Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 239 Chen Feng’s Oppression (2-in-1)

Chapter 239 Chen Feng’s oppression... (two in one)

The powerful soul-breaking power turned into a black dragon, galloping freely in the surrounding world.

All life within the domain, insects, flowers, and plants... all withered under the baptism of the black dragon.

It's a pity that no one can appreciate this grand scene because of the shadow of the sword...

Chen Feng looked at Zhang Lexuan not far away, and his figure flashed, surrounded by black dragons, rushing towards Zhang Lexuan with infinite soul-breaking power.

At this time, a vacuum circle within Zhang Lexuan's mental perception range was quickly approaching her.

Zhang Lexuan smiled and sensed Chen Feng's intention. Chen Feng obviously wanted to get close to her and envelope her into the unknown vacuum that could destroy her spirit.

But how could Zhang Lexuan let Chen Feng get what he wanted?

Now Chen Feng disappeared under the cover of the virtual knife.

Zhang Lexuan's mental strength was still wiped out by the soul-breaking power, and Chen Feng's specific location could not be found for a while.

But Zhang Lexuan knew that Chen Feng must be in the vacuum circle where his external mental power was wiped out.

If you can't find a specific location, stop looking. Just use range attacks to hit the entire map.

When Chen Feng resists the attack, Zhang Lexuan will be able to find Chen Feng.

Suddenly there was light behind Zhang Lexuan, and a crescent moon illuminated everything around her.

Zhang Lexuan's skin turned crystal white under the moonlight, and was covered with a layer of cool silver-white gauze, like the goddess of the moon.

Zhang Lexuan's three soul rings, first, second and third, shone at the same time. First, a ray of moonlight fell on her body, making her whole body surrounded by light.

Zhang Lexuan clasped her hands in front of her chest, and the crescent moon behind her shone brightly. One after another, the moonlight turned into a silver rainstorm, covering the vacuum circle in front of her.

The silver rainstorm dug up the land under the green grass, and the green grass was beaten into grass juice, which was then absorbed by the refurbished soil.

Facing such a large-scale attack, Chen Feng remained calm and did not release any soul skills to block it. He even accelerated his speed and sprinted towards Zhang Lexuan.

Just when Zhang Lexuan's attack was within a stone's throw of Chen Feng, the distance between Chen Feng and Zhang Lexuan narrowed to forty meters.

A smile appeared on Chen Feng's lips, and the second soul ring on his body lit up.

The next moment, Chen Feng's figure disappeared and came directly ten meters in front of Zhang Lexuan.

Chen Feng's Soul-Breaking Sword's second soul skill is teleportation! The moving distance is thirty meters.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Feng's Soul-Breaking Sword Domain enveloped Zhang Lexuan.

Nowadays, Chen Feng's Soul-Breaking Sword Domain is so powerful that even if a strong Soul Saint is enveloped in it, his soul will be gradually obliterated by the Soul-Breaking Power, leaving only his body.

Of course, wanting to defeat Zhang Lexuan with the Soul-Breaking Sword Domain is simply overthinking.

Zhang Lexuan is a strong person whose spiritual power has reached the level of tangible and incorporeal... If he wants to destroy her soul, he cannot do it until Chen Feng's soul power is exhausted.

The Soul-Breaking Sword Realm has only one function, and that is to eliminate Zhang Lexuan's mental power for detection.

After all, Zhang Lexuan is not a spiritual soul master. Without spiritual soul skills, she cannot fully utilize this tangible and intangible level of spiritual power.

At this moment, Zhang Lexuan's mental power detection has completely lost its effect, and Chen Feng's soul-breaking power has completely defeated his mental power.

Once Zhang Lexuan's mental power leaves the body, it will be destroyed by the soul-breaking power.

Zhang Lexuan was enveloped by both the virtual sword and the soul-breaking sword. Now Zhang Lexuan can no longer find traces of Chen Feng.

Without mental assistance, Zhang Lexuan became completely blind and Chen Feng could not be found at all.

The next moment, Zhang Lexuan saw eighteen ten-meter-long black sword lights roaring toward her.

These eighteen sword rays are full of pressure, extremely sharp, and extremely fast. Each sword ray can severely damage or even kill the powerful Soul Saint. Eighteen rays of sword light shot out at once, and even a powerful Contra warrior would be injured if he failed to do so.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Lexuan's fifth soul ring shone brightly, and the crescent moon behind her turned golden.

Then the crescent moon separated into another crescent moon of the same size, and the golden first quarter moon turned into a murderous death scythe. The two golden sickles drew a beautiful arc, cutting off all eighteen sword lights.

The fifth soul skill! Moonset!

When the golden sickle cut off the eighteen blades in half, Zhang Lexuan was shocked.

Because only one of the eighteen sword lights is real, and the other seventeen sword lights are all phantoms.

The sword light simulated by the virtual sword is extremely lifelike, not only the appearance, but also the breath is extremely real.

At this time, Zhang Lexuan's original relaxed expression disappeared and became serious.

