Dormitory No. 108.

A handsome boy with fair skin, light pink-blue hair and eyes looked at Huo Yuhao with disdain.

Wang Dong said arrogantly, Huo Yuhao, you have turned a deaf ear to the rules I told you, right?

Seeing Wang Dong's condescending look, Huo Yuhao couldn't help but get angry and said, Why should I listen to you? I am a student of Shrek Academy, I am not your little brother!!

Wang Dong snorted coldly, You don't listen to me? I think you remember eating and not beating. I just beat you up a few days ago. The scar has healed and you have forgotten the pain, right? Today I will let you remember.

Wang Dong jumped up, kicked out his long legs that were beyond the normal proportions, and kicked Huo Yuhao hard in the stomach.

Σ_( ∠)Oh!

Huo Yuhao suddenly knelt on the ground in pain, holding his stomach. After a while, he raised his head and looked at Wang Dong angrily.

Wang Dong looked at Huo Yuhao disdainfully and said, You are a rookie with level 11 soul power. You really don't know how you joined Shrek Academy. Why don't you go clean up quickly? Hmph!

(In the original work, Wang Dong’s attitude was contemptuous and disdainful when he first met Huo Yuhao, and strength is supreme in the extraordinary world)

Huo Yuhao put his hands on the ground, looking up at Wang Dong's lofty appearance, and couldn't help but clenched his fists fiercely.

Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Dong's aloof appearance, his eyes were blood red, his first soul ring was flashing, and he used his first soul skill, Weakness! !

Then he used the Tang Clan's unique skill that he had only practiced for a few days, and pounced on Wang Dong.

Wang Dong felt a little dazed. He shook his head and recovered. Seeing Huo Yuhao's first soul ring flashing, he said disdainfully, That's it??? I don't even need to use my martial soul to deal with you.

After saying this, Wang Dong struck head-on at Huo Yuhao who rushed up.

Bang bang! ah! ! !

The strength gap between Huo Yuhao and Wang Dong was too big. Wang Dong knocked Huo Yuhao to the ground with three punches and two kicks. Huo Yuhao threw himself on the ground, looking helplessly at the ceiling.

Chen Feng's dormitory.

Brother, this is the snack I bought in Shrek City. It tastes great. Try it. Wu Yuepai smiled and handed his snack to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at Wu Yue who was inconsistent and disapproved. This is Douluo Continent, this is the extraordinary world, and the big fist is the truth.

If Chen Feng was weak, Wu Yue might not have this attitude.

Brother, a few brothers and I will go to Shrek City tonight and we won't come back to sleep.

Ahem, brother, I definitely didn't mean to avoid you. It's just that the environment in the dormitory is too bad and I can't sleep well.

Chen Feng looked at Wu Yue who was timid and suddenly felt funny. Go and have fun. Don't take the little conflict to heart. We are roommates after all and we have to help each other.

Wu Yue looked at Chen Feng smiling and saying to help each other, and immediately thought of the scene where Chen Feng smiled and slapped herself.

Help each other, help each other... Wu Yue shuddered, with an awkward smile on her face, and kept nodding.

After walking out of the dormitory, Wu Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Apparently being in the same room with Chen Feng put a lot of pressure on him, and Wu Yue began to think about it.

This Chen Feng is too scary. Even a soul master shouldn't be so powerful. Several of us great soul masters came together, and they took care of us without even seeing him use his martial soul. Moreover, even the teacher couldn't see through him. Means, he is the strongest freshman in Shrek Academy this year.

As a descendant of a noble family, although Wu Yue has a bad personality, the things he comes into contact with in daily life are definitely not comparable to ordinary people. He immediately understood that a genius like Chen Feng must not make enemies, but can only make friends. This kind of talent is destined to be extraordinary in the future.

Make up your mind to have a good relationship with Chen Feng...

As soon as Wu Yue came out, several friends surrounded Wu Yue.

Yueyue, are you okay?

Damn, you unloyal people actually left me and ran away. Wu Yue joked to a few friends.

Aren't we going to find the teacher? Yueyue, your roommate is so scary. Before I could react, I was knocked to the ground. A young man with a blue chin said with a little fear on his face. Wu Yue said.

Yes, your roommate is too strong. I suggest you build a good relationship with him. We are also in the same class. Maybe your roommate will become famous in the future, so he can help us by the way.

Yueyue, what's your roommate's name?

Chen Feng, Maple Leaf's Maple. Wu Yue replied.

Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. Let's go to Shrek City to relax and calm down in the evening. A young man with rather lewd eyes chuckled.

When Wu Yue and others went to Shrek City to have fun and drink, Chen Feng in the dormitory entered into practice.

The diaphragm sound effect in the dormitory is very good. Before Chen Feng started practicing, he hung a wooden sign on the dormitory door indicating that he was practicing. If it's not something extremely important, usually no one will bother you.

Chen Feng was immersed in practicing the Yin and Yang Art. After a while, Chen Feng felt that his body was hot and sweating profusely, so he immediately stopped practicing.

Chen Feng secretly thought: The yang energy is too strong and there is a lack of yin energy to neutralize it.

Chen Feng immediately stopped the operation of Yin Yang Jue and turned his head to practice with Douluo Dalu's meditation method.

Time passed quietly, and it was evening in the blink of an eye.

Chen Feng silently compared the huge difference in the cultivation speed of Yin Yang Jue and Douluo Continent Meditation Method. The difference was so big that dogs shook their heads just looking at it.

After Chen Feng's soul power broke through level 30, he finally realized how difficult it was to train as a soul master with the ultimate martial soul.

Because the quality of soul power of a soul master with the ultimate martial soul is far superior to that of ordinary soul masters, the process of condensing soul power so that his body can withstand this ultimate attribute is inevitable.

Chen Feng's cultivation speed has obviously slowed down a lot compared to before. If he practices normally with Douluo Dalu's garbage meditation method, it will take at least three years to reach the next bottleneck of level 40.

If he uses the Yin-Yang Technique and has the assistance of a powerful female soul master, Chen Feng is confident that he can break through the forty-level soul power in a year and a half.

If there was a female titled Douluo to assist, Chen Feng would dare to challenge to break through level 40 in half a year, ahem... But Chen Feng also knew that this was impossible.

Chen Feng got out of bed, stood up, and looked at the sky outside through the window, only to notice that it was completely dark outside.

Unconsciously, Chen Feng actually practiced for half a day.

Feeling his empty stomach, Chen Feng immediately walked out of the dormitory building.

Chen Feng's current cultivation level is not deep yet, so he still needs to supplement his nutrition, because Shrek Academy has not officially started school yet.

The cafeteria is not open yet, otherwise Chen Feng would have eaten in the Shrek Academy cafeteria.

Shrek's canteen will provide high-end ingredients, which are all good for the soul master's body.

But since the Shrek Academy cafeteria is closed, Chen Feng has no choice but to go to Shrek City to solve the problem of food and clothing.

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