Chen Feng smiled at Zhang Lexuan beside him and said, Sister, it seems you have to be my sparring partner for a while.

Zhang Lexuan looked at the one hundred and twenty-eight level five soul cannons that Xiao Hongchen waved on the stage, and said in surprise, How is it possible? How can he, a soul king, have enough soul power to control such a number of soul cannons?

Chen Feng said with a smile: Sister, nothing is impossible. Xiao Hongchen is called the number one genius in the past ten thousand years by the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, so he naturally has two skills.

If you observe carefully, you will find that his soul skills are perfectly combined.

Xiao Hongchen's martial spirit is the three-legged golden toad. The three-legged golden toad has an extremely special ability, which is to control metal.

Among the four soul skills he used previously, the first and third soul skills were used to control metal deformation. The metal balls he threw were the core formations of the soul guidance cannon, and the barrels were all He temporarily condensed it through the control of metal elements.

Xiao Hongchen always carries a large amount of metal powder with him, and these metal powders can condense into any form under his control.

The second and fourth soul skills used immediately afterward were even more powerful. They were able to absorb a large amount of metal elements in the air for his temporary use.

It can also burn the absorbed metal elements and release huge amounts of energy.

Through this soul skill, he has the energy to control one hundred and twenty-eight soul cannons at the same time.

One hundred and twenty-eight soul cannons, not to mention the Soul King, even the Soul Emperor can't stop them (the original book mentioned that Dai Yueheng, the Soul Emperor, was seriously injured in the face of Xiao Hongchen's this move even if he didn't die).

After Zhang Lexuan finished listening, she glanced at Chen Feng, sighed, and stopped talking immediately, not knowing what she was thinking.

At this time, the fighting spirit field.

Xiao Hongchen controlled one hundred and twenty-eight level five soul cannons and bombarded Chen Zifeng indiscriminately.

A terrifying soul power storm broke out.

One hundred and twenty-eight white beams turned into a dazzling white torrent that was about to destroy everything.

Chen Zifeng looked at the torrent of destruction released by the one hundred and twenty-eight soul cannons.

He immediately activated the fifth soul skill of the soul-chasing sword, and saw the red light flashing on the soul-chasing sword, and with a whoosh, it collided with the white torrent.

Then the long and thin soul-chasing sword was thrown into the white torrent like a pebble. It was of no use except for making some ripples.

The white torrent carried a huge force and violently crushed it, defeating the Soul-Chasing Sword.

Chen Zifeng was so scared that his soul flew away when he saw his soul-chasing sword being easily crushed.

This terrifying white torrent cannot be stopped, absolutely cannot be stopped!

Which soul king can withstand this? If he takes such a beating, he will be beaten to ashes and annihilated.

Chen Zifeng immediately shouted: I surrender!!!

Yan Shaozhe saw Chen Zifeng shouting to admit defeat, and suddenly a black line came over him. Yan Shaozhe also did not expect that his soul power cultivation level was fifty-second.

Little Hongmao, whose soul power was of average quality and slightly frivolous, actually defeated Chen Zifeng, whose soul power was as high as level 58 and whose soul power was solid.

Yan Shaozhe's figure disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Chen Zifeng.

When the white torrent approached Yan Shaozhe, Yan Shaozhe waved his robe, and his wide sleeves directly dispersed the white torrent, turning it into countless light spots and disappearing into the sky.

Xiao Hongchen watched Chen Zifeng being rescued by Yan Shaozhe, and immediately laughed proudly in the spirit fighting arena: The elites of the inner court of Shrek Academy are just Er'er, not my enemy in one, hahahaha.

Upon hearing Xiao Hongchen's arrogant words, the exchange students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy on the side immediately shouted in unison.

Then he raised his middle finger to the several inner courtyard students who had previously provoked them and gave them thumbs up to assess them.

At this time, the more than a hundred inner courtyard students in the spectator seats changed their expressions immediately as they saw Xiao Hongchen, a little red-haired man, defeating Chen Zifeng.

Someone yelled: Chen Zifeng, what did you do? You actually lost to an exchange student from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy. You really brought shame to Shrek Academy.

Someone also retorted, Why are you cursing? If you have the ability, go ahead. You can't even beat Chen Zifeng, but you still have the nerve to force Lai Lai.


Except for a few people who were forcing Lai Lai, more people were silent, looking at Xiao Hongchen in the spirit fighting arena with solemn eyes.

Xiao Hongchen's attack just now was obvious to all. Chen Zifeng had tried his best to do his best. Even if another soul emperor were to come up, it would be of no avail against the one hundred and twenty-eight soul cannons.

Some people thought to themselves, Are the soul engineers of the Sun and Moon Empire so powerful now?