Zhang Lexuan also did not expect that Chen Feng actually had a method that could invalidate mental power detection. Without mental power detection, the impact on the battle would be quite large.

Zhang Lexuan was shocked as she recalled the extremely lifelike eighteen sword rays just now, Simulated soul skills? Not only can the shape be transformed, but even the breath can be transformed.

Moreover, I was enveloped by the soul skill that could erase my mental power, and my mental power detection lost its effect. For a moment, I couldn't find where Chen Feng was. I had a strong strength, but I couldn't hit anyone.

At this time, Zhang Lexuan had no idea of ​​giving advice to Chen Feng, but regarded Chen Feng as a strong person who could fight with him.

At this time, Chen Feng, who was hiding with the help of the third soul skill Void Knife, looked at Zhang Lexuan with a solemn expression.

Today, Chen Feng's soul power has reached level 54. The ultimate martial soul has strong soul power, and his soul power is not inferior to that of the powerful Soul Emperor.

With the four enhanced blessings of the first soul skill Sharpening the Knife, the fourth soul skill Jin Qi Transformation, as well as the soul-breaking knife intention and the original power of the martial soul, the soul-breaking power.

Chen Feng is not inferior to the powerful Soul Saint with a top-level martial spirit, and his attack power is much higher.

However, the probing sword light just now was still unable to sway Zhang Lexuan in the slightest. Chen Feng understood that he was definitely no match for Zhang Lexuan in a long-range fight.

Zhang Lexuan is a powerful Contra possessing a hundred thousand year old soul ring and soul bone. Wuhunyue is also good at energy attacks.

When Chen Feng and Zhang Lexuan fought against each other from a distance, they were purely using their own shortcomings to attack the other's strong points.

That's not how fighting works. Chen Feng's martial soul is a sword, and he is good at fighting in close combat. The long-range sword light is good at bullying the novices, but it is purely beautiful to deal with those who are truly evenly matched or even stronger than himself.

Enhanced by several enhancement techniques, Chen Feng's soul-breaking knife has extremely terrifying attack power. It is extremely sharp and has strong penetrating power. It can easily break through the opponent's defense and even cut open the enemy's attack.

The long-distance release of the sword light was completely unable to exert the terrifying attack power of Chen Feng's Soul-Breaking Sword.

Moreover, after Chen Feng absorbed the gold of life, his recovery power was even more terrifying. He even used the method of exchanging injuries for injuries. At the end of the fight, Chen Feng would definitely be standing.

Moreover, as long as Chen Feng's soul-breaking knife hurts someone, it will cause huge damage to the opponent's spiritual sea. If the injury is exchanged for injury, hitting Chen Feng ten times will not be as powerful as Chen Feng's one knife.

As for why not possess two martial souls? Although the possession of dual martial souls has greater blessings for Chen Feng, it can make Chen Feng's power and speed even more terrifying.

But when Chen Feng used the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Martial Spirit, he could not use the original power of the Soul-Breaking Sword. Unable to use the original power of the Soul-Breaking Sword, there was no way to use the Soul-Breaking Sword Domain.

There is no Soul-Breaking Sword Domain that limits Zhang Lexuan's mental power detection.

Zhang Lexuan had already used her soul skills to blast over.

With Zhang Lexuan's powerful strength comparable to that of a titled Douluo, Chen Feng didn't think he could withstand the bombardment of Zhang Lexuan's soul skills.

Therefore, whether it is the Soul-Breaking Sword Domain or the Virtual Sword, Chen Feng cannot stop.

Chen Feng's ability to maintain a stalemate with Zhang Lexuan was based on the premise of terrifying consumption.

The virtual sword and soul-breaking sword realms have been maintained. In addition, Chen Feng also released the first soul skill Sharpening the Sword and the fourth soul skill Jin Qibian.

These soul skills consume a lot of soul power, and Chen Feng's small amount of soul power cannot last long.

When Chen Feng was preparing for a close battle with Zhang Lexuan.

Zhang Lexuan looked around cautiously. The crescent moon behind her grew larger, protecting Zhang Lexuan from hidden Chen Feng's sneak attack.

Zhang Lexuan had just clearly sensed that the vacuum circle within the mental detection range was still some distance away from her.

But he arrived in front of her in an instant, from which Zhang Lexuan deduced that Chen Feng had teleportation soul skills.

Zhang Lexuan looked at it and thought to herself, Domain-like soul skills that can erase mental power, range-simulating soul skills, teleportation, and attacks stronger than Soul Saint...

Chen Feng, you are more difficult to deal with than many powerful Soul Douluo warriors. You are really slippery. But if you continue to use soul skills, how long can your soul power last?

At this moment, Chen Feng's figure had quietly approached Zhang Lexuan.

Chen Feng looked at Crescent Moon, who seemed to have good defense, and frowned.

Chen Feng did not expect that Zhang Lexuan would be so cautious when competing with a little soul king like him.

But Chen Feng didn't care. The Soul-Breaking Knife's ability to break through defenses was not something to be boasted about. Chen Feng held the Soul-Breaking Knife tightly and came five meters behind Zhang Lexuan in one quick step.

