Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 979: tyrannical! Five-stage spirit beast!

"It doesn't matter if he died here, what a pity if we die here?"

Zhou Wanru turned her head and shouted angrily: "You shut up!"

The fourth-rank spirit beast is already the limit that Chen Feng can handle at present, and even he has no chance of winning at all.

He didn't want to drag Yu Qiudie and Zhou Wanru into the water.

At this time, upon hearing what they were saying here, a humanized playful expression flashed in the eyes of the unicorn purple python, as if a cat was playing with a mouse.

Suddenly, his momentum surged again.

With a quick brush, it turned into a fifth-grade spirit beast directly from a fourth-grade spirit beast!

The huge momentum rushed over all over the world.

Chen Feng's heart was even more shocked.

It turned out that this unihorned purple python turned out to be a fifth-grade spirit beast!

At this time, he hated the person who posted the task to the extreme. This person must know a lot of inside stories, but he didn't say it, and he deliberately spread rumors that the unicorn purple golden python is just a third-class spirit beast!

If he had known that the other party was a fifth-grade spirit beast, Chen Feng would never come over rashly.

Fifth-Rank, it turned out to be Fifth-Rank, and the same level as Water Splitting Thorns Dragon.

It would be extremely difficult to kill the water thorn dragon. If it were not for many coincidence factors, Chen Feng would definitely not be an opponent.

This one-horned purple golden python is far inferior to the water-splitting thorn dragon, but it is also a real fifth-grade spirit beast, and very powerful!

Seeing the strength of this unicorn purple golden python, the faces of Yu Qiudie and Zhou Wanru both showed hopelessness.

Xu Dongyan, who was not far away, was even more shocked.

Xu Dongyan yelled: "Chen Feng, you killed us, you took us into a desperate situation!"

"Fifth-rank spirit beast, this time, none of us can run, we will all die here!"

He shouted frantically with a hideous face and blood-red eyes.

Obviously, the mood has almost collapsed!

At this time, the unicorn purple golden python slowly swam out of the lake, and then forced it towards several people.

The closer he got to this side, the more majestic the aura he revealed. A pair of eyes stared at Chen Feng and the others, with a playful look in his eyes, like a cat playing with a mouse.

Chen Feng and others are stepping back.

Yu Qiudie and Zhou Wanru were desperate, and Chen Feng's voice suddenly rang in their ears.

Chen Feng turned his head and said in a low voice, "I will perform a trick later, you take this opportunity and run quickly!"

"After I break off, block him, as long as I can block it!"

"This time I am dragging you down. You can't let you die with me!"

Zhou Wanru shook her head, and said firmly, "No, we have to go together, we will not leave you behind!"

Chen Feng said angrily: "Why are you so stubborn?"

Zhou Wanru said: "We are companions, we must not leave our companions and go together!"

Chen Feng was really stunned.

He didn't expect to know him in just one day, but Zhou Wanru had already regarded herself as his companion and had such a firm heart.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth, and he said heartily: "Okay, let's go together!"

The unicorn purple-golden python had a full view of their movements, but he didn't stop it at all, on the contrary, the joke in his eyes became more intense.

In his opinion, it is absolutely impossible for these three little mice to escape the palm of his hand and would be easily killed by him.

The harder they resist at this time, the more fun she will have to kill!

If these people don't even resist and kill them directly, it will be boring.

Chen Feng suddenly turned his head and stared at the unicorn purple python.

Behind him, sparkling, nine-headed willow suddenly appeared.

Seeing the nine-headed willow, everyone was shocked!

Zhou Wanru and Yu Qiudie showed undisguised shock on their faces.

Zhou Wanru murmured: "Senior Sister Yu, it turns out that Chen Feng hasn't fully demonstrated his strength yet! His martial soul turned out to be the ancient demon **** Xiangliu!"

"And there are already nine heads, they are the ninth grade yellow!"

Yu Qiudie also exclaimed: "He is really a strong man in the Divine Sect Realm, how could he be so powerful!"

"It's really surprising that there are endless cards!"

But Xu Dong Yanyan, who was not far away, showed a deep jealousy on his face.

After the nine-headed willow appeared, even the one-horned purple python looked at it and couldn't help showing a little surprised expression.

In the next instant, the nine huge mouths of the nine-headed willows opened completely and let out a stern roar.

This roar is no longer a silent sound wave, but tangible and qualitative, clearly visible in the air, and it emits extremely strong vibrations.

In the air, nine air waves oscillated.

And these nine air waves are all attacking towards the unicorn purple golden python!

The nine air waves were very thick at the beginning, but in the end, they became thinner and sharper.

Finally, it almost becomes the thickness of a needle.

And these nine needles condensed together, and slammed hard toward the unicorn purple golden python!

It is the Soul Splitting Needle!

The unicorn purple golden python roared, and its huge head hit the side of the Soul Stitch.

However, it has no effect at all.

The Soul Splitting Needle directly penetrated his attack, and then disappeared into his head.

In the next instant, the unicorn purple golden python issued a terrible call sign.

Obviously, it hurts to the extreme.

The whole body was constantly twisting, and almost all the water of the entire Great Lake was stirred up with it.

Chen Feng shouted: "Go!"

Immediately turned around, pulled Yu Qiudie and elbow, rushed toward the path.

Needless to say, Xu Dongyan can run faster than anyone else.

And just after running out, it was about ten breaths, and suddenly there was a very sharp cry behind him.

It is the voice of the unicorn purple golden python!

The earth trembled. Chen Feng looked back and saw that the unicorn purple golden python had chased him frantically.

Chen Feng was shocked, Soul Stitch, and he only trapped the unicorn purple golden python for ten breaths!

Although the unicorn purple and golden python has no claws and feet, its body wanders on the ground at an extremely fast speed.

He was obviously angry to the extreme, his eyes were full of spiteful colors and strong murderous intent, and he tried his best to chase and kill the three men!

The unicorn purple golden python is extremely fast, far surpassing Chen Feng and others.

Soon, he had chased them at a distance of only tens of meters behind them.

The unicorn purple-golden python showed complacency in his eyes. At this time, as long as he leaned forward, he could easily attack the three of them.

The faces of Xu Dongyan and others showed despair.

At this moment, Xu Dongyan suddenly turned around and attacked the three men frantically with his fists.

The three of them were caught off guard and were directly attacked by him, and their speed immediately slowed down.

Taking this opportunity, Xu Dongyan ran forward frantically and quickly ran out several tens of meters.

He turned his head and looked at Chen Feng with a spiteful face and exclaimed triumphantly: "Chen Feng, you trash! You die here today! I'm going to escape!"

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