Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 952: Chunfeng Thaw Dan

Zhao Hui laughed dryly and said directly: "One unidentified prescription, starting price, one thousand high-grade spirit stones."

This is the lowest starting price among the previous ten lots, which shows that their auction house is also very unassuming.

Below, there was a sudden silence, no one paid any attention.

Someone laughed and said, "Okay, Zhao Hui, hurry up and announce the unsold auction! Who will buy this thing?"

At this time, Chen Feng's ear suddenly heard a dark voice: "This prescription is a bit weird, you can buy it."

"I felt an obscure spiritual wave on it."

Chen Feng nodded hurriedly, and An Lao is always right.

He pretended to be careless and shouted, "I bought five thousand high-grade spirit stones."

Zhao Hui was very happy when he heard that someone was bidding to prevent this lot from being sold out.

He raised the hammer high and quickly shouted: "Five thousand high-grade spiritual stones. Someone has offered five thousand high-grade spiritual stones. Is anyone still bidding?"

Zhao Hui seemed to be afraid of Chen Feng's repentance. After asking a question, he hurriedly struck the hammer three times. This unidentified prescription belonged to Chen Feng.

Everyone looked at Chen Feng with foolish eyes.

"This kind of unidentified prescription is actually bought by someone. Is this person stupid?"

"This person is so stupid that he sent so many high-grade spirit stones to buy a piece of waste."

"I guess he might want to take a gamble, and hope that after identification, the prescription level is very high."

"Haha, he didn't want to think about it. If he could be identified, he would have been identified long ago, where would he be his turn?"

Everyone looked at Chen Feng with contempt, and they made disdainful comments.

They didn't know, Chen Feng was secretly happy.

An old man smiled and said, "Haha, Chen Feng scolded you for picking up a big deal this time."

"These talents really don't understand good goods, and there is nothing to do. Why don't they have a dark old man by their side?"

As he said, he made a strange smile for the old and disrespectful.

Chen Feng believed in what An Lao said.

Chen Feng felt that he had definitely picked up a big leak.

The auction was followed by no surprises, and the auction was in the middle, and the golden auction house took out the latest batch of precious medicinal materials they had on hand.

Chen Feng saw that on the prescription that An Lao took out, the remaining three medicinal materials were indeed in it.

He quickly photographed it at a high price, spending a total of 50,000 top-grade spirit stones.

Then, before the auction was over, Chen Feng left the golden auction house.

At this time, it was getting late, and Chen Feng found an inn in Danyang County to stay.

After entering the room, Old An suddenly appeared, and directly stretched out his hand and said, "Quickly, take out this prescription for the old man to see."

He looked forward to it, like a child who was about to get a gift, Chen Feng smiled secretly.

For senior pharmacists like An Lao, the allure of an unidentified prescription is also very great!

Elder An took the prescription in his hand, and then took a deep breath. On his palms, the breath came out gently, like a small broom, sweeping the surface of the prescription.

After a cup of tea, Yao Lao let out a sigh of breath and handed the prescription to Chen Feng, with a smile on his mouth and said, "Let's take a look!"

Chen Feng hurriedly took a look. There were already a few unbearable traces on the prescription. He was very vague and couldn't see clearly.

At this time, lines of clear writing appeared on it, and there was a wave of spiritual power that appeared and disappeared.

Chen Feng first looked at the description of this pill.

"Chunfeng Thawing Pill is used in conjunction with a medicine called Bingfeng Pill."

"If a living creature is seriously injured and cannot be treated for a while, the body can be iced with a frozen pill for a year. Within this year, the injury can no longer deteriorate."

"However, when its body is frozen into a piece of solid ice, it is very difficult to dispose of it. If it is forcibly defrosted with raging fire or fire-attribute gas, the severely injured living thing will rot directly at the moment of defrosting. It seems to rot for a year!"

"Because this is a thawing from the outside, it will cause great damage to the creatures inside the ice!"

"To solve this dilemma, the only way to use Chunfeng Thaw Pill. As the name suggests, Chunfeng Thaw Pill can break the ice and completely heal his injuries."

After reading this explanation, Chen Feng was shocked and sat there blankly.

After a while, this shock turned into extreme ecstasy!

Isn't this spring breeze thaw pill for curing blood wind? The Blood Wind had been frozen by the Frozen Pill for a long time, and Chen Feng had been trying to save him.

However, even the well-informed An Lao didn't know what pill to cure, let alone the prescription.

Because something like Frozen Pill hadn't been invented at that time when the dark old man was in a state of power!

This was invented by a pharmacist in the past 100 years, so An Laote couldn't start.

At this time, Chen Feng finally got the answer, and finally knew the method. How could he not get excited?

An old man said: "If you want to save your little guy, you have to refine the Chunfeng Thawing Pill."

"It's just that the Chunfeng Thawing Pill is a second-grade pill. It is only a second-grade elementary medicine. If you refine it with your current strength, the success rate should be half and half."

Chen Feng said blankly: "Okay, then I will take the Chunfeng Thawing Pill as my challenge to advance to the second-tier alchemist."

He made up his mind and murmured: "Bloodwind, wait at ease, I will come to rescue you soon!"

The next day, Chen Feng went around the city and bought a hundred medicinal materials according to the instructions of Chunfeng Thawing Pill, and then returned to Ziyang Sword Field.

"Hey, look at the old man..."

After returning to Duan Renfeng's own room, Chen Feng looked at the appearance of An Lao, with a flattering smile on his mouth.

"Okay, okay, I know what you **** want to say."

The dark old man laughed: "You have now disappeared from the Firewood Body, and you can't make alchemy yourself. The little fellow Blood Wind is your closest companion, and you desperately want to see him."

"Never mind, this time, I will help you refine this spring breeze thaw pill!"

"But we have to say yes, not as an example!"

Chen Feng's little chicken nodded like a peck.

An old man looked at him and said: "I did this for one purpose, just to train you! lest you develop the habit of relying on me for everything!"

On that day, An Lao began to refine the Spring Breeze Thawing Pill for Chen Feng. His profound fire was very powerful, and the potency of refining medicine was far from Chen Feng's.

Soon, he succeeded in refining three Chunfeng Thawing Pill Sheets, but only three were refined.

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