Chapter 242 Another way~

Just when Wu Ming and Ling Luochen were wondering where Chen Feng had gone, squeak... the door to the hotel room opened.

Chen Feng walked into the bedroom with a lunch box and looked at Ling Luochen and Wu Ming lying on the bed. He smiled and said, Chen'er, Ming'er, do you still have the strength to get out of bed?

Ling Luochen said coquettishly, Chen Feng, you little bastard, you are like an animal. His legs are so weak that he can't even stand up after being tossed around. Hug~

Ling Luochen's tone was so sweet that Wu Ming's skin got goosebumps as he listened.

Wu Ming looked at Ling Luochen with contempt, and said to Chen Feng a little shyly, Chen Feng, my legs are a little weak...

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen acting coquettishly, Wu Ming was a little shy, and found it particularly interesting.

Wu Ming has a carefree personality and has a strong personality. She is embarrassed to let Chen Feng hold her. It is normal for Ling Luochen, a little loser, to be subdued and act coquettishly.

In front of Chen Feng, he had no sense of shame at all. He could even call him daddy, let alone hug him.

Chen Feng felt satisfied as he looked at the delicate bodies of Ling Luochen and Wu Ming covered with traces of himself.

Chen Feng placed the lunch box on the bedside table, then sat on the bedside, holding Wu Ming in one hand and Ling Luochen in the other, holding both of them on his lap.

Ling Luochen lay in Chen Feng's arms. A pair of white and tender arms rushed to hug Chen Feng's neck. She curled up in Chen Feng's arms and glanced at Wu Ming proudly.

Wu Ming on the side saw that Ling Luochen had occupied Chen Feng's neck first, so she had no choice but to hug Chen Feng's waist.

Chen Feng hugged Wu Ming on the left and Ling Luochen on the right. Their two tender bodies were fragrant and soft, and felt so good that people couldn't put it down.

Ling Luochen looked at the lunch box on the bed and said coquettishly: Chen Feng, I'm so hungry. Feed me.

Wu Ming couldn't stand seeing Ling Luochen acting coquettishly and disgustingly. She wanted to act coquettishly, but she really couldn't say it.

Chen Feng looked at this interesting scene, pinched Wu Ming's elastic buttocks with his left hand, and said softly, Ming'er, I specially bought the red crystal shrimps you like to eat.

Wu Ming looked at the considerate Chen Feng, smiled and put her face on Chen Feng's chest.

Ling Luochen, who was watching on the side, pouted and was a little jealous.

After saying that, Chen Feng sucked the lunch box on the bedside table with his big hand, and then condensed his palm, cold air burst out, and a crystal clear four-cornered crystal desk table with a height of 30 centimeters appeared on the bed.

Chen Feng placed the lunch box on the table. After opening it, there were six dishes inside, all of which Ling Luochen and Wu Ming liked to eat.

Ling Luochen saw that there were three dishes in the lunch box that he ate, and he immediately lost his jealousy. He hugged Chen Feng's neck happily, put his lips on it, and kissed Chen Feng on the face.

When Wu Ming saw Ling Luochen kissing Chen Feng, she also put her red lips on Chen Feng's face, leaving a red mark on the other half of Chen Feng's face. It was obvious that she was not just kissing, but also sucking on it.

Wu Ming is not very good at acting coquettishly, but she is unambiguous in her actions.

Wu Ming and Ling Luochen looked at each other with sparks and lightning, and neither gave way to the other.

Chen Feng didn't care. He was the one enjoying it anyway, as long as they didn't start fighting or arguing in front of him, that would be fine.

It is unrealistic for the harem and Hemeimei to be as close as sisters. It is normal for them to quarrel and be jealous from time to time.

Chen Feng used chopsticks to pick up a golden-red prawn that glowed red, and fed it to Wu Ming's mouth. Wu Ming smiled broadly, opened his mouth and ate it.

