Chapter 258 Boost~

Chen Feng saw Wu Ming pretending to be faint and stopped teasing her. Turning to look at Han Ruoruo, Han Ruoruo was "very caring" to her good sister Wu Ming when they were playing around.

Afraid that Wu Ming would not be able to eat well, he directly gave Wu Ming a boost of PP, causing Wu Ming to suffer from indigestion.

Chen Feng cried out in his heart that it was a waste, and secretly felt guilty.

Chen Feng was much gentler towards Han Ruoruo. Although Han Ruoruo was very mature, he still had to pay attention to his sense of propriety. The future was long and there was no shortage of this.

Wu Ming's martial spirit is the top-notch beast martial spirit Jinwu, and his physical strength is better than that of Han Ruoruo, the weapon martial spirit, so naturally those with the ability have to work harder.

Wu Ming was hurt and angrily said to Chen Feng, "Chen Feng, you must treat Ruoruo as an equal and treat me as an equal. You can't just take care of me!!"

Han Ruoruo was greatly "touched" after hearing this, and her arms became more powerful.

Han Ruoruo lay in Chen Feng's arms. Hearing Chen Feng's words, Han Ruoruo couldn't help but smile and said, "Ming'er has a strong will to win. Brother Chen Feng, just tell Ming'er that she is better. I surrender."

Wu Ming, who closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep, heard Han Ruoruo's words and thought to himself: "It's true that I'm not mature enough... Then let's not compete~"

Han Ruoruo found Chen Feng's deep starry eyes staring at her, raised her head and met Chen Feng's eyes.

Looking into Chen Feng's deep eyes, Han Ruoruo was intoxicated by Chen Feng's handsome face for a moment.

Han Ruoruo has known Chen Feng for a year and already had a good impression of Chen Feng, but her mentality has changed in the past few days.

My appreciation for my friend's man has turned into my love for him. Now that I'm with Chen Feng, I feel like there's an extra person in my originally empty heart. My heart is full, and I feel very warm and at ease.

Han Ruoruo couldn't help but hugged Chen Feng's neck and kissed her sweet lips.

Just when Han Ruoruo and Chen Feng got together, their relationship quickly heated up.

At this time, Han Ruoruo really wanted to tie herself to Chen Feng.

Three minutes later, their lips parted. Han Ruoruo looked at Chen Feng and said shyly: "Brother Chen Feng, aren't you tired~"

Han Ruoruo was extremely shocked at this time. At this time, Han Ruoruo finally understood why Wu Ming wanted to help her share the burden.

This is not because Wu Ming is arrogant, but because Chen Feng is really too strong, so strong that Wu Ming has to take the initiative to find other people to share his burden.

Han Ruoruo swallowed her saliva. As a woman close to thirty years old, Han Ruoruo still knew a lot about this kind of thing.

The married sisters even complained to her, saying that their husbands were not only poor in appearance but also poor in hidden abilities.

Although male soul masters are much stronger than ordinary people due to the nourishment of soul power and strengthened soul rings, the same is true for female soul masters.

The powerful female soul master's core strength is so strong that it is no exaggeration to say that she can break bones and suck marrow.

Coupled with the inherent disadvantages of male compatriots, they are even more afraid of powerful female soul masters.

This is an important reason why powerful female soul masters want to find male soul masters with strong talents and strength, because this is the only way to be happy, and finding a weak one is not a good match~

Han Ruoruo and Wu Ming had been unable to find suitable male students before, which was also an important factor.

Who said that Han Ruoruo and Wu Ming were too strong? Except for Chen Feng, no male student in the entire inner courtyard could suppress Han Ruoruo and Wu Ming.

It’s not that the big sister is bad, it’s that men’s dignity keeps male students away~

Han Ruoruo looked at Chen Feng's tall and straight body, smooth lines, smooth skin, excellent touch but containing infinite power, and thought happily, "I will be blessed in the future~"

Soon Han Ruoruo thought of a new question and thought to herself: "Chen Feng's body seems to be in better condition. Now Chen Feng's cultivation level is so powerful as the Soul King. If he breaks through to the Soul Saint Titled Douluo in the future, how can he It’s not about…”

Han Ruoruo didn't know what picture came to mind, her pretty face turned red, and she looked at Chen Feng with wandering eyes.

When Chen Feng heard Han Ruoruo ask him if he was tired, a slight smile appeared on his face.

tired? This word does not exist in Chen Feng's dictionary. The exercises Chen Feng practices have the effect of nourishing the body.

