Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 946: Kneel down and kowtow!

"Get out, get out now, this is not a place where you can come!"

Everyone made ridicule and insults one after another, very disdainful.

Chen Feng twisted his brows slightly and pressed his hand on the Purple Moon Knife.

If these people continue to speak, he will kill.

Chen Feng would never allow himself to be humiliated like this.

At this moment, Liang Guangyu and others came over and looked at Chen Feng with concern: "Chen Feng, are you okay?"

"Chen Feng, your appearance just now made us very worried!"

They all comforted Chen Feng very carefully, but they never dared to mention the word Linggen for fear of touching Chen Feng's pain.

Seeing this scene, Chen Feng's heart was warm, with a smile on his mouth.

As the saying goes, see the truth in adversity.

At this time, suddenly a particularly arrogant voice sounded from the side.

"Haha, Chen Feng, you trash, you also came to the core square?"

"Just so I won't bother to find you anymore. This time, I will give you a severe lesson."

Chen Feng looked sideways, and saw Tu Yuwen walking towards this side swaggeringly.

And beside Tu Yuwen, there was a young man.

After seeing this young man, Chen Feng suddenly felt awe-inspiring. The young man was of medium stature, looked ordinary and not very sharp.

However, Chen Feng can feel that his aura has completely converged, and he has reached the level of brilliance and return to the original.

This kind of realm is extremely high and deep, far more powerful than radiance.

Chen Feng took a deep breath. I am afraid that this person is already a strong man in the Tianhe realm, and his realm is definitely not low!

And beside this young man, there was a woman who was more than 30 years old, and she looked quite beautiful. She looked at this powerful young man with a look of admiration.

Seeing this woman, Wei Hongxiu exclaimed in surprise: "Senior Sister Lu, is it really you? Sister Lu."

After seeing Wei Hongxiu's face, this woman also flashed a hint of surprise, walked over quickly, smiled and said, "Ah, it's Hongxiu, it's really you!"

"I haven't seen you in five years, you are all grown up as a big girl."

Wei Hongxiu giggled, tugged her sleeves, and said coquettishly: "Senior Sister Lu, look at what you said, people have grown up long ago!"

Senior Sister Lu said with emotion: "Five years ago, when I met you and your sister, I just became a core disciple."

"And five years later, you have become a core disciple. Time flies!"

The two were obviously old friends, they knew each other very early, and they were talking very affectionately next to them.

Wei Hongxiu introduced to Senior Sister Lu and said: "Senior Sister Lu, this is Chen Feng, this is Li Zhipeng, they are all from the Heavenly Dao Team."

Senior Sister Lu nodded slightly, her expression reserved, with a hint of pride.

Then, Wei Hongxiu introduced to Chen Feng and others: "Senior Sister Lu is a strong core disciple. When my sister started the Tiandao team five years ago, she got the help of Senior Sister Lu."

At this time, the powerful young man slowly said, "Chen Shuang, is this your friend?"

It turns out that Senior Sister Lu's name is Lu Chenshuang.

Lu Chenshuang smiled and said softly, "That's right."

The powerful young man nodded slightly and said nothing.

But at this time, Tu Yuwen was waiting for Lu Chenshuang, with some dissatisfaction in his expression.

For some reason, after Lu Chenshuang met his gaze, there was a trace of fear in his expression and he quickly took a step back.

Tu Yuwen walked up to Chen Feng and said arrogantly, "Chen Feng, have you seen it? This is my elder brother Tu Yuwu!"

"My elder brother is extremely powerful and is already a three-star master in the Sky Lake Realm!"

The many Heavenly Dao teams and others, upon hearing this, their faces were suddenly shocked, and each one was dumbfounded.

This person turned out to be a three-star master of the Sky Lake Realm!

For them, the Tianhe Realm is already an unattainable existence. As for the Sky Lake Realm, it was even more powerful than they could imagine.

Not only them, but the other core disciples who were watching were all shocked when they heard it.

And in Chen Feng's heart, there was also a stormy sea. But it was just shock, but not many other emotions.

After all, he had seen the battles of the peak masters of the Tianhe Realm, and even the fishermen had profited in their battles, so Chen Feng would not be much afraid.

Everyone looked at Tu Yuwu with extremely admiring eyes.

Tu Yuwen looked at Chen Feng with a haughty attitude with a strong arrogance on his face:

"Chen Feng, have you seen my eldest brother? This is your unmatched strength. You will never be able to surpass your eldest brother's current realm. It will be ten or twenty years from now!"

"Now, you should kneel down and kowtow to me, then call ten grandpa, I will forgive you for the crime you committed to me before."

He was full of arrogance, and he spoke with confidence, as if it were for granted, as if this was what Chen Feng should do.

Chen Feng took a deep breath: "What if I don't do it?"

"If you don't do what I said, then I'll be rude to you."

Tu Yuwen said fiercely, "You used the power of thunder and lightning in the boxing technique you used to beat me in Yuquan Realm, right?"

"Hahaha, I want to abolish your cultivation base, and then in the storm, tie you on the iron pillar, draw the power of thunder and lightning, and smash you to death, let you also feel that taste! "

Chen Feng said lightly: "That's because you first robbed the monster I killed."

"So what? I just grabbed it, so what can you do to me? Who told my elder brother to be so powerful! Who made you not my elder brother's opponent?" Tu Yuwen laughed wildly.

At this time, Tu Yuwu suddenly said: "Yuwen, these people are Chenshuang's friends, give Chenshuang a face, let him kneel and knock his head ten times, no need to call grandpa!"

From his appearance, it was as if he had given Chen Feng a great favor.

Tu Yuwen was taken aback, his face was full of reluctance, but he did not dare to violate his elder brother's words.

Looking at Chen Feng, he said, "Have you heard? My eldest brother has spoken! Give Sister Lu a face, your kid is not grateful for Dade, so he knelt down and kowtow? What are you doing?"

Senior Sister Lu also came over at this time and urged Chen Feng to say, "Chen Feng, hurry up and kneel, what are you doing in a daze?"

Chen Feng looked cold, staring at Tu Yuwen.

Tu Yuwen laughed haha, "Brother, you really want to give this trash a face, but it's a pity that this trash is shameless!"

Lu Chenshuang's face also showed a deep unpleasant color, his expression became cold, and said: "Chen Feng, don't be ignorant."

She felt that Chen Feng didn't give him face, and Tu Yuwu didn't think much about her face, but Chen Feng dare to do this?

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