Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 940: Spiritual root test

The obelisk is more than 20 meters high and is full of traces of vicissitudes. It looks very old.

There was also a mysterious aura, coming from above, so that everyone could not help but hold their breath when they looked at it, and their eyes were full of respect.

This bronze obelisk is a sacred object in Ziyang Sword Field, named: Linggen Sacred Stele!

The obelisk is divided into five sections from bottom to top, and is divided into five large pieces!

At this time, He Yanxiao stood beside the obelisk, facing the many disciples, smiling and saying:

"Everyone, first of all congratulations to you, you have successfully become a core disciple and one of the best disciples in the entire Ziyang Sword Field."

"At the same time, you will also get the resource tilt of the entire Ziyang sword field, and the speed of cultivation will inevitably be faster in the future."

He didn't hide this in the slightest, speaking naked and straightforward.

The world of warriors is so cruel, the higher you go, the fewer people, but the more resources you can occupy!

"However, there is a test for you now, which is the spiritual root test."

"The spiritual root is divided into five ranks, and the level of the spiritual root determines your future achievements."

"People with high spiritual roots, even if they are weaker now, their strength will become extremely strong in the future, their cultivation speed will be very fast, and their achievements will be limitless."

"And people with poor spiritual roots, no matter how strong they are now, their potential has come to an end, and they may not make any progress in the future!"

Then, He Yanxiao announced loudly: "Now, the Linggen test officially begins!"

He swept his gaze, and then saw Chen Feng and the others, just a little more casually, clicked to Li Zhipeng, and said, "You are the first to come up."

Li Zhipeng nodded and walked to the Linggen Sacred Stele.

He rubbed his hands and was a little nervous. Today's test is about how far he can go and how strong he will be in the future.

No one will ignore it.

He Yan smiled and said: "Don't think too much, it's useless to be nervous, it's natural destiny."

"Now, you put your hands on the side of the obelisk. There are two palm prints on the side of the obelisk, and your hands can be placed on them."

Li Zhipeng pressed his hand on it, and everyone heard a buzzing sound.

Then, the bottom section of the obelisk lit up, emitting a burst of light that was not faint, but definitely not bright, but just medium.

Seeing this scene, Li Zhipeng suddenly felt cold.

On the side, He Yanxiao shook his head slightly, and said faintly: "Linggen, the first grade is medium."

Li Zhipeng walked back in despair, and everyone was comforted.

Li Zhipeng shook his head and said bitterly, "In the future, I am afraid that I will not make much progress. Even if I can break through the Tianhe Realm, I may stay in this realm for the rest of my life."

Linggen is divided into five grades.

Most of the disciples are first-rank, second-rank is quite rare, and third-rank can be called superior.

Generally speaking, when the third grade is reached, many elders are willing to accept as disciples.

The fourth grade can definitely be called a genius, there will be few in a year, and it will cause looting from the elders.

As for the fifth product, it will take many years to produce one.

In the past five years, Ziyang Sword Field has not produced a five-level spirit root!

A low voice of ridicule sounded from below: "Hey, only Linggen first grade, and still medium, why is the talent so bad?"

Someone snorted and retorted: "Say, don't be too busy laughing at others. I guess you are not much stronger."

"The vast majority of core disciples are only first-grade Linggen, do you think you are a genius?"

The person who laughed at the beginning suddenly became much weaker: "I, why should I be a second-grade?"

The person next to him let out a chuckle: "Look at you so much!"

Then, the few remaining members of the Tiandao team went up to test one after another.

Basically, most people are first-class medium, first-class superior.

The tallest is Liang Guangyu, this handsome silver-haired boy is the second grade of Linggen.

What made everyone startled was that Suyun, the dispenser of the Tiandao team, had also reached the second-class Linggen level.

At first, everyone thought that she was nothing more than a first-class average.

Soon, there were only two people left in the Tiandao team without testing.

One is Wei Hongxiu, and the other is Chen Feng.

Wei Hongxiu took a deep breath, smiled and said, "Chen Feng, let me come first."

Then she stepped forward!

Wei Hongxiu stepped forward, placed his hand on his palm print, and then lightly exhaled anger.

Suddenly, the entire bronze obelisk made a humming sound.

This buzzing sound is louder than any previous test.

And with the buzzing sound, there was a crisp chime in the air!

Hearing the sound of the bell, there was a buzzing sound of discussion among the disciples below.

Many people's faces were filled with shock.

"The third grade of Linggen, the sound of bells! The fourth grade of Linggen, the sound of drumming! And if it is the fifth grade of Linggen, the bells and drums will ring together!"

"When she tested, there was a bell ringing. Doesn't it mean that she is at least the third grade of Linggen?"

really. Amidst everyone's astonished eyes, the third section of the obelisk lit up.

The light was weak at first, then it became more and more intense, becoming medium, and finally it was radiant and became superior.

He Yan smiled with a smile at the corner of his mouth, nodded in satisfaction, and said, "The third grade of Linggen, first class!"

He Yanxiao looked at Wei Hongxiu and said, "With your spiritual roots, as long as you can cultivate well in the future, you can at least become a master of the Heavenly Sea Realm!"

Wei Hongxiu smiled and said, "Thank you elder."

But at this time, a thin, handsome-looking grand elder smiled slightly, with a very charming smile.

He looked at Wei Hongxiu and said in a clear voice: "This disciple, I am the Supreme Elder Ning Wugui of Zixia Peak. Would you like to be my disciple?"

There is a faint smile on his face, as if he is sure of winning.

Indeed, for these core disciples, it is a very honour to be favored by the Supreme Elder, and it is generally rare that they will not agree.

Wei Hongxiu immediately felt happy, this elder Ning Wugui, he had heard of it before.

Among the Supreme Elders of Ziyang Sword Field, a young and promising one is very powerful, decent, generous and chivalrous.

It should be a very good thing to be his disciple.

She was about to agree, when suddenly at this moment, a beautiful woman in her forty years old with an extremely gorgeous appearance giggled and her eyes turned slightly.

When he met his gaze, all the male elder disciples in the hall were shaken, feeling that there was endless charm in their gaze.

It seems that this smile directly makes people lose their souls.

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