Peerless Tang Sect: A soul-breaking knife at the beginning

Chapter 205 Xu Jiawei: The white tiger lineage is about to fly

Mr. Ma looked at a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals and wanted to surrender.

But when he turned around and thought, It would be too shameful to surrender without a fight. It would damage the national prestige of the Sun and Moon Empire. In past games, we had all lost to Shrek Academy, but we never surrendered without a fight.

If he dared to issue a surrender order and ruined the indomitable fighting spirit of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, he would definitely be punished afterwards.

Losing on the field is a matter of strength, and whether to fight or not is a matter of attitude.

Their Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy has been losing for thousands of years. When did they stop competing because they were afraid of losing?

So, we must fight. Anyway, if these brats lose, they will lose. If they lose, it is because of their lack of strength, and it is not because of his improper command.

At this time, the medical team from the Star Luo Empire arrived and took Xiao Hongchen and Meng Hongchen down for treatment. Another leading teacher from the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy followed them to prevent the Star Luo Empire from doing anything.

At this time, Mr. Ma looked at the dejected team members and began to inject chicken blood into these team members.

Mr. Ma yelled, Why are you so scared? You are so good at this, and you don't dare to attack the enemy when you see how powerful it is. When in the past thousands of years have our Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy ever been afraid?

Mr. Ma continued, For thousands of years, our Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy has been losing, but it is getting closer and closer to Shrek Academy.

From the very beginning, our Sun and Moon Royal Soul Master Academy was easily defeated by Shrek Academy in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition.

Nowadays, it is getting more and more difficult for Shrek Academy to win against us. Our failure is to accumulate experience for those who come after us... one day, those who come after us will defeat Shrek Academy! !

Ma Laoyi made an impassioned phone call, and immediately the team members of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, who had been dejected and had no fighting spirit just now, ignited their fighting spirit.

Yes, we are not afraid of losing. If we fight with the people from Shrek Academy, even if we lose, we will lose with glory!!

The latecomers will definitely learn from our failure experience and move towards success!


Mr. Ma watched the team members ignite their fighting spirit one by one, and secretly praised his own ability to beat chicken blood.


When Mr. Ma was giving chicken blood to the team members of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy,

Shrek Academy rest area.

Dai Yueheng said with a livid face, Let me go first in the individual competition. Chen Feng, Ma Xiaotao, you two just spent a lot of money in the team competition, so let us go on first. You are responsible for guaranteeing the finale.

Today, White Tiger Duke Dai Hao happened to be watching the game at the top of the imperial city. Dai Yueheng originally wanted to perform well.

But who would have thought that the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy could be so powerful? The red-gold torrent that enveloped the entire competition stage was so powerful that he and several others had to withdraw.

Throughout the team competition, he, Dai Yueheng, acted like soy sauce. This made Dai Yueheng, who had always been arrogant and arrogant, endure it.

Of course, the main reason is because the White Tiger Duke Dai Hao is present. As a son, Dai Yueheng wants to perform and show off in front of his father, which is natural.

Chen Feng naturally understood, so he said to Dai Yueheng, Okay, then we will wait for you to win the individual competition.

Ling Luochen said, Then I want to appear second!!

Xixi raised her hand and said with a precious word, Third!

Gongyang Mo pinched Orchid's fingers and chuckled, You all really have high fighting spirit. I am an auxiliary soul master, so I will be responsible for cheering you on.

Yao Haoxuan narrowed his eyes and said, Hey, hey, in that case, I'll be the fourth one to appear.

At this time, the members of the reserve team suddenly became excited when they saw that one of the regular members of Shrek Academy was not participating.

Since some of the main players are not playing, can they not play?

This is the final of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition. It would be great if there is a chance to appear.

Beibei said slightly excitedly, Senior Gongyang Mo, if you don't show up, then I want to show up to participate in the individual competition.

Seeing that Beibei wanted to play, Dai Huabin felt as if a cat's paw was scratching his heart. He also wanted to play, but after thinking about his own strength, he suddenly withered.

Seeing Beibei about to appear, Wang Dong made a sound, obviously feeling sour.

Not only Wang Dong, but also Wu Feng and Nanmen Yuner had their big eyes gleaming, as if they wanted to play but were too embarrassed to speak because of their strength.

Wang Yan on the side: Okay, okay, you have arranged the order of appearance, right?

Wang Yan smiled helplessly and sighed, Since you all have decided, I will sign up according to this list.

Teacher Wang Yan, why don't you go out and sign up?

Teacher Wang Yan, thank you for your hard work!

Wang Yan: (╥_╥) The tool man is a real hammer...

Soon Wang Yan applied for the seven places for the individual competition.

These seven people are: Dai Yaoheng, Ling Luochen, Xixi, Yao Haoxuan, Beibei, Chen Feng, and Ma Xiaotao.

At this time, Mr. Ma from the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy next door also selected three strong players from the remaining regular team members and reserve teams to register.

