chen Feng a surprise."

After saying that, Ma Xiaotao turned into a red light and flew towards home.

Ma Xiaotao's heart was beating wildly with excitement, and her red phoenix eyes were shining with red light.

I haven’t seen Chen Feng for almost two weeks. Sister Xiaotao, I miss you so much.

Ma Xiaotiao could not help but shudder when he thought of the ecstasy and bone-crushing taste.

Mr. Wang Ge looked at Ma Xiaotao's turbulent look and said to Cai Meier with a straight face, "Mei'er, for the sake of you and Shaozhe, this time I will give you a small punishment but a big warning. Remember to warn Xiaotao when you go back. Don't do this in the future." Impulsive."

Cai Meier looked at Mr. Wang Ge and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Wang Ge, for showing mercy. I will definitely give Xiao Tao a good warning when I look back."

Mr. Wang Ge nodded after listening to Cai Meier's words, stroking his beard and said, "I don't know how Xiaotao developed her character. Meier, you were gentle and steady (scheming) when you were young.

Although Shaozhe was a little more romantic when he was young, he was also quite mature. The two of you have taught Xiao Tao since childhood, and it stands to reason that although Xiao Tao has a gentle and considerate personality, he should also be mature and decent. "

Cai Meier heard Mr. Wang Ge say that she and Yan Shaozhe had not taught Xiao Tao well. He replied with a smile, "Mr. Wang Ge, what you said is wrong. Character is innate and education will have an impact, but it will not fundamentally change you."

Mr. Wang Ge stroked his beard and said dissatisfiedly, "Mei'er, as the deputy dean of the Martial Arts Department and a teacher in the inner courtyard, shouldn't you believe in the power of education?"

Cai Meier raised her eyebrows and looked at Mr. Wang Ge, "Because of this, I understand that the most important thing in education is to teach students according to their aptitude, rather than rigidly teaching all students to look the same."

Mr. Wang Ge suddenly blew his beard and stared at Cai Meier, who still had a smile on her face.

Three seconds later, a smile appeared on Mr. Wang Ge's face, "It's not unfair for Lin'er to lose to you. Although Lin'er is slightly better in talent, she is not as good as you in other aspects."

Cai Meier smiled and said nothing, and said to Mr. Wang Ge, "Mr. Wang, I will leave now and come back to visit another day."


At noon, the sun is high in the sky, which is the most dazzling time of the day.

At this time, Zhang Lexuan, the senior sister of the inner courtyard, was beside the window, staring at the scenery outside the window, looking a little confused.

Thinking of that night two days ago...

That night, Zhang Lexuan was in a particularly depressed mood.

Her first kiss was taken away by Chen Feng. Since then, Zhang Lexuan has been thinking about how she should treat Chen Feng.

Sometimes I think that I should completely reject Chen Feng and let Chen Feng give up. Sometimes I want to give Chen Feng a chance.

Zhang Lexuan thought about it for several days, and suddenly discovered that Chen Feng, the bastard who took away her first kiss and touched her body all over, took advantage and didn't come to her for many days.

This made Zhang Lexuan feel a little resentful. She took advantage and ran away? If I don’t come to you, you won’t come to me, right?

Zhang Lexuan couldn't help but want to meet Chen Feng and ask him what he was thinking.

But soon, Zhang Lexuan gave up her thoughts.

He took the initiative to find Chen Feng, as if he had given in.

Since Chen Feng is not in a hurry, why should he be anxious?

But even though she thought about it like this, Zhang Lexuan still felt depressed and suddenly wanted to drink.

Zhang Lexuan dug out the wine from the cabinet that she had not drunk for a long time (there was a scene of Zhang Lexuan drinking in the original work).

Zhang Lexuan looked at the exquisite wine bottle, and then took out the sobering device and the goblet from the cabinet.

The moonlight was like water, falling on Zhang Lexuan's delicate face, reflecting her deep black eyes. She was wearing a goose-yellow dress, elegant and decent, like a fairy.

Zhang Lexuan held a crystal clear wine bottle lightly in her hand. The bottle shone charmingly in the moonlight. Tilt the wine bottle slightly and slowly pour the wine into the decanter with a light and skillful movement.

As the wine flows, a rich aroma of wine fills the air, which is intoxicating. Zhang Lexuan gently shook the decanter to allow the wine to fully contact the air, releasing a richer aroma.

After sobering up, Zhang Lexuan held a slim goblet in her hand and poured the wine, which was like the deep gems in the night sky, into it.