The power of the soul guide is so terrifying!

Soul guide...I'll buy one later and try to see if it works...

This soul guide is great. With the soul guide, I can fight as an auxiliary soul master!


Seeing Xiao Hongchen displaying his power and violently torturing Chen Zifeng, the proud men in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy all began to take the power of the soul tool seriously.

This is what soul masters are like, they believe that the big fist is the truth.

Yan Shaozhe looked at the inner courtyard students in the audience who were deep in thought, and his face immediately darkened.

He originally planned to let the elite students from the inner academy defeat the exchange students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, and then suppress them to study in the outer academy of Shrek Academy for a year.

But the fact is that not only did the elite students from the inner academy not win, but they were crushed to pieces by the exchange students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

This really made Yan Shaozhe helpless, and Yan Shaozhe thought to himself, This Xiao Hongchen is really a two-handed brush.

The martial soul is very powerful, and the soul skills complement each other. With the unique soul guide warfare method, no one who is currently a soul king level student in the inner courtyard can defeat him except Chen Feng.

No wonder he is so arrogant, he does have some arrogance.

Yan Shaozhe looked at the little red-haired boy on the stage and said, Xiao Hongchen, congratulations on passing the Shrek Academy's inner court examination. From today on, you can enter Shrek Academy's inner court, Poseidon Island, to study.

After speaking, Yan Shaozhe took out a small box from the storage soul guide and threw it to Xiao Hongchen, Your reward, the Soul Ascension Pill.

Xiao Hongchen looked at the Soul Ascension Pill flying toward him in the air, and stretched out his slender white palm to catch the small box.

Then he casually put it into the storage soul guide. He had heard of the Soul Ascension Pill in Douluo Continent. He had also taken a lot of similar pills in the Sun and Moon Empire, but he didn't know about the pill given by Shrek Academy. Will it damage his foundation?

Xiao Hongchen knew that although his soul power was not strong enough due to the use of drugs to enhance his soul power, his potential was not affected at all.

Xiao Hongchen's goal is to break through level ninety-five and become an unprecedented tenth-level soul mentor in the Sun and Moon Empire.

He has always been very cautious when using medicine, not to mention that this elixir was provided by Shrek Academy, so he didn't dare to take it.

If the pills given by people from Shrek Academy affected his potential, he would have no place to cry.

After accepting the Soul Ascension Pill, Xiao Hongchen walked out of the Soul Fighting Arena and returned to his team.

Chen Zifeng watched Xiao Hongchen walk out of the Soul Fighting Arena, breathed a sigh of relief, and walked out of the Soul Fighting Arena with his head lowered.

Returning to the team, Xiao Hongchen looked at the inner courtyard students in the audience with either angry or solemn gazes, and smiled proudly.

Yan Shaozhe looked at the other members of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy and said, Who will be assessed next? Come on stage quickly.

Meng Hongchen shyly glanced at the handsome figure in the audience, then bent her slender and beautiful thighs in a beautiful arc, and jumped gracefully into the spirit fighting arena.

Meng Hongchen smoothed his burgundy long, attractive hair, looked at Yan Shaozhe with his naughty blue eyes and said, I'll be next!

Yan Shaozhe selected seven assessors. Chen Zifeng lost, and there were six others. The six people looked at the beautiful Meng Hongchen on the stage, and they all looked a little moved and looked at each other.

In the end, Wang Zhengwen, who had the strongest soul power among them, came out. Wang Zhengwen was tall and tall, over 1.9 meters tall, with thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although his facial features were not handsome, they were decent.

The soul power has reached level 59. Although the martial soul Black Dragon is far from the true dragon martial souls such as the Dark Holy Dragon, it is not inferior to the Rouge Dragon and other martial souls.

Wang Zhengwen looked at the beautiful Meng Hongchen in the spirit fighting arena, jumped with great force, turned 720 degrees in the air, and jumped into the spirit fighting arena.

Then he put on a pose that he thought was very handsome, looked at Meng Hongchen and said: Beauty, what's your name? Let me meet you. My name is Wang Zhengwen, I am twenty-two years old, and my soul power is level 59...

Meng Hongchen quickly interrupted Wang Zhengwen's self-introduction. His delicate and pretty face was full of disgust, and she said coldly, I have no interest in you, you are too ugly!

Wang Zhengwen felt as if he was struck by lightning: What! ! I'm so ugly! !

As Meng Hongchen is a senior facial makeup artist, Wang Zhengwen naturally cannot catch her eye.

At this time, the exchange students from the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy in the audience laughed and said, Hahaha, the toad wants to eat swan meat, why don't you piss and show what you look like.

Wang Zhengwen looked at Meng Hongchen with some embarrassment and said, Beauty, she is not very old, but her mouth is quite poisonous.