One minute passed in a blink of an eye, and Tiansha Douluo said loudly, The individual elimination round begins, the first player from both sides takes the field. Shrek Academy, Dai Yueheng, Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy Mika!

Hearing the referee's voice, Dai Yueheng jumped onto the stage.

Micah on the other side also came to the competition stage.

Mika looked at the sturdy Dai Yueheng on the competition stage and breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it was not the two monsters Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao. If it were those two monsters, he would have surrendered.

The game begins! Following Tiansha Douluo Huang Jinxu's loud shout, Dai Yueheng and Mika took action at the same time.

Both sides carried out martial soul possession at the same time.

After Dai Yueheng was possessed by the martial spirit, he roared and rushed towards Mika.

Obviously Dai Yueheng couldn't wait to perform in front of his father.

Mika of the Sun Moon Team was possessed by a martial spirit and put on a soul guide armor.

Although Mika's cultivation level is only that of a Soul King, and his martial spirit is not strong, with the blessing of the soul guide armor, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is half a Soul Emperor.

But he was facing Dai Yueheng. After twenty rounds of fighting, even though Micah tried his best to use soul cannons and various soul tools to block Dai Yueheng's approach, he was still approached by Dai Yueheng.

Mika used the invincible shield urgently, but this powerful invincible shield could only protect him for three seconds. Three seconds later, Dai Yueheng tore apart the defense of the soul guide armor with a tiger claw, and slapped Mika with another palm. chest.

If it weren't for the timely rescue of Tiansha Douluo, Micah would not be able to escape if he was seriously injured.

Dai Yueheng's long and sharp tiger claws are no joke.

After Dai Yueheng defeated his opponent, he let out a tiger roar, and then glanced at the white tiger Duke Dai Hao on the top of the imperial city.

When he found that his father was looking at him with encouragement in his eyes, he suddenly felt hot and felt that there was endless strength all over his body.

At this time, at the top of the imperial city, Xu Jiawei said, Yaoheng has reached the sixty-fourth level in cultivation before he was twenty years old. It is only a matter of time before he breaks through to the Titled Douluo. Brother Dai Hao, what are Yaoheng's plans after graduation?

Dai Hao said, Your Majesty, thank you very much. Yao Heng is still far behind the top talents like Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao.

According to Yao Heng's own wishes, after graduating from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy, he plans to return to the Star Luo Empire, start as a small soldier, and serve the country.

When Xu Jiawei heard what Dai Hao said, he said with a smile on his face, Okay, serve the country. Yao Heng has really grown up, but starting from a small soldier, isn't it true that he is overqualified and underqualified? He was directly promoted to a captain of thousands.

Xu Jiawei had a smile on his face, but he was not as happy as he showed on his face.

Xu Jiawei thought to himself, Both father and son are in the army, and they are constantly developing their power in the army. As time goes by, won't the prestige of your White Tiger lineage in the army surpass that of me, the emperor?

Xu Jiawei looked at Dai Huabin and Dai Yueheng in the Shrek Academy team and wondered in his heart, Is the White Tiger line going to rise?

Dai Hao is now at level 89. In a few years, he will be able to break through to the Title Douluo level. His two sons, Dai Huabin and Dai Yueheng, have outstanding talents. It will not be a problem to break through the title Douluo in the future. When the time comes, the father and son will have three Douluo... Hiss! !

For a moment, Xu Jiawei's alarm bells rang in his heart, and he became fearful of the White Tiger lineage.

Previous generations of emperors had always implemented a policy of suppression against the White Tiger lineage of the former royal family, leaving the White Tiger lineage without even a single powerful person at the Title Douluo level. This made Xu Jiawei relax his vigilance towards the Baihu lineage.

Xu Jiawei didn't expect that as soon as he relaxed, the White Tiger lineage would rise again.


When Xu Jiawei was talking to Duke Baihu.

The game continues.

After Dai Yueheng defeated two members of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, when he faced the third member of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy, his soul power was exhausted and he was defeated.

Then Ling Luochen came on the stage, and after defeating two members of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy in a row, he felt that his soul power was exhausted, so he left the field directly.

At this time, the audience discovered it one after another. In addition to Chen Feng and Ma Xiaotao, the other team members of Shrek Academy are also so powerful.

So they started shouting.

Shrek, invincible! Shrek, sure to win!

Shrek, champion! Champion!!!!


After Ling Luochen defeated two members of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Engineering Academy, he walked down from the competition stage with light steps, raised his head with a hint of pride, and walked towards the rest area of ​​Shrek Academy.

After Ling Luochen's martial soul evolved, he did not obtain the sixth soul ring and was still a five-ring soul king.

But he still defeated two members of the Sun and Moon Royal Soul Engineer Academy.

Although one of them was consumed a lot by Dai Yueheng, it was enough to show how powerful Ling Luochen was.

The members of the Sun Moon Royal Soul Master Academy who came to participate in the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Soul Fighting Competition are not soft persimmons. They are not inferior to the elites from the inner courtyard of Shrek Academy at the same level.

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