The white and slender jade hands gently shook the wine glass, and the red wine swayed in the glass and danced under the light.

Zhang Lexuan looked at the red wine, smelled the fragrant aroma, closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

Then I recalled every bit of my time with Chen Feng... an unparalleled genius, an unprecedented monster, Xiao Tao, Ling Luochen, and Ming'er all fell into despair... Can I hold on?

With doubts in mind, Zhang Lexuan took a sip of the wine in the glass, and a mellow aroma of wine filled the air. First there was a light fruity aroma, like freshly picked grapes gently bursting in her mouth, releasing sweet juice. This fruit The fragrance is both fresh and rich.

Then, a subtle sour taste jumps on the tip of the tongue, which interweaves with the fruity aroma, making the taste of the wine more three-dimensional and layered. The long and mellow fruity aftertaste lingers in the mouth for a long time.

Zhang Lexuan tasted the wine in the glass, and finally drank the wine in one gulp, then the second glass, the third glass, the first bottle, the second bottle... until all the wine in the cabinet was consumed.

Zhang Lexuan's cheeks had a faint alluring blush, as beautiful as peach blossoms, and charming. The originally deep eyes now looked hazy and blurred, as if trapped in a dream or intoxicated in another world.

The figure is still elegant and upright, but Zhang Lexuan looks even softer and more charming after being drunk.

Zhang Lexuan is nestled on the sofa, her hands folded on her chest, her posture is both lazy and charming.

When she was drunk, she seemed to have taken off all disguises and defenses, showing her truest self. The maturity and beauty shine even more brightly against the backdrop of wine, making it impossible to look away.

Zhang Lexuan enjoyed the tipsiness brought to her by the wine. This hazy feeling made her feel that all the worries in her heart disappeared.

With Zhang Lexuan's strong physique and cultivation. As long as she wanted to, she could expel the alcohol from her body in an instant and relieve herself of her slightly tipsy state.

Just when Zhang Lexuan closed her eyes and leaned back comfortably on the soft sofa, Han Ruoruo came to Zhang Lexuan's home.

"Dong dong dong, senior sister, are you at home?" Han Ruoruo patted the door of Zhang Lexuan's house and said.

Zhang Lexuan opened her slightly blurred eyes and said, "Ruoruo, I'm at home, come in."

When Zhang Lexuan saw Han Ruoruo coming, she immediately used her soul power to force the alcohol out of her body.

Zhang Lexuan turned on the soul guide lamp in the room, and the whole room suddenly lit up like daylight.

Han Ruoruo, who was outside the house, heard Zhang Lexuan's voice and immediately opened the door and walked in.

Han Ruoruo walked into the living room and saw the wine glasses, bottles, and decanters in the room. Smelling the smell of alcohol in the room, he was suddenly surprised and said, "Hey - senior sister, you have been drinking."

Zhang Lexuan smoothed her black hair a little embarrassed, with a gentle smile on her face, "Well, I drank some wine."

After saying that, Zhang Lexuan began to pack away the wine bottles, wine glasses and decanters in the room, and Han Ruoruo followed suit when she saw this.

After cleaning up, Zhang Lexuan and Han Ruoruo sat on the sofa together.

Han Ruoruo had just spent a day and night playing outside with Chen Feng, and now that she was back, she asked Chen Feng to accompany Wu Ming while he came to talk to Zhang Lexuan.

Wu Ming: (\u003e\u003c) Ruoruo is really my good sister.

Han Ruoruo happily shared with Zhang Lexuan, "Sister, let me tell you some good news. I am single! I have found a boyfriend."

When Zhang Lexuan heard Han Ruoruo say that she was single, she immediately looked at Han Ruoruo in surprise.

Han Ruoruo looked at senior sister Zhang Lexuan's shocked eyes, with a smug smile on her lips.

Zhang Lexuan looked at Han Ruoruo carefully under the light.

You won’t know if you don’t look at it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

Han Ruoruo Guazi's face was glowing red, and her dark eyes were full of charm.

The eyebrows are full of charm, and the skin becomes more supple and shiny.

The rosy and full cherry red lips were slightly red and swollen, making them look even more attractive.

After a few days, the plump breasts and buttocks seemed to be bigger. The traces of girlishness on the body disappeared, and the whole person became charming and charming.

Every move she makes exudes the charm of a mature woman. Whether it's the gentle movement of her hair or the slightly raised corners of her mouth, she exudes a heart-stirring aura.

This...this has been moisturized by a man! ! !

Zhang Lexuan's pupils were shaking and she looked at Han Ruoruo in disbelief.

