Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 218 Snow Emperor’s back-stepping service

Snow Emperor jumped into Chen Feng's arms with his short legs. He was held in Chen Feng's arms, and then he was rubbed and squashed.

Snow Emperor: (/_\)

Chen Feng looked at the wrinkled Snow Emperor, with a wicked smile on his lips, Xue'er, my brother is very busy today. I carried you during the day and flew from Shrek Academy to Yuming City!

I have been working hard all night to remove the seal for you, and I am exhausted physically and mentally. Do you think you should thank me properly? Well, Xueer, what do you think?

Chen Feng didn't mind the Snow Emperor's petty temper. He was treated like a little girl every day in his lolita form. As a ruler who once ruled the Far North, he was naturally unhappy.

After regaining his condition, he naturally wanted to vent his frustration.

Just like in the original work, the Snow Emperor was in the Eye of Ice and Fire. After the little snow girl's soul recovered its memory and turned into the Snow Emperor, it flew up and down, and finally almost caused Huo Yuhao to die on the spot.

Chen Feng is not Huo Yuhao. The Snow Emperor wants to lose his temper in front of him? Chen Feng had to let Snow Emperor know who was the boss in this family.

Now the Snow Emperor's body has been controlled by Chen Feng. The Snow Emperor even needs Chen Feng to open up the capital for her to play tricks, so what else can she use to play tricks.

Snow Emperor: Hey, hey, Chen Feng bullies people o(╥﹏╥)o

The Ice Emperor on the side looked at Chen Feng bullying the Snow Emperor, and mentally communicated with Chen Feng, Chen Feng, you are not playing tricks on the Snow Emperor.

Chen Feng used his mental power to reply to the Ice Emperor, Bing'er, you are so smart, you should be able to guess it.

Ice Emperor said angrily, Chen Feng, I knew you were planning this, otherwise you wouldn't be so diligent and put in so much effort to help Snow Emperor.

It turns out that the target is the Snow Emperor's body, you... a pervert! !

Chen Feng smiled and did not reply to the Ice Emperor.

Now that he has solved the problem of the Snow Emperor's origin seal, the Snow Emperor's cultivation speed will be rapid in the future.

It will be easy and simple to catch up with Ma Xiaotao in the future.

Chen Feng is like a hard-working farmer, working hard to water and fertilize the small tree Snow Emperor, waiting for Snow Emperor to grow into a towering tree and then bloom and bear fruit.

When the time comes, Chen Feng will pick the delicious fruits and eat them cleanly.

The current Snow Emperor is still too weak and has not grown enough to be able to enter, so Chen Feng is not in a hurry.

Chen Feng spent so much effort, so naturally he would not pick it when the Snow Emperor only has the strength of the Soul Lord.

Before the entrance, Chen Feng was bored and planned to slowly turn the Snow Emperor into his own shape, and learn from the Snow Emperor to gain some knowledge.

After all, the Snow Emperor is an ice and snow girl who has cultivated for 700,000 years. She should be somewhat unique in her cultivation, right? You can't just waste time...

When the Ice Emperor saw that Chen Feng ignored her, he was so angry that he directly dived into Chen Feng's spiritual sea. The same was true for Tianmeng Bingsi.

Ice Emperor and Tianmeng have no body, they are both spiritual bodies and cannot move outside for a long time.

Now that I have been out for so long, it is time to return to Chen Feng's spiritual sea to rest.

After Tianmeng Bingshen returned to Chen Feng's spiritual sea, he directly found a place to fall asleep.

Ice Emperor's eyes widened in the sea of ​​spirit, not daring to relax at all, for fear that Chen Feng would eat Snow Emperor while she was sleeping.

Inside the hotel room.

The surroundings were filled with snowflakes made by the Snow Emperor when he was having a little temper. The originally exquisite furniture and smooth floors were now covered with thick snowflakes.

Chen Feng waved his hand to remove all the ice and snow, then looked at the Snow Emperor in his arms, waiting for the Snow Emperor to answer his question.

