Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 977: provocative

"After you tamed it, give him this bottle of blood, and it can evolve, at least it can evolve into a sixth-grade spirit beast, and even higher!"

Chen Feng listened and took a breath.

This Langshen bloodline is really amazing! It was able to make the spirit beast evolve again!

You know, the fifth-rank spirit beast at this time is already an existence that Chen Feng wants to look up to.

Chen Feng's current strength is sufficient to deal with third-rank spirit beasts, but there is bound to be no chance of winning against fourth-rank spirit beasts. For fifth-rank spirit beasts, he can't pass ten moves even if his cards are exhausted!

After hearing this, he was also shocked, knowing that he still underestimated the strength of Demon Wolf Valley.

It turned out that the wolf king turned out to be such a powerful spirit beast.

Zhou Wanru said suddenly: "Chen Feng, this bottle is of the blood of the wolf god, I have given it to you."

"What? You gave it to me?" Chen Feng said in shock.

Then he declined: "I can't ask for such a valuable thing."

Zhou Wanru said, "Oh, he's still not a man? Why are you so stubborn?"

"Say it's for you, just take it. Besides, I'm not for you, I'm for Bloodwind."

She looked at the blood wind and said, "I am very fond of the blood wind."

"Bloodwind is also the bloodline of wolf-type monster beasts, the bloodline of wolf god, after he drinks it, it will definitely be of great benefit."

Chen Feng still hesitated. At this time, Yu Qiudie said in a low voice: "Chen Feng, just accept it. You saved our lives. No amount of thanks can be excessive."

"Furthermore, Wanru's father is the deputy head of the Chengtian Gate. He is powerful, and she has some good things! You don't need to be polite to him."

When Chen Feng heard this, he no longer declined: "Haha, I didn't see it, as if she was still a rich little woman."

"In this case, then I won't be polite to you."

Xuefeng understood what Zhou Wanru said, and hurriedly shook his head and walked to her, rubbing her head hard, her tail swaying quickly, with an extremely flattering look.

He is very pleasing to be like this.

Zhou Wanru snorted and struck him lightly on the head:

"You cunning little thief, when you hear it's good, you come to please me right away, it's not the way it was when I robbed my suckling pig!"

Even if the blood wind was so cheeky, he was a bit embarrassed at this time, and he hurried twice in his throat, as if saying that he was wronged.

Zhou Wanru giggled: "Okay, okay, I'll give it to you."

When the blood wind heard it, he was very excited, and he hurried over and took away the crystal bottle in Chen Feng's hand. He didn't know where it was hiding, and disappeared in an instant.

Chen Feng really doubted whether he swallowed the bottle directly.

The next morning, Chen Feng woke up from practicing, stood up, walked outside the cave, and moved his muscles and bones.

At this moment, he heard footsteps behind him.

When I turned around, I saw Xu Dongyan coming over.

Xu Dongyan walked up to Chen Feng, stared at him coldly, lowered his voice, and said in a cold voice: "You trash from Ziyang Sword Field, I warn you, stay away from Wan Ru!"

Chen Feng looked at him and said coldly, "What do you mean?"

"What do you mean? I tell you, Wan is mine!" Xu Dongyan said coldly:

"Don't think I can't see it, don't you think about pursuing Wanru until you know who is Wanru?"

"At that time, if you can really become the son-in-law of the deputy master of Chengtian Sect, you will be able to reach the sky in one step."

"Tell you, you are dreaming!"

"It's like mine, you keep your distance from her in the future, and then let me see you get close to her, I will just abolish you!"

He threatened with a hideous expression.

Chen Feng felt that this person was very tired and crooked, and his strength was obviously low, but he felt that he was much stronger than himself, very ignorant.

Moreover, clinging to Zhou Wanru is clearly his idea, but he thinks everyone is like him.

Chen Feng turned around lazily, as if he hadn't heard him.

Xu Dongyan's face was flushed and he felt that he was underestimated.

He immediately caught up with him, stretched out his hand, and directly grabbed Chen Feng by the collar.

He shouted grimly: "Trash, did you hear what I said? You dare to ignore what I said?"

Chen Feng said coldly: "Let go!"

If Xu Dongyan dared to hold for more than two seconds, he would directly destroy Xu Dongyan.

Xu Dongyan was about to speak, and suddenly at this moment, Zhou Wanru's voice came:

"Xu Dongyan, stop! What are you doing?"

Xu Dongyan let go of Chen Feng, looked at Zhou Wanru with a smile on his face, and explained: "It seems like, don't get me wrong, I'm having fun with Brother Chen Feng!"

With that, he glanced at Chen Feng with a threatening look in his eyes, and said, "Is it right, Brother Chen Feng?"

Zhou Wanru said coldly: "Do you think I am blind? Do you think I will believe your nonsense? Why are you playing with Chen Feng?"

He looked at Xu Dongyan and shook his head, with a look of disdain between his brows.

"Xu Dongyan, when I was in the sect, I was deceived by you. I really think you are a responsible hero."

"Unexpectedly, you are a narrow-minded, cowardly, incompetent, shameless, sinister villain!"

"When the man in black wanted to humiliate me and Sister Yu, you were running for your life alone!"

"And Chen Feng, for saving us, you actually avenged him and uttered bad words!"

Xu Dongyan was also a little bit irritated by his duties, and said coldly, "What kind of life-saving is he?"

"At that time, if the man in black had not exhausted his qi because of fighting with us, how could Chen Feng be such a waste from the Divine Door Realm, how could he kill him?"

Chen Feng felt very funny.

It turned out that Xu Dongyan thought so. He felt that his strength was humble. If he hadn't exhausted his true essence before the man in black, he couldn't kill the man in black at all.

Xu Dongyan said shamelessly: "At the beginning, the man in black dealt with me, it should have exhausted all his last strength, so Chen Feng picked up a bargain!"

Zhou Wanru said coldly: "I don't care about your rhetoric, anyway, from now on, if you dare to threaten Chen Feng with a word, after returning to the sect, I will tell your father to expel you from the sect!"

After hearing this, Xu Dongyan's face was blue and red, and his face turned into anger.

He suddenly screamed at Chen Feng: "You trash, will you only hide behind a woman?"

"If you have the courage, just fight with me."

Chen Feng said coldly: "You want to fight, don't you? Then fight!"

"Okay, you trash, you still have the courage!" Xu Dongyan said proudly:

"Don't blame me for not reminding you. If there is a fight later, I might accidentally make a heavy hand and it will directly destroy you!"

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