Chapter 251 Share it...

Wu Ming looked at Han Ruoruo, her eyes widened, and a slight blush appeared on her fair face. She shyly explained: "Ruoruo, Chen Feng will come later, I wore it for him to see."

Han Ruoruo gave a thumbs up and praised: "Ming'er, don't worry, it's very tempting and very beautiful. Chen Feng will definitely not be able to hold it back after seeing it."

Wu Ming, as a powerful attack-type beast martial spirit soul saint, has recovered after a day and a half of rest, but Ling Luochen and Xiao Pacai have not recovered yet.

So naturally Chen Feng wanted to practice with Wu Ming tonight. Wu Ming knew that Chen Feng was coming, so he put on clothes that were full of temptation and increased attack acceleration.

Wu Ming wore black lace stockings on a pair of slender and beautiful long legs, and she wore thin black hollow underwear, which only barely covered three points, revealing a large area of ​​fair skin, half covered and half hidden, hazy. The hazy moment is most alluring.

At this time, Wu Ming's beautiful long golden hair lay gently on her shoulders, shining brightly and gorgeously under the light of the soul guide light.

The fair face is delicate and beautiful, the long eyelashes are coated with mascara, and the roots are clearly upward, making the golden eyes bigger and more beautiful, and the rosy lips are fuller and rosier after being painted with lipstick.

With a curvy body, a slender waist, and a smooth waistcoat line on her lower abdomen, the word hot blonde girl was born for Wu Ming. Any man who sees her will probably be tempted to pounce on her.

Han Ruoruo said with a teasing smile, "Ming'er, where is Ling Luochen? Didn't she come over?"

Wu Ming rolled her eyes at Han Ruoruo and said, "Ling Luochen hasn't recovered yet."

Han Ruoruo raised the corners of her mouth, stood up from the sofa, took two steps forward, pulled Wu Ming, and the two of them sat next to each other on the sofa.

Han Ruoruo lay on Wu Ming's shoulder and said with a smile, "Ming'er, then tonight, you have to face Chen Feng alone, can you bear it~"

Wu Ming said casually, "If you can't bear it anymore, just use other methods. Can you help me share the burden?"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere suddenly became silent.

Han Ruoruo's black eyes looked at Wu Ming's golden eyes, and the two looked at each other.

Soon, Han Ruoruo's face turned red and she lowered her head in embarrassment.

Wu Ming looked at the shy Han Ruoruo, with a look of shock in his golden eyes.

Oh my god, she really just said it casually, Ruoruo actually had this idea! Does she also like Chen Feng?

For a moment, the two of them were speechless...

At this time, Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo's thoughts kept emerging in their minds.

Wu Ming was first shocked, then angry that his beloved thing was coveted, and then the anger disappeared and turned into complicated.

Wu Ming looked at Han Ruoruo and thought in her heart, "Chen Feng is getting more and more powerful. Ling Luochen and I are not enough together. If this continues, sooner or later Chen Feng will find other women.

Rather than letting Chen Feng find a strange would be better to take advantage of his own good sisters...

That woman Ling Luochen is really annoying. Wouldn't it be even more uncomfortable if Chen Feng found another woman as hateful as Ling Luochen?

In this case, it is better to bring in my good sister Ruoruo, so that the good news will not flow to outsiders.

When the time comes, Ruoruo and I will work together to make Chen Feng linger, and then suppress both Ling Luochen and Ma Xiaotao. Wouldn't it be great? "

Wu Ming looked at Han Ruoruo, who had his head lowered, with a thoughtful look on his face...

Han Ruoruo lowered her head, thinking, "It's so embarrassing, why didn't I refute it just now, even though I planned to pursue Chen Feng and develop a friendship with Chen Feng.

But it would be too embarrassing to be exposed directly in front of my good sisters. If Ming'er gets angry, wouldn't the two of us have to break off our relationship! "

Half a quarter of an hour later, Han Ruoruo raised her head, looked at Wu Ming and said, "Ming'er, I just admire Chen Feng and have no other intentions. Don't think too much about it."

Wu Ming shook his head, hit the ball straight, and said directly and clearly, "Ruoruo, are you willing to help me share the burden?"

Han Ruoruo's black pupils shrank violently, she looked at Wu Ming in disbelief and said, "Ming'er... you... what are you talking about..."

Han Ruoruo: Ming'er, isn't this girl kidding? ?

Wu Ming looked at Han Ruoruo's shocked look, held Han Ruoruo's hand, which was even slender than her own, and said, "Ruoruo, you don't have to think too much, I just want you to help me share the burden.

Chen Feng is too strong and getting stronger. One or two women cannot satisfy him.

Rather than letting Chen Feng find other annoying women in the future, I hope this woman can be you, my good sister. "

When Han Ruoruo heard Wu Ming's words, her little head was buzzing, and her whole body was paralyzed by Wu Ming.

