Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 959: Sang Liu Wuhun! Ultimate form!

Another lightning flashed, and Chen Feng couldn't help frowning as he looked at the huge water-cracking thorn dragon floating above the lake.

Watersplitting Thorn Dragon is so large that his mustard bag cannot be filled at all, but it is a trouble to transport it away.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly thought of something and immediately rushed back to Broken Edge Peak.

After a while, he came back here, but he did not come back alone at this time.

There is more blood beside him!

Seeing the corpse of the Watersplitting Thorn Dragon, the blood wind didn't say anything from Chen Feng, and immediately pounced on it with an extremely greedy attitude, and then directly began to bite.

It bites very fast, devouring it frantically.

It only takes a few breaths to swallow a piece of meat the size of his body.

And I don't know where the meat has gone.

His body shape has not changed at all.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Blood wind, blood wind, hurry up and eat! Some are!"

And just as the blood wind swallowed the Watersplitting Thorns Dragon, suddenly, behind Chen Feng, the Wuhun Xiang Liu suddenly appeared!

He was a little surprised, how could Wuhun Wuhun suddenly appear?

Before he could think clearly, Xiang Liu Wuhun suddenly flew over the Watersplitting Thorn Dragon.

Then, the two claws and the seven huge mouths were all starting to tear something crazy.

It seemed to be tearing the void, but after a while, Chen Feng saw that the soul of the Watersplitting Thorny Dragon was torn out directly.

Being pulled out of the corpse abruptly.

The soul of the water-splitting thorn dragon is huge, and it is ten times the size of Xiang Liu Wuhun, but it seems to be very afraid of Xiang Liu Wuhun.

Xiang Liu Wuhun took a step forward, and it took a step back.

Suddenly, Xiang Liu Wuhun jumped on it wildly with extreme greed, and directly pounced on the soul of the Watersplitting Thorn Dragon, and then his claws kept tearing.

Seven big mouths are constantly tearing out fragments from above.

Tear off a piece and swallow it crazily!

The soul of the Watersplitting Thorn Dragon uttered a terrible and silent scream, but there was no power to fight back.

As the Watersplitting Thorn Dragon continued to be swallowed, the body became smaller bit by bit, while the body of Xiang Liu Wuhun's body grew bit by bit.

Soon, Xiang Liu Wuhun changed from forty meters long to fifty meters long... sixty meters long...

When the last piece of the water-splitting thorn dragon's soul was also swallowed by the Xiangliu Wuhun, the Xiangliu Wuhun reached a full length of 100 meters.

In the sky, it is huge.

After a while, Wuhun Xiang Liu showed two huge sarcomas beside his neck.

The sarcoma continued to grow, and finally exploded, two new heads appeared one after another!

At the same time, the claws on the surface of his body continued to grow, becoming sturdy and heavy, becoming the size of a pavilion! The wings on both sides are constantly getting longer and bigger, and the wings are plump. Finally, they are 100 meters long and look very coordinated.

There is no such thing as being too big or having too short wings.

The scales on the surface of the body have become extremely heavy.

Each piece of scale armor is more than one meter thick, and the defense is extremely strong.

And on the head in the middle of Xiang Liu Wuhun, a huge dragon horn of ten meters long grew!

Chen Feng was stunned, and ecstasy broke out after a while.

Xiang Liu Wuhun has evolved to nine heads!

Chen Feng knew that this was already the ultimate form of Xiang Liu Wuhun, nine heads Xiang Liu!

And at this time, suddenly, on the surface of Xiang Liu Wuhun, nine yellow lights flashed one after another!

It turned out that the Wuhun Xiangliu was directly promoted to the ninth-rank yellow Wuhun!

A faint coercion radiated from it, this was the coercion that Wuhun possessed after reaching the ninth-rank yellow rank.

And all other aspects of the Wuhun Xiangliu's body have also evolved extremely completely, which is already the ultimate form of Wuhun Xiangliu.

And Chen Feng knew that his martial soul would definitely not stop there!

But what evolutionary direction is next, he doesn't know.

It seemed that Xiang Liu Wuhun had already evolved.

Xiang Liu Wuhun opened his teeth and danced his claws, and suddenly raised his eyes to the sky and roared, as the invisible sound waves rippled, as if venting.

Chen Feng felt that the form of Wuhun Wuhun was the most comfortable and happiest, and he should have the most form.

It has been suppressed for too long before.

At this time, Chen Feng was also thoughtful.

After the phase Liu Wuhun evolved into a nine-head phase Liu, he no longer possessed the two previous martial arts supernatural powers.

His martial arts supernatural powers were neither shocking nor extreme blows, but condensing two martial arts supernatural powers into one.

Chen Fengfeng sighed softly, and slowly spit out three words: "Cracking Soul Needle!"

It turned out that after Xiang Liu Wuhun was promoted to Nine Head Xiang Liu, the two Wuhun's supernatural powers were united, and the powerful spiritual power could be condensed into needles, piercing the enemy's spirit and soul fiercely!

After condensing into needles, it is highly condensed. Although it becomes extremely thin, it is extremely sharp.

The power is also very large, how many times it has been increased from the past.

The Soul Splitting Needle does not need to be upgraded, only after the Xiang Liu Wuhun reaches nine heads, can he obtain this supernatural power.

This martial arts supernatural power can even be aimed at Tianhe realm masters, and it has excellent effects.

As for the masters of the gods, the Soul Splitting Needle can even tear his soul directly, causing him to die directly!

Here, the nine-headed Xiangliu has completed the evolution.

When Chen Feng looked over there, he was shocked.

It turned out that the blood wind had swallowed the corpse of the Watersplitting Thorn Dragon, and only the huge skeleton remained there.

At this time, the Watersplitting Thornysaurus had only one skeleton left, and there was no blood left.

And Chen Feng looked at the blood wind, and found that the blood wind was no different from the past, it was still the same!

Not even the slightest change in body shape.

Chen Feng shook his head and said, "You fellow, there is a bottomless pit in your stomach!"

"The water-splitting thorn dragon has millions of catties of flesh and blood, so it was directly eaten by you without knowing it!"

At this time, the sky is about to brighten, and the squally rain has become much smaller, and it is about to stop.

Chen Feng knew that this place shouldn't stay for a long time, so he immediately took away the unicorn and beast pill of Watersplitting Thorn Dragon.

At this time, there were only two valuable things left on the water-splitting thorn dragon crystal dragon, the flesh was eaten by the blood and the blood was absorbed by Chen Feng.

Chen Feng quickly left here with a **** wind and returned to Broken Edge Peak's own room. He felt a palpitation.

He secretly called a fluke in his heart.

In fact, he knew very well that his strength was far from the opponent of Watersplitting Thorn Dragon.

Five of him, I'm afraid they are not opponents.

And even if he understood the violent thunder and smashed five mountains, he was still not an opponent.

If it weren't for the Watersplitter Thorn Dragon who wanted to swallow it, he was given a direct attack head, and attacked from the inside out, directly hitting its weakest chance, Chen Feng would definitely not be able to kill the Watersplitter Thorn Dragon.

(Chapter six, 12,000 words, I know that today’s update is late, I apologize to you, but I hope to be considerate.

Today’s six chapters are difficult to write. I am really exhausted. My shoulders are sore and painful.

Very tired, really tired. )

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