When the Snow Emperor heard Chen Feng's words, he looked at Chen Feng's handsome face and felt that Chen Feng seemed really tired today.

So he said to Chen Feng, Chen Feng, how do you want me to thank you.

Suddenly, Snow Emperor recalled the intimate scene between Chen Feng, Ma Xiaotao and others.

He jumped out directly from Chen Feng's arms, hugged his shoulders and looked at Chen Feng warily.

Chen Feng saw Emperor Xue's alert look and couldn't help laughing, Xue'er, come here and give me a pat on your back and massage your waist. After saying that, Chen Feng lay down on the bed.

The Snow Emperor was alert for two seconds and found that Chen Feng really didn't seem to have that plan. He breathed a sigh of relief, but there was a slight sense of disappointment in his heart.

Chen Feng, this bastard, does he regard me as his little sister?

Emperor Xue looked at Chen Feng lying on the bed with a somewhat complicated mood.

Snow Emperor and Chen Feng didn't get along for long, but for Snow Emperor, the excitement was far away from the boring 700,000 years of living in the far north.

The prosperity of human society is by no means comparable to the world of soul beasts.

The Snow Emperor remembered that when he first met Chen Feng, Chen Feng saved her from danger and then brought her to Shrek Academy for protection.

Then in order to help her practice faster, she even thought of a way to break the seal of her original power...

Although Chen Feng always bullied her, Emperor Xue was very grateful to Chen Feng.

Emperor Xue thought to himself, Hmph, Chen Feng, you are the first one who can let me give you a massage.

Snow Emperor walked to the bed again with his short legs and looked at Chen Feng lying on the bed.

The back was exposed, and the unparalleled handsome face was sunken in because he was lying on the pillow, and was blocked by the soft pillow and could not be seen.

Snow Emperor's soft little ass sat on Chen Feng's waist, and his short legs were placed on both sides of Chen Feng's ribs.

Chen Feng felt the softness on his waist and understood that this was the Snow Emperor coming up.

Chen Feng understood that the fact that Snow Emperor could massage his back had already proven a lot.

Chen Feng closed his eyes and prepared to enjoy the massage from the Snow Emperor, the master of the far north who had cultivated for 700,000 years.

It’s one thing to feel comfortable or not, it’s mainly about spiritual enjoyment.

Chen Feng said happily, Xue'er, remember to use some strength, otherwise your strength will be too weak and I won't be able to feel it.

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Snow Emperor hummed, I know.

After finishing speaking, Snow Emperor hammered Chen Feng hard on the back.

Snow Emperor's pink fist punched Chen Feng on the back. The strong and extremely elastic muscles and tough skin made Snow Emperor feel like he was punched on rubber.

Every time Chen Feng was hit on the back, the muscles would rebound.

After only a few blows, Snow Emperor was so tired that he was dripping with sweat, and his little fists had no strength.

Chen Feng smiled and said, Xue'er has only hammered a few times, but she has no strength left?

Hearing Chen Feng's teasing, Snow Emperor straightened up and stood on Chen Feng's back.

Snow Emperor said, Since it's a beating on the back and waist, there should be no difference between hitting with hands and stepping on it with feet. Chen Feng, if you don't mind, I will step on you with my feet.

Chen Feng's ears twitched, It's okay, Xue'er, just watch it yourself.

When the Snow Emperor heard Chen Feng asking her to watch by herself, she started stomping, stomping, stomping, stomping on Chen Feng's back.

Xuedi used his own weight to massage Chen Feng's back with his feet.

Snow Emperor's feet are small and exquisite, only three inches in size. The toes are like budding flowers, delicate and soft.

The skin on the soles of the feet is delicate and soft, as delicate as a newly peeled lychee, and the color of the skin is as white and flawless as snow.

Chen Feng only felt that there were two soft and cool little things on his back and waist that were constantly being lifted and lowered. The strength was slightly lacking, but the soft and cool touch made Chen Feng quite comfortable.

