Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 914: Haha, got rich!

She looked at Chen Feng and said softly: "This girl has no other thoughts. I just want to get things that belong to my ancestors, I just want to improve my strength and take revenge."

At this point, Mei Wuxia is already full of tears!

Chen Feng sighed softly, patted her back, and whispered: "Don't worry, I will help you, this time you will definitely get what you want."

Mei Wuxia shook her head, took a deep breath, her eyes became very firm, and said lightly: "I believe in you, but I believe in myself more!"

Chen Feng listened and was silent for a while.

Soon, the two came to the end of the tunnel.

This is a hall, and a strong fragrance of medicine can be smelled from a distance.

After entering the hall, the two were stunned by the scene before them.

In the middle of the hall, it turned out to be a flowerbed.

In the flower garden, countless exotic flowers and plants are planted.

These strange flowers and weeds, I don't know how many years they have grown here, they are very lush!

There was joy on Mei Wuxia's face, and she rushed forward quickly.

Her face was full of smiles, and she kept exclaiming: "Ah, this is the Sungrass, God, it is so big!"

"It's three feet long. The largest Sungrass I've seen before is only half a foot long. At this size, it has been born for at least two thousand years!"

"Ah, it turned out to be White Jade Gastrodia, the size of a human head, my God! The best thing you can buy outside is only the size of a thumb belly!"

Mei Wuxia exclaimed again and again, and in the end, the exclamation turned into a burst of laughter.

She stood there with her hips akimbo, and laughed triumphantly: "Hahahaha, this time I made a fortune."

Chen Feng looked at him with a smile. He knew that Mei Wuxia had buried her sadness and hatred in her heart.

Chen Feng also stepped forward, and soon his face showed surprise.

"This, this is musk horseshoe yellow! Haha, this is the last medicine for refining Jinglei Dan!"

"There are at least a hundred musk horseshoe yellows here, which is enough for me to make alchemy! Moreover, the musk horseshoe yellows here are extremely high-quality, and it is very likely that they can increase the level of the pill!"

"Haha, this is Agni-Frying Icegrass. Uncle Liu and the others wanted to get the Agni-Frying Icegrass. I discovered so many."

Chen Feng couldn't resist a burst of pleasant laughter.

An Lao's voice also rang in his ears, with a hint of smile: "Yes, this should be the spiritual power of the entire Yaoxiangling Ridge, which is concentrated here, so the medicinal materials here are growing very well!"

Then, he straightened his face like Chen Feng reprimanded: "Why are you smiling? Give me peace to the old man."

"Don't be ignorant, you will have too many big battles in the future!"

Chen Feng flattened his mouth and found that An Lao is actually a very good face, and he especially likes to tell him those things in the past, and then teach him.

Chen Feng would naturally not mind.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Well, old age, I will listen to you, listen to you."

Chen Feng looked at the crazy Mei Wuxia, smiled and said, "Don't smirk, quickly divide this, don't forget, meet in half."

Upon hearing this, Mei Wuxia gave him a murderous look, snorted, and said:

"You can divide it, but you have to let me choose first."

Chen Feng said: "Okay, but I want all the musk horseshoe yellow and the blazing ice grass."

Mei Wuxia looked at it, and she didn't seem to need these two things, so she nodded.

Soon, the two were divided.

Everyone had about 500 elixir, and Chen Feng discovered that the lowest elixir here had reached the first grade.

Some are very high, even reaching the third rank.

Chen Feng didn't use these now, but he still took the jade box and sealed it up.

Will be used in the future.

After the division, the two went around the hall, and then they found that there seemed to be no way out.

Here, it seems to have come to an end.

The two even knocked on the stone wall, and there was a very heavy voice behind, there was absolutely no interlayer.

Mei Wuxia's brows curled up: "It's impossible. With my family's past strength, if it's just this little treasure, it can't be so precious and important."

"There is definitely something strange!"

Chen Feng nodded, and suddenly his brow fell on the middle flowerbed.

Other places have been checked, it seems that only the flower garden has not been checked.

Chen Feng immediately jumped up, took a closer look, and then a clear smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

He stretched out his hand, and the qi surged, clearing all the soil in the flowerbed.

Suddenly, a huge stone circle appeared under the flowerbed.

The array is very sophisticated, with many holes embedded in it, and Chen Feng dare not act rashly.

He asked Mei Wuxia, "Do you know how to open it?"

Mei Wuxia looked at it for a while, then suddenly smiled: "The ancestors are really farsighted, and they have left me a way to open it!"

With that, she took out nine crystals from her mustard bag.

These nine crystals are more than a foot long, and the short ones are about the length of a finger. They are of different shapes, exuding colorful light, and they are truly beautiful.

She inserted these nine crystals into the holes of a magic circle.

After all of them were inserted, the whole magic circle clicked and made a soft noise, as if something inside it rotated slightly.

Then, there was silence, and no door was opened.

However, Mei Wuxia was not discouraged. Instead, a smile appeared on the corners of her mouth. He nodded slightly and said, "That's it."

Then, he took out the nine crystals one by one according to a very mysterious law, and inserted them into the other nine holes again.

This time, the inserts are quite particular, some insert all of them, and some leave half of them.

Then there was another click inside, making a soft noise.

Chen Feng had already noticed at this time that there were a total of eighty-one of these holes. It seemed that these crystals had to be used nine times.

Next, Mei Wuxia continued to insert and remove the crystal, repeating this cycle nine times.

And this circular platform also rotated nine times in succession.

When Mei Wuxia was about to take out the crystal after the last rotation, the door suddenly split open, revealing a huge circular hole about five meters in diameter.

Below, there is a dark patch, I don't know how deep it is.

The platform suddenly disappeared, and the two fell straight down.

Mei Wuxia was unprepared, exclaiming in her mouth, her hands flying wildly.

She didn't know how deep it was below, all he knew was that if she fell like this and the distance exceeds two hundred meters, she would definitely fall into a pool of fleshy mud.

(There are still three chapters in the afternoon, six chapters will be updated today.)

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