Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 246 Noumenon Sect: The one who stepped on the horse robbed him

Zhang Lexuan was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, looking at the ceiling of the room with her beautiful eyes, and the scenes of the day's battle kept popping up in her mind.

Zhang Lexuan always thought that her strength and talent were already very strong, and she was the undisputed number one among the students in the inner academy. Even the teachers in the inner academy were no match for her.

Especially after he broke through Contra and absorbed a 100,000-year-old soul ring after a narrow escape (he was seriously injured for more than half a year to cultivate), it raised his strength to another level.

Zhang Lexuan believed that at this level of Contra, not to mention invincible, few could stop her, but today Chen Feng taught her a lesson.

It was obvious that she was far stronger than Chen Feng and could even defeat him with just one blow, but she almost capsized in the ditch during the battle, which shocked Zhang Lexuan.

Is it because I was careless when facing Chen Feng? Didn't use secret techniques and powerful soul skills?

After Zhang Lexuan thought about this problem, she felt that this was just one aspect. The most important thing was that her perception was blocked at that time.

Unable to find Chen Feng's location, he had no way of starting, and then Chen Feng quietly approached him and fought with him in close combat, leaving him unable to find the opportunity to use those powerful soul skills.

Moreover, I didn't expect that Chen Feng's strength and speed would be so strong. You must know that his physical strength is not inferior to that of a Titled Douluo.

Even though his martial soul is a weapon martial soul, which does not benefit the body as much as a beast martial soul, but with the blessing of soul power at the Contra level, his strength and speed will not be hindered.

There was also the tactical arrangement and the grasp of the fighter planes... This was the reason why he almost capsized.

Although he is much stronger than Chen Feng in terms of cultivation, in some aspects, he is much inferior in comparison.

If he were at the same level as Chen Feng, I'm afraid he would be crushed by Chen Feng, no! Even if Chen Feng has the strength of Soul Saint, he will not be Chen Feng's opponent.

Thinking that she would be defeated by Chen Feng, Zhang Lexuan suddenly felt frustrated. In the past, she had always defeated her opponents by leapfrogging, but she never expected that one day she would be defeated by others...

Chen Feng... is really amazing, Zhang Lexuan sighed.

Zhang Lexuan thought for a while, summed up today's battle, and found out what she didn't do well enough, how to make up for it next time, and what her opponent could learn from.

After summarizing these, Zhang Lexuan feels that she has made some progress.

Just when Zhang Lexuan was thinking about the battle with Chen Feng, she suddenly thought of the scene where she squatted down to check Chen Feng's injuries.

Perfect lines...moist skin that feels great...and that nice smell...

Zhang Lexuan couldn't help but blush a little. Zhang Lexuan felt that if she continued like this, she might really...

Zhang Lexuan's heart was confused for a while, and she thought about it for a while.

Zhang Lexuan stretched out her slender hands and lifted the quilt.

Revealing a beautiful and concave figure. The skin is smooth and delicate, like porcelain under the moonlight, exuding a faint luster.

With plump and straight breasts, a slender waist, and plump and straight inverted triangle-shaped buttocks, Zhang Lexuan looks like a ripe peach, exuding the charm of a mature woman.

Zhang Lexuan walked to the living room with her long and well-proportioned legs.

Zhang Lexuan took out a bag of tea leaves from the mahogany cabinet, then came to the coffee table and started making tea.

Zhang Lexuan pinched a handful of tea leaves from the tea can, gently twisted the emerald green tea leaves with a faint fragrance with her white and slender jade fingers, and poured it into the teapot.

Then he lifted the kettle, turned his wrist slightly, and hot water poured out from the spout and poured on the tea leaves. The tea leaves are rolling in the water, like green elves dancing. The hot water stimulates the aroma of tea leaves, and the whole hall is filled with the aroma of tea.

Finally, hold the edge of the teapot and pour the tea in the teapot into the cup with gentle and elegant movements.

The smooth and silky movements are pleasing to the eye and have a wonderful charm.

The crisp and sweet sound of water, combined with the fragrance of tea that filled the air, slowly calmed Zhang Lexuan's heart.

Zhang Lexuan sat on the sofa, picked up the teacup, blew it gently, sipped, and savored the bitterness and fragrance of the tea.

"Huh~" Zhang Lexuan put down the tea cup and looked out the window at the bright and cold full moon. The silver moonlight shone in her beautiful eyes. At this moment, Zhang Lexuan looked like the goddess of the moon.


The Tianhun Empire is a continuous mountain range with countless peaks rising one after another.

Among them, the highest mountain peak is connected to the sky, and the mountain peak is covered with thick white snow. It's like a silver pyramid, shining in the sunlight.

The valley is bottomless and shrouded in clouds and mist, giving people a mysterious feeling.

In front of such a natural chasm, human beings seem so small.

But the most mysterious sect on the mainland, the Noumenon Sect, is located in this valley.