At this distance, even if Chen Feng used the third soul skill Virtual Sword to cover his figure, Zhang Lexuan's keen intuition directly sensed Chen Feng's approach.

Zhang Lexuan felt a biting cold light on her back, and immediately knew that Chen Feng was approaching her.

Zhang Lexuan didn't even think about it. She turned around and saw dozens of silvery-white rays of light. The speed of these silvery-white rays of light was extremely fast, which was the weakness of their power.

Chen Feng held the soul-breaking knife in his hand and swung the knife to cut off the silver-white light, but was injured in the lower abdomen by one of the lights. It's not that Chen Feng can't dodge, but if he dodges, it will affect the speed of the attack, which will give Zhang Lexuan more time to use his soul skills.

What awaits Chen Feng then are Zhang Lexuan's various powerful soul skills.

As for using the precious second teleport, it is even more of a waste. It is wasted before the time comes and cannot open up the situation.

As Chen Feng was injured, the smell of blood spread, and the blood on Chen Feng's lower abdomen dyed his clothes red.

Zhang Lexuan's pupils shrank when she saw Chen Feng being injured by herself. Zhang Lexuan also didn't expect Chen Feng to fight so... fiercely.

Then Zhang Lexuan was approached by Chen Feng, and Zhang Lexuan quickly controlled Crescent Moon to block it in front of her.

Silver light shone in Zhang Lexuan's eyes. The first, second, and third soul rings on her body lit up at the same time. The crescent moon in front of her erupted with moonlight one after another, continuously spraying out towards Chen Feng.

Although Zhang Lexuan wanted to use powerful soul skills to directly defeat Chen Feng, the powerful soul skills needed some time to be released and could not be used instantly.

So Zhang Lexuan directly released the first three soul skills that were not very powerful but could be cast instantly to stop Chen Feng.

Although they may only be centuries-old and thousand-year-old soul skills, Zhang Lexuan is a powerful person whose strength is comparable to that of a titled Douluo. The power of these hundred-year-old and thousand-year soul skills is also extremely powerful. At least ordinary soul saints will definitely not be able to stop them.

Chen Feng looked at the dense moonlight, his figure flashed, and he activated his teleportation soul skill for the second time, teleporting directly behind Zhang Lexuan.

Then the two martial souls possessed him. At this time, Chen Feng was injured. The smell of blood on his body would reveal his position, and the virtual sword soul skill was useless.

Therefore, Chen Feng did not hesitate, possessed his two martial souls, and took advantage of Zhang Lexuan's just-attacked back-swinging stage to seize the opportunity to slash out with his sword.

Zhang Lexuan saw that Chen Feng actually used the teleportation soul skill again, and all the hairs on her body stood up.

The sharp soul-breaking knife sent chills down Zhang Lexuan's spine, and Zhang Lexuan also became slightly excited.

Zhang Lexuan can absorb a hundred thousand year soul ring and is physically stronger than Chen Feng. Coupled with the blessing of Contra-level soul power, her strength and speed are better than Chen Feng.

However, Chen Feng used the second martial spirit Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion to possess him, which greatly increased his power and speed.

Chen Feng swung out his sword, and Zhang Lexuan dodged it narrowly, but her long black hair was cut off by Chen Feng's soul-breaking knife and scattered in all directions...

Chen Feng was unyielding and quickly swung his sword to slash, but the gap between the first swing and the second swing was enough for Zhang Lexuan to react.

Under Zhang Lexuan's control, a crescent moon continuously shot out countless moonlights, suppressing Chen Feng.

Chen Feng sighed. He had used the teleportation soul skill twice in succession and entered the cooldown. He had lost.

Facing the dense rays of moonlight, Chen Feng couldn't resist. One moonlight was no problem, but ten or twenty rays definitely wouldn't work.

Chen Feng could only use the soul-breaking knife to cut off the moonlight. The impact of the energy inevitably caused Chen Feng's movements to pause.

At this time, the sixth soul ring on Zhang Lexuan's body lit up, and the black soul ring merged into the crescent moon.

The crescent moon turned into a black moon, with only the outermost half of a silver halo.

Just when Zhang Lexuan was about to hit Chen Feng with her sixth soul skill.

Senior Sister, stop, stop, give up, admit defeat, sparring timeout!! Chen Feng shouted immediately.

Chen Feng's handsome face smiled slightly and he admitted defeat neatly.

Chen Feng had tried his best, except for the torso bone soul skill, which was useless, all the others were used.

The two teleportations were also used vividly. The first teleportation caused Zhang Lexuan to be enveloped by the soul-breaking sword domain.

The second time he teleported, he caught Zhang Lexuan using his soul skill and found the right opportunity to slash Zhang Lexuan.

It's a pity that the gap in hard power is too big, even if Chen Feng seizes the opportunity. It also failed to leave a wound on Zhang Lexuan's body.

Otherwise, the outcome would be very different.

Zhang Lexuan looked at Chen Feng's handsome face and the sixth soul skill in his hand.

Only then did I realize that I was just sparring with Chen Feng, and I was his sparring partner...

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