With the help of the martial arts, Chen Feng was able to deal with Ma Xiaotao, a powerful female soul master, when he was still weak.

After absorbing the gold of living beings, Chen Feng's strength experienced a surge.

Ma Xiaotao Wu Ming, who used to take Chen Feng several hours to defeat, was now defeated in Chen Feng's hands in an hour or two. Chen Feng even wiped out little losers like Ling Luochen with ease.

Chen Feng looked at Han Ruoruo and said with a smile: "Sister Ruoruo, do you think I am tired?"

Han Ruoruo looked Chen Feng up and down, swallowed, and quickly imitated Wu Ming, pretending to be dizzy, and said confusedly, "Chen Feng, I'm so sleepy, I fell asleep~"

Chen Feng couldn't help laughing and laughed, "Pfft, okay, Sister Ruoruo, Sister Wu Ming, I won't tease you anymore, it's just a joke."

Hearing Chen Feng say that he was joking, Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo immediately stopped pretending to be asleep. In embarrassment, one of them stretched out a hand and pinched the soft flesh around Chen Feng's waist.

However, Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo were always pretending to be angry, but they were actually acting coquettishly.

Wu Ming lay on Chen Feng's chest and said angrily: "Chen Feng, you little bastard, don't be proud. One day I will let you hold your waist and walk!"

Han Ruoruo smiled and said to Wu Ming: "Ming'er, next time we two must let brother Chen Feng know how powerful we are."

Chen Feng smiled and said nothing, but kissed Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo on their foreheads and cheeks.

Han Ruoruo and Wu Ming closed their eyes, and the two of them lay in Chen Feng's arms and rested quietly.


Mingdu, the distant capital of the Sun and Moon Empire, is a small city a hundred kilometers away in the southeast.

In an ordinary hotel, the strong men of the Noumenon Sect are resting here at this time.

In addition to the strong men of the Noumenon Sect, there was also a comatose soul master in his twenties lying on the cold floor of the hotel, unable to wake up.

On the chest of this soul master is a blue emblem in the shape of an eight-pointed star with three diamond stars on it.

The soul master badges are all in the shape of an eight-pointed star, but they are still very different depending on the level.

The soul master badges for levels one to three are aqua blue, with the number of diamond-carved stars on them distinguishing the levels.

The color of the badges for levels four to six becomes purple, the color of the badges for levels seven and eight is black, and the color of the badges for level nine is red. As for the tenth level, because there has never been a tenth level soul master, so until now, there is no tenth level soul master badge.

The badge on the chest of the unconscious soul master on the ground was the third-level soul master badge.

Elder Xiao Long, who was sitting on the sofa, looked at the soul master lying on the floor, and said to the elite disciples of the Noumenon Sect standing respectfully behind him: "Lang Ya, go and wake him up."

After hearing what Xiao Long said, the big-headed man Lang Yadao immediately nodded in agreement.

Then his eyes narrowed slightly, and then, the air in the entire room became violently distorted.

Like water-like ripples, everything in the entire room became illusory.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying mental power entered the mind of the unconscious soul master.

The next moment, the soul master who was lying on the ground stood up and slowly opened his closed eyes.

As soon as the soul master opened his eyes, he saw all kinds of strange people in the room.

Some have really big heads, some have really thick arms, some have really long legs, and some have really big ears.

Only the old man in the center of this group of grotesque humans looked kind and kind, just like ordinary people.

The soul master remembered that he was still at home before, but now he appeared in a strange place.

Suddenly he said in panic, "Who are you? What are you going to do? Do you know the consequences of kidnapping the noble soul master of the Sun and Moon Empire?"

After hearing what Teacher Hu said, all the powerful men of the Noumenon Sect present turned a blind eye. What's more, a disdainful smile appeared on the corners of their mouths.

Not to mention an ordinary soul master, even the royal family of the Sun Moon Empire and the people of the Noumenon Sect would not look down upon him.

The soul master saw that these weird people didn't want to accept his tricks at all, so he just wanted to take action.

But he suddenly found that his body was completely out of his control, and he couldn't move even if he wanted to. This feeling of his body being out of control frightened the soul master.

Seeing that he was too stubborn, the soul master cried and begged, "Please, let me go. I have a seventy-year-old father and a three-year-old child.

The whole family needs my care. Whatever you want me to do, I will do it, as long as you are willing to let me go. "

This soul master cried with tears streaming down his face and snot bubbles coming out of his nose. It really made everyone cry when he heard it, and sad when he saw it.