Chen Feng lay on the bed comfortably and encouraged, Xue'er, it's very comfortable, continue...

The Snow Emperor who was standing on Chen Feng's back heard Chen Feng's words and angrily stomped on Chen Feng's back, and then walked around directly on Chen Feng's back.

after an hour……

Snow Emperor's feet were weak and his legs were sore, his little white skirt was soaked with sweat, and his cute and delicate little face was pink.

He slumped down on Chen Feng's waist, breathing heavily from exhaustion, Chen Feng, I'm tired, I want to rest.

At this time, the Ice Emperor, who was on alert in Chen Feng's spiritual sea, observed for a long time and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that nothing happened to Chen Feng and Snow Emperor.

Seeing that Snow Emperor was tired, Chen Feng turned around from the bed with a smile on his face. He looked at Snow Emperor and said with a smile, Xue'er, it's good. The massage was very comfortable. You will be my dedicated masseur from now on.

Seeing that there was no trace of embarrassment on Chen Feng's face, Emperor Xue thought to himself, Do you really think that I am your servant? How can you have the nerve to say such a thing?

Snow Emperor looked at Chen Feng with his big sky-blue Kazilan eyes, trying to make Chen Feng realize his conscience.

Chen Feng looked at Snow Emperor looking at him with a look of confusion? ?

Xue'er, why are you looking at me?

Snow Emperor said coldly to Chen Feng, Chen Feng, do you really think that I am your servant?

Well, even though Snow Emperor has a cold expression, it really doesn't have any deterrent effect on her cute pink face.

Chen Feng looked at Snow Emperor's expression and was almost amused.

Chen Feng said in a cheerful tone, Xue'er, your serious look is so cute.

When the Snow Emperor heard Chen Feng's words, he couldn't help but become angry. He stretched out his little finger, pointed at Chen Feng and said, Chen Feng,!!

Chen Feng smoothly smoothed Snow Emperor's hair and stroked Snow Emperor's long, messy white hair.

Snow Emperor said angrily, Chen Feng, let me go!

Chen Feng stretched out his sinful hand and rubbed the Snow Emperor's little head, It's already two or three in the morning. I won't bother you anymore, and you don't want to practice anymore. The effect of your practice now is worse than nothing. It's better to rest and adjust during this time. status.

Seeing Chen Feng coaxing him again, the Snow Emperor said, Chen Feng, do you really treat me like a child?

Chen Feng chuckled and said, Xue'er, do you think you are very mature?

After saying that, Chen Feng lay down on the bed, covered himself with a soft quilt, and began to rest. On this day, Chen Feng was on the road again and released the seal of the original power from the Snow Emperor. Chen Feng was also very tired...

As for the Snow Emperor's immaturity... Chen Feng is not mature enough, either from the original work or from personal experience.

(He acted impetuously and was not steady enough. He was not ready when he was transformed into a human being and was locked up in a cage. The two eyes of ice and fire almost killed Huo Yuhao. What follows is a little girl’s mentality, saying that compared to being the master of the far north, I prefer to be a carefree little snow girl)

Chen Feng estimated that the Snow Emperor was in the far north. In addition to practicing, he was either sleeping or fighting, and the only person he communicated with was the Ice Emperor.

Compared to humans, the Snow Emperor is naturally as pure as a piece of white paper with few colors, waiting for the destined person to paint it with rich colors.

When the Snow Emperor heard Chen Feng's words, he thought to himself, This emperor has ruled over the far north for hundreds of thousands of years, am I still immature?

If Chen Feng knew what Snow Emperor was thinking, he would definitely say, Relying on strong strength to suppress several powerful soul beasts seems to be only related to strength...

When the Snow Emperor saw that Chen Feng had closed his eyes and slept, he naturally would not listen to Chen Feng's words and go to rest. Instead, he sat cross-legged on the bed and prepared to practice.

Snow Emperor is going to try to use the valve that Chen Feng constructed for her from the beads of original power in her body for her own use. It will be up to her to see how Chen Feng will control her.

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