Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 948: Covenant in March!

One person said with disdain, many people agreed, still looking at Chen Feng with extremely disdainful eyes.

He thinks he has no abilities, only knows that by virtue of his relationship with He Yanxiao, he is very contemptuous in his heart.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly said, "Go, Mrs. He, let him go!"

"What?" He Yan laughed a little bit of disbelief in his ears: "Are you sure?"

Chen Feng nodded.

At this time, Tu Yuwu laughed arrogantly: "Haha, Chen Feng, you still know that the sky is high and the earth is thick, knowing that you can't offend me at all!"

"Now I am suppressed by Mrs. He, but it is impossible for him to kill me."

"The more ruthless you suppress me now, the more ruthless I will clean up you in the future! You still know how interesting you are!"

Chen Feng stared at him and said coldly: "You are wrong, but with the help of others, how can you compare to your own refreshment?"

"I ask Admiral He to let you go, just because, sooner or later, I will use my own power to make you kneel and kowtow before me!"

Tu Yuwu laughed disdainfully, "Boy, are you crazy?"

"To say such a thing, it's crazy! How could you be my opponent? Tell you, you can't beat me in your life!"

The corner of Chen Feng's mouth suddenly showed a cold, cruel smile.

"Tu Yuwu, let's make an agreement!"

"Three months, with three months as the time. After three months, if I am not your opponent, I will immediately judge myself!"

"And three months later, if I defeat you, I will kill you!"

Chen Feng's face remained unchanged, his voice was extremely cruel, extremely cold, and everyone who heard it shivered involuntarily.

Chen Feng's agreement is indeed cruel enough to be cruel to the enemy and even more cruel to himself.

Then, their shock turned into extreme disdain and ridicule, and they laughed in disdain.

"Haha, what did I hear? Chen Feng actually said that he would defeat Tu Yuwu within three months!"

"Haha, does this waste hurt his head and become confused? How could he smear Yuwu's opponent?"

"Don't say a year, even if it is ten or a hundred years, he can't be Tu Yuwu's opponent. At that time, Tu Yuwu can crush him to death with just one finger."

Tu Yuwu sneered with disdain, his voice was cold, and said: "Okay, I agree!"

Chen Feng nodded coldly.

At this time, Mrs. He looked at Chen Feng and sighed, but didn't say much.

He understands Chen Feng's character and knows what Chen Feng said, he will never change his mind.

Mr. He let go of Tu Yuwu and said coldly: "Go away!"

Tu Yuwu glanced at Chen Feng with a bitter face, then sneered, leading Tu Yuwen and others, and turned and left.

Lu Chenshuang sighed deeply, glanced at Chen Feng, extremely indifferent, and then quickly followed Tu Yuwu, comforting him in a low voice.

After walking out more than ten steps, Tu Yuwu suddenly turned around, staring at Chen Feng, and said coldly:

"You wait for me, after three months, I will take your dog's life! I will make your death terrible!"

At this time, He Yanxiao looked at Chen Feng, smiled slightly, and said: "Chen Feng, are you willing to be my disciple? I want to accept you as a disciple!"

As soon as he said this, everyone was in an uproar, looking at Chen Feng, they were jealous and envious.

He Yanxiao is not an ordinary Taishang elder, he is one of the most powerful Taishang elders counted by Tongtian Peak.

In the entire Tongtian Peak, below the first seat, he was definitely ranked in the top ten in strength. Except for a few old monsters in the soul-condensing state, he was almost a rare opponent in the sky sea state.

Moreover, his status is very high, and he is trusted by Master Yuanling, the first master of Tongtian Peak.

Following his words, there are many benefits and endless conveniences.

Everyone is extremely jealous, and many people feel very unbalanced in their hearts.

One person coldly hummed and said, "Why can this waste be favored by Mrs. Ho, but I can't?"

"Although my spiritual root is not strong, it is also a second-rank, definitely much stronger than him, better than this waste without spiritual root!"

"Yes, yes, I don't think I should choose him either."

Everyone talked a lot, and He Yanxiao felt very funny when they heard them.

He secretly said in his heart: "You know what a fart, but he is a god-level spiritual root, you are not worthy of giving him shoes!"

It's just a pity that he couldn't say this.

He looked at Chen Feng expectantly, but Chen Feng was not as excited as everyone thought.

He just stood there quietly and suddenly asked: "He Taishang, you are the Supreme Elder of Tongtian Peak, and I am a disciple of Broken Blade Peak."

"If I worship at your door, do I have to change to Tongtian Peak?"

He Yan smiled when he heard this, his heart suddenly became tight, and he secretly said: "Come, here, he really asked this question."

He knew Chen Feng quite well, so he guessed that Chen Feng would ask this question.

He took a deep breath and said slowly: "Yes, you really have to join Tongtian Peak."

Without any hesitation, Chen Feng shook his head very resolutely and said: "Ho Tai, thank you for your love, but I can't be your disciple!"

His voice was extremely firm: "I am born as a person of Broken Blade Peak, and death is a ghost of Broken Blade Peak. I will never betray Broken Blade Peak!"

He Yan sighed with a smile, and said with a wry smile: "I expected you to say this."

Chen Feng was a little guilty: "I really can't help your kindness!"

He Yan smiled and said, "It's okay, it's okay."

"If you do this, I am actually quite relieved. At least it means that you can hold onto your heart and see the true self."

"Only a person like you can go long on the road of martial arts!"

"You can keep your heart, you can see the self." Chen Feng muttered to himself, and suddenly said, "Thank you, Mrs. He for teaching."

At this time, after hearing Chen Feng's refusal just now, the surrounding crowd was already fried.

"What? What, he actually refused Mr. He's request to accept him as a disciple. Is this Chen Feng crazy?"

"I found that this person is not only a trash, but also very stupid. He refused such a good intention. This is a rare blessing in a few lifetimes!"

"That's right, this is a dignified man. If you really worship him as a teacher, then you will really reach the sky in one step!"

"This Chen Feng is a waste. I don't know what it is."

Everyone is jealous!

At this time, those senior core disciples who had not entered this year were shocked when they heard the news.

They didn't know the result of Chen Feng's talent test. When they saw this, they thought Chen Feng was extremely talented, and they talked about it.

"Is this Chen Feng extremely talented? Even the Taishang actively asked him to be his disciple?"

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