The original sect leader of the Noumenon Sect established the Noumenon Sect here because the terrain was steep and easy to defend but difficult to attack.

The clear stream in the valley where the Ontology Sect is located is gurgling. The water hits the rocks and makes melodious music, intertwining with the birdsong in the valley to form a natural symphony.

The architecture of the Ontology Sect is simple and bold, with stone building structures as the main structure and wooden buildings as the supplement.

If you want to enter the valley where the Noumenon Sect's gate is located, you must pass through high mountains. The majestic and steep mountains are the best protection for the Noumenon Sect.

The most conspicuous thing in the valley is a majestic hall carefully carved from towering stone.

The temple is towering, as if a mountain peak rises from the ground and is connected to the sky and the earth. After years of baptism and polishing by craftsmen, the surface of the stone exudes a calm and ancient luster.

The entrance to the main hall is spacious and solemn, with two huge stone doors carved with patterns of various martial spirits.

There is a huge plaque on the lintel, with three simple, powerful and majestic words written on it - Noumenon Sect.

Inside the main hall, the space is wide and tall, with numerous stone pillars supporting the heavy beams on the ceiling. There are also various murals carved on the walls, which seem to be the development history of Noumenon Sect.

At this time, the once-a-month sect meeting was being held in the hall inside the palace.

In the center of the hall, there is a large green chair.

Sitting among them was a tall old man with a ruddy complexion, dark green hair and eyes, and no hair on his head. He could be described as "extremely smart" and his whole person was unfathomable and majestic.

This person is the leader of the Noumenon Sect, a peak level ninety-eight expert who cannot be killed by poison.

There are five chairs on the left and right sides of Du Bu Shou's hands. Everyone sitting on them has a majestic aura and soul power as vast as the sea. (The original work clearly states that there are eleven titled Douluo in the Noumenon Sect.)

These ten people are elders of the Noumenon Sect, and each of them has the strength of a titled Douluo, and there are even strong ones at the Super Douluo level among them.

Below Du Bushui and the ten elders, there are more than a hundred elite disciples of the Noumenon Sect.

Each of these elite disciples has the strength of a Soul Emperor or above, and most of the disciples standing in the front rows are at the Soul Saint Soul Douluo level.

Except for Du BuShu and the ten elders who were sitting there, everyone else in the entire hall stood respectfully, listening to the conversation between Du BuShu and the elders.

Du Bushu's voice was loud and full of energy and he said, "My Noumenon Sect has been dormant for a long time, and now it's time to come out. Lao Jin, how is your contact with the Tianhun Empire?"

The first person on the right hand of Du Buushi said, "Sect Master, I led my disciples to have contact with the Tianhun Empire's royal family. After showing their strength and identity, the Tianhun Empire except for a few people are not interested in our Noumenon Sect.

Generally speaking, they are welcome. After all, most of the disciples of our Noumenon Sect are from the Tianhun Empire, so we still have feelings for each other. "

The speaker is a strong man from the Noumenon Sect, named Golden Body Douluo Jinpeng, and his martial spirit is his torso.

Extremely high level of cultivation. He is a ninety-sixth level super Douluo. His status in the Noumenon Sect is only inferior to that of the Noumenon Sect's leader. Noumenon Douluo is poisonous and can't kill him.

Du Bu Shou nodded, smiled and said, "In that case, let's continue to contact. With the strength of my Noumenon Sect, I can at least be on an equal footing with the Royal Family of the Heavenly Soul Empire."

After hearing Du BuShu's words, the elders present nodded their heads one after another. They did not think that Du BuShu was arrogant at all when he said that he was equal to the royal family of a country.

At this time, the elder who was on the left hand side of Du Bu Shou said, "Sect Master, the disciple below reported to me that he saw a treasure at the auction in Xingluo City."

There was some interest in the dark green eyes of Poisonous Death, and he said curiously, "Oh, what kind of treasure can you, Lao Xiao, put forward in person?"

The elder known as Lao Xiao, whose name is Xiao Long, has the heart of martial arts and a soul power as high as level ninety-five. He is the third strongest person in the Noumenon Sect and the last super Douluo in the Noumenon Sect.

Xiao Long said to the elite disciple below, "Sect Master, I don't know the details. Let these two little guys Lang Ya and Yu Tao explain it to you."

Xiao Long said with a straight face, "Lang Ya, Yu Tao, you two little ones are deaf? Can't you hear me and the sect leader calling you?"

After being named, Lang Ya and Yu Tao were suddenly sweating profusely and hurriedly walked out of the group of disciples.

The two of them are disciples of Elder Xiao Long, and they know Elder Xiao Long very well.

Even though Elder Xiao Long's martial spirit is the heart, he is not big-hearted at all. If he cares about you, you will reap the rewards.

The two took a few steps forward and bowed to Du Buushi and the ten elders.

