Clear the heart.

The entire room is spacious and bright, filled with golden light and giving it a warm flavor.

The Qingxin Room was empty, except for the golden futon in the center and the single bed in the corner.

A red-haired beauty was lying on the bed sleeping soundly.

Just at this moment, outside the door, a beautiful middle-aged woman followed by a handsome young man was talking to an old man.

Mr. Wang, the breakfast I made for Xiao Tao, I will come out as soon as you put it in. Cai Mei'er said to Wang Ge.

Mei'er, this is the Qingxin Chamber, a place of confinement. How unbecoming are you going in and out!! Wang Lao blew his beard and glared, saying angrily.

Cai Meier pinched her waist, her voice rose twice, and she said, Mr. Wang, I just want to bring some food to Xiao Tao. I don't want to take Xiao Tao out, so why aren't you allowed to eat?

Mei'er, you're violating the rules like this... Mr. Wang said helplessly.

Okay, okay, Mr. Wang, I'll go in by myself. Cai Mei'er was a little impatient and directly made her own decision to enter.

What can Mr. Wang do? You can't really stop her. After all, Cai Meier only came in to deliver food, not to take Ma Xiaotao away. Mr. Wang finally sighed and compromised.

Mr. Wang stroked his white beard and said, Oh, remember to come out as soon as the food is delivered, a quarter of an hour at most.

I know, I know. Don't worry, Mr. Wang.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but, Cai Mei'er, just bring some food in there by yourself. Why are you bringing people in? Oh, there's really nothing I can do with you, girl.

Cai Meier took Chen Feng directly towards the Qingxin room.

As soon as Chen Feng walked into the room, he suddenly saw the red-haired beauty sleeping soundly under the golden light, and he immediately laughed.

Ma Xiaotao's round and undulating buttocks were facing him. Chen Feng never got tired of that perfect peach buttocks. He couldn't get enough of it every time. Every time he went to explore the secrets, he abandoned his armor on them...

As Chen Feng and Cai Meier pushed open the door, Ma Xiaotao, who was sleeping soundly, also woke up from her sleep.

Ma Xiaotao rubbed her sleepy eyes and stretched lazily. Those proud curves were a feast for the eyes.

Ma Xiaotao brewed for a while, woke up, looked at Chen Feng and Cai Meier and said in surprise, Master's wife, Chen Feng, you are here!

Ma Xiaotao's lively temperament couldn't stay in the empty and quiet Qingxin Room. She would have been bored out of her mind. She could only pass the time by practicing and sleeping.

Seeing Chen Feng and Cai Meier arriving, Ma Xiaotao was naturally overjoyed. She immediately threw herself into Cai Meier's arms and said coquettishly to Cai Meier, Master, two weeks is too long. It's so boring. Can you come out early? ?”

Cai Meier looked at Ma Xiaotao with loving eyes, stretched out her hand to touch the top of Ma Xiaotao's head, and said comfortingly, Xiaotao, please stay in this Qingxin room for a few days. I can't let you go in yesterday. Come out today. Academy The rules must still be respected.”

Chen Feng, who was watching Ma Xiaotao and Cai Meier acting coquettishly, twitched his lips and thought to himself, Ma Xiaotao's character is definitely related to Yan Shaozhe and Cai Meier's doting.

There are two powerful titled Douluo who love her. Ma Xiaotao is not raised to be arrogant, domineering and lawless. That is definitely because she has a kind nature.

When Ma Xiaotao heard that she would have to stay in the boring Qingxin Room for a few more days, she immediately looked at Cai Meier aggrievedly.

Seeing that Master Cai Meier was just smiling but not speaking, Ma Xiaotao also understood that she had to wait.

Cai Mei'er took out a lunch box from the storage soul guide and said to Ma Xiaotao, Master Xiaotao has prepared your favorite dishes for you. Eat it quickly.

Ma Xiaotao broke away from Cai Meier's arms, opened the lunch box, looked at the piles of delicious food, looked at Chen Feng beside her and said, Chen Feng, let's eat together.

Chen Feng smiled and said, Sister Xiaotao, I ate this morning. Aunt Cai carefully prepared this for you. You can eat it.

Cai Meier on the side looked at the handsome Chen Feng. She really looked like a mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law. The more she looked at him, the more satisfied she became.

Cai Meier smiled and said, I have prepared a lot. Chen Feng, if you eat in the morning, you should also eat some with Xiao Tao. Eat more to grow taller and stronger.

Cai Meier knew that with her elder here, the two young people couldn't let go, so she immediately said, Xiao Tao, Chen Feng, I'm going out first, you two young people chat.

After speaking, Cai Meier turned around and walked out, then closed the door of Qingxin Room.

Without Cai Meier, Ma Xiaotao immediately revealed his true nature.