Han Ruoruo smiled and said, "Senior sister, now that I have found a partner, you are still single, but don't think that when my child can run away, you will still be single."

Zhang Lexuan didn't care about Han Ruoruo's teasing.

She asked in shock, "Ruoruo, you are moving too fast. You said you wanted a man before, but we haven't seen each other for a few days, and you have already found your partner!! Who is your partner?"

Han Ruoruo didn't hide it from Zhang Lexuan and replied, "Sister, my boyfriend and Wu Ming's boyfriend are the same person~"

Zhang Lexuan stood up in shock, "What are you talking about? It's actually Chen Feng——"

Han Ruoruo nodded and said, "Senior sister, don't be surprised, I have thought about it, rather than lowering my standards and finding a crooked melon and split jujube.

So why not try it with the best Chen Feng? Even if I am not Chen Feng's only one and can only possess a part of Chen Feng, I still think this is a hundred times better than making do with those crooked melons and split dates. "

After saying that, Han Ruoruo smiled sweetly without knowing what she was thinking of.

When Zhang Lexuan heard Han Ruoruo's words, her mind went blank and she was completely confused.

What happened to the world? How come the two good sisters Ming'er and Ruoruo both became Chen Feng's women?

Seeing Zhang Lexuan's dull eyes, Han Ruoruo stretched out her hand and waved it in front of Zhang Lexuan's eyes.

Han Ruoruo smiled and said, "Senior sister, you don't have to worry about me. Chen Feng and I have been very good together these days. Chen Feng and I went to many places together. Sometimes Ming'er and I are together, and the three of us are together. Go have fun..."

When Zhang Lexuan heard Han Ruoruo's words, she almost thought she had heard wrong. She looked at Han Ruoruo and said speechlessly, "Ruoruo, you said you and Ming'er are together?"

Han Ruoruo hugged Zhang Lexuan's arm and nodded with a smile, "Well, senior sister, you don't have to be shocked, I can be with Chen Feng.

Ming'er occupies a large part of the reason, and Ming'er is also willing to let me and Chen Feng be together. "

Zhang Lexuan raised her head in disbelief, looked at the ceiling in confusion, and murmured, "What do you and Ming'er think? Why are you entangled with Chen Feng, a married man?"

Han Ruoruo came to play with Zhang Lexuan today just to share the joy in her heart.

It’s hard to share with others, but Han Ruoruo, Wu Ming, and Zhang Lexuan are good sisters at the same time. They have known each other since the outer courtyard of Shrek Academy and have known each other for more than ten years now.

With deep feelings, Han Ruoruo believed that there was no need for anyone to hide the three sisters.

That is to say, Chen Feng didn't know that Han Ruoruo often shared information with Zhang Lexuan, otherwise he would have blocked Han Ruoruo's mouth so that she could not speak.

Chen Feng: (.`ω) I asked why Senior Sister Zhang Lexuan looked so unhappy last time. It turns out it was Sister Ruoruo who was just a little trumpet sharing information with Senior Sister every day.

Han Ruoruo smiled and said to Zhang Lexuan, "Sister, wouldn't it be nice to be with Chen Feng? Chen Feng is talented, strong, good-looking, gentle and careful, and has a great body.

I see among the male students in the inner courtyard, apart from Chen Feng, there is no other male student who is worthy of Ming'er and me.

As for married men? How could Ma Xiaotao be worthy of Chen Feng? She cannot satisfy a powerful man like Chen Feng on her own. "

Zhang Lexuan looked at Han Ruoruo and felt numb. It was not enough for Chen Feng, a little pervert, to have three boats on his feet. Now he had four boats on his feet!

If Zhang Lexuan were really together with Chen Feng, wouldn't she become the fifth one?

Han Ruoruo naturally didn't know what Zhang Lexuan was thinking, nor did she know that Zhang Lexuan and Chen Feng were involved.

Continue to share your happiness with Zhang Lexuan.

Zhang Lexuan's face turned red when she heard this, and she couldn't help but drive Han Ruoruo away.

After Han Ruoruo left, Zhang Lexuan blushed and thought, "Chen Feng is really that powerful? Are Ming'er and Ruoruo no match?"


When her thoughts returned to the present, Zhang Lexuan looked out the window in confusion, unable to accept that Chen Feng had so many women.

Just when Zhang Lexuan was confused, she suddenly discovered that the attic of her neighbor, Chen Feng's house, had been turned into ruins by the terrifying soul power fluctuations.

As a loud phoenix cry sounded, the red phoenix flames shot straight into the sky...

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