At this time, Han Ruoruo was surprised to find that Ming'er had become very mature at some point.

Originally, Han Ruoruo planned to explore Wu Ming's thoughts, and then decide whether to tell Wu Ming that she wanted to pursue Chen Feng, or to secretly develop a relationship with Chen Feng.

Now Han Ruoruo found that she didn't have to worry about it. Wu Ming directly invited her to share the firepower and serve Chen Feng together. Isn't this wonderful?

Han Ruoruo looked at Wu Ming and confirmed again, "Ming'er, are you kidding me?"

Wu Ming pouted and said, "Ruoruo, I'm having a serious conversation with you, do you think I'm joking?

I really hope you can help me share Chen Feng's firepower. It's too hard for me alone. "

Han Ruoruo was immediately overjoyed when she saw that Wu Ming was not joking.

Since Ming'er doesn't care, Han Ruoruo can pursue Chen Feng openly instead of being secretive.

Han Ruoruo looked at Wu Ming and said tentatively, "Ming'er, if I really get along with Chen Feng, you won't be angry, right?"

Wu Ming shook his head, "No, but Ruoruo, when did you have thoughts about Chen Feng?"

Han Ruoruo explained, "Just today, although I admired Chen Feng very much before, I really had no idea about Chen Feng at all."

Wu Ming said disdainfully, "I know that Ruoruo likes Shota the most. When facing Chen Feng, I don't believe you won't be tempted."

Han Ruoruo rolled her eyes at Wu Ming and said, "Who is so controlling? I just like good-looking things.

Although I have always wanted to be single, I have never thought about Chen Feng before. After all, Chen Feng has a girlfriend, so I have never thought about it.

In the past two days, I found out that you and Chen Feng were hooking up, and my mind was filled with excitement.

As I get older and older, almost thirty in a blink of an eye, I still can’t find a suitable boyfriend, and I’m extremely anxious.

And as I get older, it’s really hard to find a partner. The outstanding male students in the inner courtyard have all set their sights on young, beautiful and easy-to-manipulate female students, and they don’t consider women like me who are almost thirty.

The people who like me now are all the crooked melons and cracked jujubes!

But I am also a seed student in the inner academy, a top genius who broke through to the Soul Emperor before I was twenty years old.

I really don't want to give in to those crooked melons and cracked jujubes. Plus these two days, I know you and Chen Feng are getting along.

So, I thought that since Chen Feng likes mature women, I would try to pursue Chen Feng.

After all, it is better to be with the best and best man than to settle for nothing, even if he has more than one woman. "

Han Ruoruo told Wu Ming what she was thinking and sighed.

Wu Ming also sighed. She felt that Han Ruoruo was indeed suffering.

But it would be the same for herself, if it weren't for the accident in the Star Dou Forest that caused her to be connected with Chen Feng.

I'm afraid that now, like Han Ruoruo, she is an older single leftover girl that no one wants.

You can only go year after year, and in the end you will either find a crooked melon or die alone.

Wu Ming and Han Ruoruo looked at each other, and the good sisters cherished each other and felt the same. The friendship between the two reached a new level at this moment.



Wu Ming stretched out her hand, hugged Han Ruoruo and said, "Ruoruo, you will definitely not regret being with Chen Feng."

Han Ruoruo said movedly, "Ming'er..."

A minute later, Han Ruoruo and Wu Ming separated.

Wu Ming said to Han Ruoruo, "Ruoruo, you go home first. Chen Feng will come at no time. I will help you and Chen Feng connect tomorrow."

Han Ruoruo nodded and waved to Wu Ming, just when Han Ruoruo was about to turn around and leave.

The door opened and Chen Feng walked into the attic of Wu Ming's house.

Han Ruoruo said, "Is this Chen Feng coming? Should I leave or not?"

Wu Ming said angrily, "If you don't leave, do you still want to see me and Chen Feng perform? Or do you want to help me share the firepower tonight?"

Han Ruoruo immediately shook her head quickly. She and Chen Feng were not in love yet, so she couldn't accept going to bed directly.

Wu Ming said, "Climb out the window, Ruoruo, there is a window in my bedroom, you can climb out from there."

Han Ruoruo didn't waste any time, and rushed to Wu Ming's bedroom in a flash, then opened the window and left through the window.

A few seconds after Han Ruoruo turned out, Chen Feng walked into the living room of Wu Ming's home.

As soon as I took a look, I saw a hot blonde girl. Wu Ming was wearing sexy and hot clothes, and Chen Feng's eyes were fiery when she saw her.

"Ming'er, you are dressed so seductively, are you trying to seduce me?"

Wu Ming breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Han Ruoruo leaving, and then looked at Chen Feng with fiery eyes.


At this moment, Han Ruoruo, who was outside the window, suddenly thought, "It's strange, why would I climb through the window? Wouldn't it be the same if I walked through the front door? I didn't do anything wrong."

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