Lang Ya hummed, "Okay, okay, you're an orphan, where did you get a seventy-year-old father? As for a son? You're a single guy, you don't even have a wife, how did you get a son."

Soul Engineer: (-ι_-)......It's broken, so I didn't fool it.

As soon as Lang Ya finished speaking, the whole room fell silent for a moment. Apparently, Lang Ya made special investigation when arresting people. Specially arrest those who are not conspicuous and have no relatives or friends. If such people disappear, they will not attract anyone's attention in a short period of time.

When the soul master saw that his lies were exposed, his expression suddenly fell.

At this time, Elder Xiao Long said with a gentle smile on his old face, "We just want to ask you a few questions, you don't have to be afraid..."

Before Xiao Long could finish what he said, the soul master nodded quickly and said, "I'll tell you everything. Whatever you ask me, I'll tell you everything I know."

Seeing that this man was so afraid of death, Elder Xiao Long nodded kindly, "Don't worry, we just want to know something trivial from you, and we won't harm your life."

A quarter of an hour later, there was one less person in the hotel room and an extra handful of ashes.

One of the elite disciples of the Noumenon Sect clapped his hands, which were much thicker than ordinary people, and then took out a towel from the storage soul guide and wiped the remaining things on his hands.

Elder Xiao Long, who was sitting on the sofa, touched his chin and said, "Yes, the person you selected is very suitable. He is not eye-catching. He also studied at the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. I guess you have some brains."

The elite disciple of the Noumenon Sect behind Xiao Long flattered him respectfully, "They are all taught well by the elders."

Elder Xiao Long laughed loudly and said, "In that case, let's start making plans."


Poseidon Island, the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy. Chen Feng’s family.

At this time, Han Ruoruo and Wu Ming were lying on their sides on the bed, sleeping soundly with Chen Feng's arms on their pillows.

Chen Feng breathed in the body fragrance of Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo and looked at the ceiling with deep eyes.

The technique moves quickly along the eight extraordinary meridians in the body, refining the yin energy absorbed previously.

The huge energy promotes the rapid improvement of Chen Feng's skills and tempers Chen Feng's body.

From the skin to the bones and muscles, to the meridians and bones, as well as the internal organs and bone marrow, everything is being strengthened.

As all the Yin attribute energy was digested and absorbed by Chen Feng, Chen Feng's martial arts skills broke through from the early stage of the second level to the middle stage of the second level.

Driven by the technique, Chen Feng's soul power increased by one and a half levels, and his soul power broke through from level 54 to level 55 and a half.

When Chen Feng was in the Soul Sect realm, he and Wu Ming improved Chen Feng's cultivation by two levels. Now that Chen Feng's cultivation has reached the Soul King realm, more energy is needed to improve his cultivation.

The reason why he was able to advance to one and a half levels was because Han Ruoruo's cultivation level was much stronger than that of Wu Ming, who first entered the Soul Sage a year ago.

If Han Ruoruo's cultivation level was just the seventy-first level of junior soul saint like Wu Ming, he would probably be able to increase Chen Feng's soul power by one level.

Han Ruoruo's talent is better than Wu Ming's, she is older than Wu Ming, and her cultivation level is higher than Wu Ming's.

Han Ruoruo has now reached level 76. It is expected that in two years, Han Ruoruo's soul power will reach level 79 and charge towards the Contra realm.

(In Poseidon's Fate five years later in the original work, it is stated that Han Ruoruo almost broke through level 80 three years ago).

Wu Ming's current soul power level is lower than Han Ruoyuo's, only level 74 soul power.

This is because practicing with Chen Feng accelerates the progress faster. Otherwise, Wu Ming's soul power cultivation level is estimated to be between level 72 and 73 now.

When reaching the realm of soul saint, the cultivation speed of all soul masters will slow down. Even senior sister Zhang Lexuan can advance to the third level of cultivation in one year at the realm of soul saint.

For other talented students in the inner academy, it is very good if they can advance to two levels in one year. Soul masters who are not talented enough will find it difficult to even advance to one level in one year when they reach the Soul Saint realm.

Under the tempering of Yin and Yang Qi, Chen Feng's body has become stronger, and his body's endurance has been roughly increased by two thousand years. Now Chen Feng can withstand a soul ring that lasts for about seventy thousand, four thousand to seventy-five thousand years.

After finishing practicing, Chen Feng closed his eyes...

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