Meng Hongchen glanced at Wang Zhengwen with disdain and ignored him at all. He was only level 59 at the age of twenty-two. What kind of scumbag did he have the nerve to speak in front of this young lady with such talent?

Yan Shaozhe saw that the atmosphere of the two people in the spirit fighting arena was suitable for fighting, and immediately said: The assessment begins.

As soon as Yan Shaozhe finished speaking, Meng Hongchen and Wang Zhengwen quickly possessed martial spirits, and extremely obvious changes appeared on their bodies.

Meng Hongchen's burgundy long hair turned snow white, her ice blue eyes turned blood red, and all her exposed skin was as white as jade, like a perfect work of art.

Then an icy blue light appeared, and instantly Meng Hongchen's delicate body was covered with an icy blue armor.

The exquisite ice blue armor is engraved with magnificent blue and gold patterns. Meng Hongchen, who was already very beautiful, looks a little more heroic under this armor.

This soul guide not only has armor, but also matching weapons and flying soul guides. Two ice-blue long swords spread from both hands. Three pairs of folded wings, only about a foot long, spread out behind Meng Hongchen.

As the soul guide armor came on, Meng Hongchen's aura suddenly became much stronger, and at the same time, waves of cold air emitted from his body.

Two yellow, two purple, and one black. Five soul rings rose up and surrounded Meng Hongchen's delicate body. Behind her, an ice toad as white as jade appeared.

As for Wang Zhengwen, black scales appeared on his body, his two palms turned into sharp claws, and his body became even larger. His height exceeded two meters. Meng Hongchen looked delicate and delicate against him.

Yan Shaozhe looked at the jade-white ice toad behind Meng Hongchen, and suddenly his heart skipped a beat, and he secretly thought something was wrong.

As the dean of the martial arts department of Shrek Academy, he was well-informed and naturally recognized what Meng Hongchen's martial spirit was at once.

Yan Shaozhe thought to himself: It's actually Zhu Qing Bingchan. I didn't expect that someone from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy would actually have such a rare and powerful martial spirit.

The toxin of Zhu Qing Bingchan is extremely powerful. I, the inner courtyard student of Shrek Academy, won’t lose again, right?

Losing two games in a row, this is like the alien soul master of the Sun and Moon Empire posing a threat to my Shrek Academy. If I had known this, I wouldn't have conducted the assessment like this.

Or just let Chen Feng go. With Chen Feng's strength, he can easily win even if it's one against ten.

Just when Yan Shaozhe secretly regretted not letting Chen Feng go.

Meng Hongchen has already made friends with Wang Zhengwen.

In the palms of Meng Hongchen's hands, there was faint cyan light flickering slightly, and then the two yellow soul rings on Meng Hongchen's body lit up.

The first soul skill, Ice Toad's Poison, and the second soul skill, Ice Poison Ring, saw a circle of icy blue halo spreading from Meng Hongchen's feet, covering the entire spirit fighting field in the blink of an eye.

Within the scope of the second soul skill, the Ice Poison Ring, the poison of Zhu Qing Ice Toad will be twice as powerful.

The cold poison of Meng Hongchen's Zhu Qing Ice Toad is so powerful that even the powerful Soul Emperor cannot resist it for a long time. So when Meng Hongchen fights, everything revolves around powerful toxins.

First, spread out your own poison, and then wait for time. When the opponent's combat effectiveness is greatly reduced by the cold poison, it is the time for Meng Hongchen to harvest.

As Meng Hongchen used his first and second soul skills, Zhu Qing Bingchan's poison quickly enveloped the entire soul fighting arena.

Wang Zhengwen felt a chill all over his body, as if something was penetrating into his body.

Wang Zhengwen quickly gathered his soul power, hoping to rely on his strong resistance to resist the invasion of cold air, but soon Wang Zhengwen found that things were counterproductive.

The strong resistance that I am proud of is completely unable to prevent the entry of this cold air. It can only delay it, but cannot completely get rid of it.

Meng Hongchen looked proud. Seeing that Wang Zhengwen had been poisoned by his cold poison, he said, You have already lost.

As soon as he finished speaking, the third and fourth soul rings on Wang Zhengwen's body lit up.

The third soul skill is Dark Condensation, and the fourth soul skill is Dark Meteor.

Wang Zhengwen roared, and with the strengthening of the third soul skill, the power of the fourth soul skill was greatly increased. Hundreds of black energy groups hit Meng Hongchen.

As an elite at Shrek Academy, Wang Zhengwen naturally understands how difficult it is to deal with a poisonous soul master.

Once you are entangled by a poison-type soul master, just waiting for death will only lead to your own defeat. The only way to win is to use all your strength and fight quickly.

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