Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 936: I killed it!

With a bang, the rhinoceros's neck was directly broken, and its huge head fell to the ground.

The huge body also fell to the ground, twitching a few times and then stopped moving!

This kind of round-headed rhinoceros is very easy to deal with by finding a way.

Chen Feng swiped the corner of his mouth slightly and rushed forward, seeming to be tidying up the corpse of the rhinoceros, but he secretly operated the Dragon Elephant Dragon Elephant Fighting Sky Art, directly absorbing the blood power of the rhinoceros animal.

The blood power in the round-headed rhinoceros is extremely huge, almost three times that of the general second-level spirit beast.

After only absorbing the blood of this rhinoceros, Chen Feng opened half of the acupuncture point.

Then, Chen Feng swept forward again, and soon found another round-headed rhino.

But after a while, he killed the round-headed rhinoceros, and then absorbed the power of blood as usual.

Peel off the thick hard skin that can be used as leather armor, and then take out the beast pill from its body!

In the next half an hour, Chen Feng discovered six rhinoceros and killed six.

And he also discovered that the twelfth floor of the Shenmen Realm was completely different from the previous world.

The six round-headed rhinoceros beasts, if placed in the past, would be enough for him to open ten acupuncture points, but in the twelfth floor, he only allowed him to open two acupuncture points a little more!

A wry smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "It seems that the second-rank spirit beast has already practiced me and cannot improve it much."

"The round-headed rhinoceros is still the most powerful of the second-rank spirit beasts. If it is replaced with another second-rank spirit beast, the effect will be worse."

Of course, if Chen Feng gritted his teeth and slaughtered all the round-headed rhinoceros beasts here, he might be able to open a few more holes.

But when the time comes, Zongmen is about to clean him up!


Chen Feng screamed and slashed out.

At this time, the round-headed rhinoceros in front of him was almost twice the size of the ordinary round-headed rhinoceros, and its size was as large as a small mound.

Obviously, this is a round-headed rhinoceros at the leader level.

After Chen Feng's knife was cut out, it was enough to completely kill the general round-headed rhino.

However, on him, only a very deep wound was cut, blood spurted out, but it was not killed.

This round-headed rhinoceros was aroused to be fierce, with a muffled roar, and suddenly both legs dig the ground.

Its four huge hooves were planed on the ground, and immediately on the ground, countless huge stones were planed out.

And these huge clods were actually controlled by this round-headed rhinoceros, and they were fiercely bombarding Chen Feng.

Each of these huge blocks of soil was the size of a small house, and the surface shone with a dull metal-like light, which looked extremely heavy!

Chen Feng insisted on taking a piece, and couldn't help groaning, and a mouthful of blood overflowed.

He was shocked, this one was equivalent to a full blow from a strong man in the twelfth floor of the Divine Gate Realm, and it was very powerful.

But at this time, there were more than hundreds of huge clods of soil smashed at him in the sky?

This boss-level round-headed rhinoceros beast, I am afraid it is already a third-rank spirit beast!

Of course, only the weaker ones.

Chen Feng immediately stopped being hard-wired. He slipped and started with a shocking step. His body was like a swimming dragon. Many of these huge stones were separated by less than one foot, but Chen Feng dodged through it extremely quickly.

Then, in an instant, he came to this leader-level round-headed rhinoceros, and cut it out with two swords.

These two knives directly beat the original rhinoceros to the dying, and backed a few steps hard, the huge body was shaky, almost unsteady.

Chen Feng was about to step forward and take his life with a punch. At this moment, a sharp blade of light flashed from the side and directly pierced into the wound of the round-headed rhinoceros, killing the round-headed rhinoceros completely.

Chen Feng stood on the spot, looking at the man who came in lightly.

This is a young man of the same age as Chen Feng, dressed in a purple robe, and not ugly.

However, his face was full of arrogance, and everyone looked down.

As if he didn't see Chen Feng next to him at all, he laughed and said:

"This is a leader-level round-headed rhinoceros. The beast pill in his body is much more precious than ordinary round-headed rhinoceros."

"Moreover, after I got his beast pill, it was undoubtedly the number one in this assessment."

With that said, he came to the side of the leader and the round-headed rhinoceros, and then began to cut, preparing to obtain the beast pill.

Chen Feng said lightly beside him: "This round-headed rhinoceros seems to be killed by me first."

At this time, the young man seemed to have just seen Chen Feng. He turned his head, looked down at Chen Feng with a condescending attitude, and said lightly: "Do you know who I am?"

Chen Feng shook his head: "I don't know."

"Tell you, my name is Tu Yuwen!"

"I am the future Patriarch of the Tu family, and my brother is one of the strongest among the core disciples."

As he said, he glanced at Chen Feng with disdain, snorted, then turned his head to continue cutting.

Chen Feng was simply inexplicable, and said lightly: "So what? This round-headed rhinoceros is mine."

"Am I not clear enough?"

Tu Yuwen looked at him with a arrogant expression on his face and said, "I can rob you of the round-headed rhinoceros that you hunted. It is to give you face. You should be grateful."

"One more thing, believe it or not, I just killed you? Now, get out of here!"

He said impatiently.

Chen Feng showed a cold look in his eyes, and said lightly: "I don't know if you will kill me, but I'm sure, if you talk nonsense to me, I will kill you directly."

"Haha, it's ridiculous, I haven't seen you such an arrogant person for a long time."

Tu Yuwen seemed to have heard something ridiculous, he laughed and said: "You still killed me? Just you?"

"You deserve it too? What are you! Tell you, don't think that you have cut it a few times and you really think it is your ability to kill it."

"Tell you, I don't need any effort to kill this round-headed rhinoceros!"

He proudly said: "Tell you, my strength is far better than you. It's just easy to kill you!"

Chen Feng sneered: "Then let's try!"

"Since you are looking for death, I will fulfill you." Tu Yuwen screamed, and the long sword slammed towards Chen Feng quickly.

The speed is extremely fast and the momentum is very strong!

But Chen Feng shook his head.

When the long sword was about to stab him in the body, Tu Yuwen's eyes flashed with a fierce and triumphant color: "Little bunny, my sword will kill you!"

Chen Feng shook his head: "Really?"

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