Ling Luochen on the side said coquettishly, Chen Feng, I want it too, I'm hungry too~ I want to eat Jade Dragon Tendon.

Chen Feng smiled and pinched a piece of Jade Dragon Tendon from the lunch box and fed it to Ling Luochen's mouth. Ling Luochen opened her small mouth and took the Jade Dragon Tendon into her mouth.

Then he chewed twice, kissed Chen Feng's lips, and transferred the jade dragon tendons in his mouth to Chen Feng's mouth.

Ling Luochen smiled proudly and said, Chen Feng, is this Yulong tendon delicious~ I don't know whether Ling Luochen is asking whether the Yulong tendon is delicious or whether it is delicious to her.

Wu Ming on the side looked at it, his teeth itched with anger, but he was not willing to be outdone and was direct. He took out a pair of chopsticks from the lunch box, picked up a shrimp, ate it into his mouth, and then fed it into Chen Feng's mouth.

After he finished, he said provocatively, Chen Feng, is it delicious? I'll feed you another bite of the Earth Bear's bear paw.

Ling Luochen glared at Wu Ming, shook Chen Feng's neck, and said coquettishly, Chen Feng, do you think the jade dragon tendons are more delicious or the shrimps are more delicious! After saying that, his big bright eyes blinked, his eyelashes blinking. He looked at Chen Feng with dazzling eyes.

Wu Ming on the side also looked at Chen Feng with long, narrow and slightly upward golden eyes, as if asking who was more delicious, himself or Ling Luochen.

Chen Feng suddenly had a black eye. After eating, he didn't forget to get jealous of Zheng Feng. No one can worry about it, alas~

Naturally, Chen Feng would not answer this question. Chen Feng's tone was stern and he said forcefully: If you are not honest, you will eat it yourself. You don't need to feed me, I have eaten it.

The two glared at each other and immediately became honest.

Wu Ming: It's all because Ling Luochen acted like a monster and made Chen Feng angry.

Ling Luochen: It's all Wu Ming's fault. Chen Feng never gets angry when I eat alone with him!

Wu Ming and Ling Luochen immediately began to eat honestly. When Chen Feng saw that the two of them stopped making noise, he picked up the chopsticks and fed each of them a mouthful. Soon the six dishes in the lunch box were cleaned by the two of them.

After eating, Wu Ming and Ling Luochen recovered a little strength, and at least their legs stopped shaking when they stood up.

After Chen Feng finished feeding them, he kissed them both on the face, Chen'er, Ming'er, are you full?

Ling Luochen and Wu Ming nodded lazily after eating and drinking: You're full~

Chen Feng looked at Ling Luochen and Wu Ming's naked and beautiful bodies, and said jokingly: Ming'er, Chen'er~ Do you want me to practice with you for two rounds to digest it?

As soon as Chen Feng finished speaking, Ling Luochen grabbed the quilt and got into it, then covered his head and shivered.

Wu Ming looked around and found that the only quilt had been taken away by Ling Luochen, so he had to hug his shoulders, close his thighs, and shrink to the corner of the bed.

He looked at Chen Feng's lower body with both love and fear.

Ling Luochen, who was under the quilt, thought fearfully in his heart: Although it's very comfortable, my body can't bear it anymore. If I practice for two more rounds, I'm afraid... Xiao Pa Cai will be... half-dead.

Wu Ming looked at Chen Feng with her long and narrow golden eyes, Chen Feng, you can't practice anymore. My and Ling Luochen's legs are trembling now. How about Ling Luochen and I rescue you?

After saying that, Wu Ming lifted up Ling Luochen's quilt and planned to take Ling Luochen with him. When he got tired, he would change Ling Luochen's bed.

Ling Luochen was lying on the quilt and heard Wu Ming's words, and smiled and said, Cultivation is not good, but this is okay. After saying this, Ling Luochen chirped, seeming to be reminiscing about something.

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