"Dong dong dong!" There was a knock on the door.

"Chen Feng, are you there?" A beautiful woman knocked on Chen Feng's door.

Han Ruoruo's slender palms were sweating slightly, and her little heart couldn't help but accelerate when she thought of being alone with Chen Feng later.

At this time, Chen Feng in the living room opened his eyes, his energy was released, and he found that it was Han Ruoruo. Chen Feng remembered that Han Ruoruo peeked at himself and Wu Ming last night.

He thought to himself, "Han Ruoruo came to me, isn't it because he saw me and Wu Ming yesterday... and then came here to ask for guilt like Zhang Lexuan?"

Chen Feng was not afraid of this, but found it interesting. Chen Feng immediately came to the door and opened the door to Han Ruoruo.

"Creak!" The door opened.

Chen Feng looked at Han Ruoruo wearing a black short skirt, smiled and greeted Han Ruoruo, "Sister Ruoruo is here! It's a rare visitor, come in and sit down."

After opening the door, Han Ruoruo carefully looked at Chen Feng from top to bottom, from his handsome face to his tall body.

Han Ruoruo swallowed secretly. The heart beats faster. Han Ruoruo thought to herself, "Chen Feng is so handsome. I'm going to be intimate and alone with Chen Feng later. I'm a little excited. Why wasn't I excited when I met Chen Feng before?"

The reason why Han Ruoruo was excited was simple, that is, she didn't covet Chen Feng's body before and only regarded Chen Feng as Ma Xiaotao's boyfriend.

Now Han Ruoruo has longed for Chen Feng and regarded Chen Feng as her prospective boyfriend.

When you have no desire or desire for a person, you will naturally not be excited by it. But if you have thoughts and desires for a person, your emotions will change because of that person.

Just like many people can talk freely about their elder sisters and aunts, but they become reserved towards beautiful young ladies and cannot say a word for a long time.

Han Ruoruo calmed down, took a deep breath, and suppressed her excitement.

Then Han Ruoruo followed Chen Feng into the living room.

The living room is spacious and bright, with sunlight filtering through the windows, golden sunlight shining on the wooden floor, and a faint masculine atmosphere filling the air.

Han Ruoruo walked into the living room, and the golden sunlight hit her through the window, covering her with a golden halo.

Han Ruoruo's hair was black and thick, flowing down her waist like a waterfall, exuding a faint fragrance.

His eyes were as black as paint, and his thick eyelashes trembled slightly like butterfly wings. His face was thinner, making it appear more delicate and three-dimensional.

The bridge of the nose is high and elegant, giving people a feeling of arrogance yet gentleness. The lips are red and full, like freshly ripe cherries, making people want to kiss them.

She has a slim figure and a slender waist that seems to be grasped by a gentle grip, while her plump breasts and buttocks are gracefully curved, full of the charm of a mature woman.

The legs under the black short skirt are slender and straight, making people want to put them on their shoulders and play with them carefully.

The skin outside the skirt is as white as snow, delicate and smooth, without a trace of blemishes. Under the sun, Han Ruoruo's skin seemed to have a faint luster.

Han Ruoruo walked into the room and looked around. She found that the room was neat and orderly and neatly arranged. Han Ruoruo thought to herself: "Chen Feng's room is quite clean."

Chen Feng looked at Han Ruoruo and said with a smile: "Sister Ruoruo, please sit on the sofa and wait."

After saying that, Chen Feng turned around and prepared some food and drinks to entertain Han Ruoruo.

Han Ruoruo looked at Chen Feng's tall and straight body, and immediately remembered the scene between Chen Feng and Wu Ming yesterday in her mind. For a moment, Han Ruoruo's mouth went dry, and she felt a hot breath flowing in her body.

Han Ruoruo stretched out her pink jade, which was slender than the average woman, licked her dry lips, and then said, "Junior Chen Feng, you don't have to worry about preparations. I came to you just to have a chat. You don't have to do anything. .”

"It's all ready-made. It only takes a few seconds to take it out and it's not troublesome. Sister Ruoruo, please sit on the sofa first." Chen Feng took out the food and drink from the cabinet and placed them on the coffee table next to the sofa.

Then make tea and get snacks. Chen Feng picked up the teapot, poured the tea into the delicate teacup, then picked up a delicate snack from the plate and handed it to Han Ruoruo.

"Sister Ruoruo, have some tea and some snacks." Chen Feng had a smile on his handsome face, and his whole person exuded an invisible aura that made Han Ruoruo unable to take his eyes away.

How can Han Ruoruo be in the mood to drink tea and eat snacks at this time? Now she just wants to get to know Chen Feng better.

Han Ruoruo looked at Chen Feng's face, took the teacup and snacks, and expressed her gratitude with a smile. He took a sip of tea and a snack, then looked at Chen Feng's handsome face and praised: "This tea is so fragrant."

But what Han Ruoruo said is whether the tea is more fragrant or the people are more fragrant. This is a matter of opinion and wisdom.

Han Ruoruo took a sip of tea, ate some snacks, and placed the tea cup and snacks on the coffee table. Obviously Han Ruoruo has no interest in snacks or anything like that. The only thing she was interested in was Chen Feng.

Who knows the pain of an older single woman? Han Ruoruo looked at the number one male student in the inner courtyard, and she couldn't hold it any longer.

In the eyes of the male students in the inner academy, the number one female student is naturally Zhang Lexuan, the senior sister.

But in the eyes of female students, the number one male student is Chen Feng.

Especially in the inner courtyard, there are more women than boys, and the yin is strong and the yang is weak, which makes Chen Feng quite famous among the female students in the inner courtyard.

If Chen Feng hadn't been living in seclusion, he would be either practicing Yin Yang Jue or trying to comprehend the realm. He doesn't participate in other inner courtyard activities very much, otherwise Chen Feng's reputation among the female students in the inner courtyard might be even better.

Just when Han Ruoruo was eating snacks and drinking tea at Chen Feng's house.

Wu Ming also came to Chen Feng's house, but Wu Ming did not enter Chen Feng's room, but quietly looked at Han Ruoruo and Chen Feng in the grass outside the window.

The reason why Wu Ming came here was that she was a little worried about whether Han Ruoruo would just give it to her for free, and she also wanted to see what would happen between Han Ruoruo and Chen Feng.

Wu Ming looked through the window at Chen Feng and Han Ruoruo drinking tea and snacks in the room.

Wu Ming felt a little anxious and thought to himself, "Ruoruo, what are you doing? Why are you drinking tea and eating snacks there? Come on, get to the point, and act according to my method."

At this time, Han Ruoruo and Chen Feng were chatting in the room. Han Ruoruo was gossiping about the inner courtyard for a while, and discussing cultivation issues with Chen Feng for a while.

The two chatted for a long time, and when they saw Wu Ming outside the room, she felt itchy and wished she could replace Han Ruoruo in the battle.

Just when Wu Ming was extremely anxious, Han Ruoruo looked at Chen Feng's handsome face and started to get to the point.

Han Ruoruo looked at Chen Feng with a playful smile on his lips and said, "Junior Chen Feng, I actually have something I want to talk to you about."

Chen Feng snorted and said with a smile: "Sister Ruoruo, what do you want to talk about when you come to me?"

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