As the saying goes, I feel uncomfortable when my parents are around...

Ma Xiaotao looked at Chen Feng and licked the corners of her mouth, her flaming red lips exuding infinite charm.

Food and other things can wait until later, but it is urgent to relieve the itching and relieve the craving.

Ma Xiaotao twisted her waist, moved her long and round legs, came to Chen Feng's side, lifted Chen Feng's chin, and said in a numb voice, Chen Feng... before Ma Xiaotao could finish.

There was a cough.

Cough, cough, cough! Cough, cough, cough! Cai Meier, who was outside, immediately interrupted Ma Xiaotao's sarcastic remarks.

Ma Xiaotao's ears turned red immediately, and Chen Feng chuckled at the sight, Sister Xiaotao, it's only fifteen minutes. Aunt Cai and I will leave in a moment.

Ma Xiaotao pouted and hummed, Damn, this confinement is so annoying.

Chen Feng looked at Ma Xiaotao and asked, Sister Xiaotao, what happened between you and Ling Luochen? Why did they fight so fiercely?

Ma Xiaotao said gloomily, Ling Luochen is not that bumbling woman who always pulls in front of me. I originally wanted to teach her a lesson...

I didn’t expect that Ling Luochen actually had some skills. I used the torso bone soul skill. It was the first time I used it, but I didn’t grasp the scale properly. I used too much force and injured Ling Luochen...

Chen Feng looked at Ma Xiaotao's glum expression and nodded.

Chen Feng thought Ma Xiaotao found out that Ling Luochen had cuckolded her and wanted to kill her.

Ma Xiaotao looked at Chen Feng and said, Chen Feng, open your mouth.

Ma Xiaotao picked up a piece of fragrant sub-dragon soul beast's leg meat from the lunch box and fed it to Chen Feng.

Fifteen minutes passed by in a flash, and Ma Xiao's pink phoenix eyes reluctantly looked at Chen Feng's handsome face.

Then he held Chen Feng's chin and put on flaming red lips.

Chen Feng hugged Ma Xiaotao's slender waist and kissed back. Ma Xiaotao and Chen Feng spent the longest time together. As the saying goes, love grows over time, and Ma Xiaotao held a great deal of weight in Chen Feng's heart.

Although Ma Xiaotao has many shortcomings on the outside... But in front of Chen Feng, she has always been the best one.

Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao got along very well with each other. After not seeing each other for a few days, Chen Feng also missed the delicious peaches.

After parting their lips, Chen Feng touched Ma Xiaotao's charming and delicate face and said with a smile, Sister Xiaotao, I will satisfy you when you come out.

Ma Xiaotao nodded, and then said vigilantly, Chen Feng, don't be seduced by those little prodigals while I'm away these days. I will 'check' it carefully after I come out.

Speaking of the examination, Ma Xiaotao couldn't help but swallow her saliva, and her eyes flashed red. If it weren't for the wrong place, Ma Xiaotao would have rushed over at this moment.

At this time, Cai Meier outside the room made a voice and said, Chen Feng, come out quickly. If you don't come out, I think Mr. Wang will come to arrest you.

After Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao said goodbye, Chen Feng left the Qingxin Room and returned to his attic.

That's right, it's not Ma Xiaotao's attic, nor Ling Luochen and Wu Ming's attic, but Chen Feng's own attic.

After establishing a relationship with Ma Xiaotao, Chen Feng has been living in Ma Xiaotao's house. Chen Feng has not lived in the attic assigned to Chen Feng by the college for a day.

Last night, they just finished warming up with Ling Luochen and Wu Ming, and the Yin Qi accumulated in their bodies was also absorbed and refined by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng doesn't plan to go find Ling Luochen and Wu Ming now.

For a moment, Chen Feng planned to go back to his attic to take a look. Chen Feng's attic was close to Poseidon Pavilion. The second pavilion to the east of Poseidon Pavilion was Chen Feng's residence.

As for the first attic on the east side, it is the residence of senior sister Zhang Lexuan...

After a cup of tea, Chen Feng took out the key and opened the door.

Looking at the floor in the hall of the house, the furniture was covered with dust. It was obvious that no one had lived in this room for a while.

Chen Feng walked into the house. Sunlight shone slantly through the cracks in the window, and countless tiny golden particles floated in the air. ,

Naturally, such a place cannot be inhabited. Chen Feng simply cleaned the room, then took out a mat from the storage soul guide and spread it on the bed. Then Chen Feng sat cross-legged and started his daily practice...

While Chen Feng was practicing, exchange students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy arrived in Shrek City at this time.

At this time, in the blue sky, Yan Shaozhe, Mr. Ma behind him and ten exchange students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, looked at the bustling Shrek City.

Entering Shrek Academy, Yan Shaozhe deliberately slowed down his flying speed so that the aliens from the Sun and Moon Empire could see the scene below clearly.