Lang Ya and Yu Tao were the disciples of the Noumenon Sect who had participated in the auction in Xingluo City before. Both of their soul powers had reached the level of an eighty-level Contra.

Yu Tao was tall and had a particularly thick right arm. He glanced at Lang Ya, who was thin and had a very big head next to him, and signaled: Brother, the task of reporting is left to you.

Lang Ya twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Sect Master, that's what happened. At that time, Yu Tao and I were traveling across the mainland, and happened to be in Xingluo City when we caught up with the Star Luo City's Continent-wide Senior Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition.

Then the two of us stayed in Star Luo City for a few days, and then attended the auction by the way.

But the big item at the auction turned out to be the embryo of a hundred thousand year old human soul beast, according to what the auctioneer said.

After absorbing this 100,000-year-old human soul beast embryo, there is a chance that you can obtain the second martial soul. Even if you fail, you can still obtain a 100,000-year-old soul ring and soul bone! ! "

Upon hearing this, green light burst out from Du Bu Shi's eyes.

Except for Elder Xiao Long, who knew about it in advance, the other elders here all looked surprised.

A hundred thousand year old human soul beast embryo! Is there such a good thing in the world? ! ! !

Many elders looked at Lang Ya and immediately asked, "A hundred thousand year soul beast embryo that has transformed into a human being? Could it be a hundred thousand year soul beast that has transformed halfway?"

Seeing the elders around him all looking at him, Lang Ya felt extremely stressed and quickly explained, "That's right, the sect master, the elder, is a hundred thousand year old soul beast that has transformed halfway!"

An elder quickly asked, "What about the 100,000-year-old soul beast embryo? Have you got it?"

Yu Tao said, "Sect Master, Elder, our Noumenon Sect does not have enough financial resources, so the embryo of the hundred thousand year old soul beast was taken away by the aliens from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy."

Golden Body Douluo Jinpeng immediately yelled, "The treasures were taken away by the aliens from the Sun and Moon Empire!! What do the royal families of the Star Luo Empire do for food? They actually let the aliens from the Sun and Moon Empire take away the good things?"

The elders opened their mouths to express their opinions.

"The Xu family of the Xingguan Sect, the royal family of the Star Luo Empire, has always liked to scheme. I think they must have done it on purpose. I don't know what they have in mind."

"This 100,000-year-old soul beast embryo has arrived in the hands of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. It would be too dangerous to snatch it. The Sun and Moon Empire is not a weakling. Once it is trapped in an enemy country, it will be surrounded by the experts of the Sun and Moon Empire. , it’s very dangerous.”

“If it were just a hundred-thousand-year-old soul ring and soul bone, I wouldn’t care about it, but this is a treasure that allows the absorber to have a chance to obtain the second martial soul.

This can at least create a super Douluo-level strongman, and I think it is worth our Noumenon Sect's taking action. "

"Generally, our Noumenal Sect dispatches a few elders to hunt ordinary hundred thousand year soul beasts, but this kind of hundred thousand year soul beast that has been transformed into a half human being is really rare."


Immediately, the elders of the Noumenon Sect started to express their opinions on this treasure.

At this time, the main body sect leader in the center of the hall was poisoned to death, and his dark green eyes were uncertain.

As the sect leader, Du Bushit must consider the gains and losses of interests.

A mere 100,000-year-old soul beast is naturally not worthy of their Noumenon Sect traveling thousands of miles to attack the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

However, the 100,000-year-old soul beast embryo is extremely valuable and can be called an unprecedented treasure. It is worthy of their Noumenon Sect's grab.

Now Du Buushi is considering the possibility of success in going across the country to the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy to snatch a hundred thousand year old soul beast embryo.

Although Poisonous is arrogant, he is not so arrogant that he does not take the Sun and Moon Empire seriously.

At this time, the ten elders in the hall had been arguing for a long time and were roughly divided into two groups.

One faction advocates defeating him, saying that in the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, my Noumenon Sect is number one in the world.

The other group believes in taking a long-term view. After all, the Sun and Moon Empire is powerful and not like the chickens and dogs of the Douluo Three Kingdoms.

In the end, the elders stared at the poisonous immortal with wide eyes, waiting for the sect leader to make up his mind.

The poisonous dark green eyes looked at the ten elders and many elite disciples below.

Du Buushi laughed loudly, and a strong dark green light suddenly rose into the sky. The terrifying power made the surrounding world restless.

Du Buushi said with great enthusiasm, "The Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy must hand over the things that my Noumenon Sect likes!"

As soon as he finished speaking, many elders and disciples in the conference room looked at the sect leader who they thought was invincible, poisonous to death with feverish eyes.

Countless disciples listened to Du Buushi's domineering words, and their faces turned red with excitement.

"The one who seizes the horse!"

"The foreign races of the Sun and Moon Empire are also equipped with such good things! Fuck him!!"

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