Yan Shaozhe said with a hint of pride, This is Shrek City, Shrek Academy has arrived.

In the next few years, you will live in Shrek. I hope you will like it here.

Xiao Hongchen said nervously: Shrek City looks pretty good, but it's far behind Mingdu (the capital of the Sun and Moon Empire).

The population of Mingdu exceeds 20 million, and its area is so large that even the capitals of the three countries of your Douluo Continent combined are not half as big as our Mingdu.

As soon as Xiao Hongchen finished speaking, the atmosphere suddenly condensed and everyone became quiet.

Meng Hongchen pulled her brother's clothes and whispered, Brother!

Meng Hongchen's eyes reminded Xiao Hongchen to be careful when speaking. After all, this place is the territory of Shrek Academy, not the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

Xiao Hongchen said nonchalantly, What I said is the truth. I believe Yan Shaozhe, the dean of Shrek Academy, will not blame me.

After saying this, Xiao Hongchen, who was young and vigorous and had not been beaten up by society, had a confident smile on his face.

He looked at Yan Shaozhe and said, Dean Yan, you won't blame me, will you?

After hearing Xiao Hongchen's words, Yan Shaozhe twitched the corner of his mouth and thought to himself, This little brat, if you have the guts, wait until you get to Shrek Academy and see how I punish you.

Yan Shaozhe was not big-hearted at all, so he immediately decided to punish Xiao Hongchen.

At this time, Ma Lao, the leading teacher of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, apologized and said, Dean Yan Shaozhe, I'm sorry, Xiao Hongchen is outspoken. You don't want to be like a child.

After hearing this, Yan Shaozhe said with a kind smile on his face, Haha, young people are full of energy.

Yan Shaozhe said this, but what he thought in his heart was up to the beholder.

After saying that, Yan Shaozhe led everyone from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy into Shrek City and flew towards Shrek Academy.

At this time, at the east gate of Shrek City and the gate of Shrek Academy, Du Weilun, the teaching director of the Martial Arts Department of Shrek Academy's outer academy, and several teachers from the outer academy had been waiting for a long time.

Du Weilun is about fifty years old, tall, black and beardless, with a stern look on his face.

Watching Yan Shaozhe return with the exchange students from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

A smile suddenly appeared on his stern face, he hurried forward to greet me and said respectfully: Dean Yan, everything has been arranged.

Yan Shaozhe nodded, feeling relieved that Du Weilun would do the work.

Yan Shaozhe smiled at Ma Laoxiao Hongchen and others and said, Welcome to Shrek Academy. In the next few years, you can be considered a member of our Shrek Academy.

According to the exchange content, I will let you enter the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy to study.

However, the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy does not accept trash, only geniuses and monsters.

If you want to enter the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, you must pass the assessment and prove your strength.

Otherwise, I will have to let you study in the sixth grade of Shrek Academy's outer courtyard for a period of time. When you meet the standards, you will enter the inner courtyard.

Hearing Yan Shaozhe's words, Mr. Ma frowned. In his opinion, Yan Shaozhe was definitely making things difficult for them.

Mr. Ma immediately said, Dean Yan Shaozhe, what you said seems not to have been written in the agreement at that time, right?

Yan Shaozhe smiled and said, It is harmful for people who are not strong enough to enter the inner courtyard.

Xiao Hongchen looked at Yan Shaozhe and said confidently, Dean Yan, then I would like to know what the assessment questions are!

Yan Shaozhe, who looked like a kind old man, looked at Xiao Hongchen with a smile and said, The assessment is very simple. As long as you can hold up a stick of incense in the hands of an inner courtyard student of the same level as me at Shrek Academy, you will pass the assessment.

Xiao Hongchen said, Okay, come on then, I want to see the power of the elites in the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy.

After hearing this, Meng Hongchen felt that there was nothing wrong with it, and said, Add me, I will also take part in the assessment.

Yan Shaozhe said, Haha, don't be in a hurry. You have just finished your journey and have consumed a lot. You have a day off today. We will gather at Poseidon Lake tomorrow morning and we will arrange the assessment for you then.

Let me introduce to you, this is the dean of our Shrek Academy, Du Weilun. In the next few years, your life and study will be inseparable from him.

Du Weilun, please arrange accommodation for the exchange students at the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, and introduce them to Shrek Academy by the way. After saying that, Yan Shaozhe turned and left.

Yes. Du Weilun said respectfully.

Du Weilun extended his hand to the people of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy and said, Everyone, please come with me.


Evening, dormitory.

Meng Hongchen said to Xiao Hongchen, Brother, you are too high-profile during the day.

Xiao Hongchen chuckled and said, Meng, let me tell you this, Shrek Academy will not only not harm us, but also protect us!

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