Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 894: Wild Wolf Hunting Group

Chen Feng came to him step by step, and every time Chen Feng took a step forward, the second person in the shop would step back.

Finally, he sat down on the ground, looked at Chen Feng in horror, and said, "You, you, don't kill me, please, please forgive me."

He knelt on the ground, knocking his head like garlic.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "It's too late to beg for mercy now!"

With that, he patted out with a light palm, directly shattering him.

Although Chen Feng killed several people in a row, he didn't even drop a drop of blood from his body, shaking his sleeves, and leaving freely.

Chen Feng found an inn to stay.

After arriving in the room, he could not wait to take out the white electricity fruit.

He rubbed the skins of these white electric fruits one by one and checked them one by one.

What surprised Chen Feng was: "Of these four hundred white electric fruits, there are a full 60 of them, they are thunderous purple electric fruits!"

Chen Feng laughed: "This is a lot of money!"

You know, although Jinglei Purple Dian Guo looks exactly the same as White Dian Guo, the price of each one is at least five thousand high-grade spirit stones.

There are just a few, which is equivalent to that Chen Feng had just earned back all the money from forty **** fruits.

And most importantly, Jinglei Zidian fruit is still priceless!

"Now only the three herbs are left. If you find them, you can start refining them!"

Chen Feng thought to himself.

After a short break, Chen Feng was about to set off. Suddenly at this moment, there was a knock on the door.

Chen Feng immediately became alert. He was in Spirit Medicine Town and he didn't know anyone at all. Who would come to him?

Chen Feng took a step back and said with some caution: "Just push the door directly, the door is not closed."

With a creak, the door was pushed open.

There was a young man in his twenties standing outside. This young man had a baby face, very pleasing, with a smile on his face.

He looked at Chen Feng, smiled and said, "It is quite presumptuous to come uninvited. Please forgive me."

Chen Feng looked at him and asked with some doubts: "Are you?"

"First of all, let me introduce myself. Our man is Sun Qichang, a member of the wolf hunting group."

"Oh, crazy wolf hunting group?" Chen Feng nodded slightly.

In fact, he had never heard of this hunting group.

Sun Qichang smiled and said, "Your Excellency should be the first time to come to the town of spirit medicine, right?"

Chen Feng didn't hide it, nodded and said, "Yes, it's the first time I'm here."

"No wonder," Sun Qichang looked like this as expected: "If you spend some time in the spirit medicine town, you will have heard of the reputation of the wolf hunting group."

"The wild wolf hunting group is the top ten hunting group in the entire Elixir Town. It has hundreds of members and is very powerful. The lowest strength has reached the peak of the ninth building of the gods."

"Oh?" Chen Feng raised his eyebrows. If what he said is true, the strength of this crazy wolf hunting group is indeed not to be underestimated.

He asked, "So, what can you do for me?"

Sun Qichang smiled and said: "The purpose of people who come to the town of spirit medicine is mostly to get the spirit medicine, or to make a fortune, am I right?"

Chen Feng nodded: "It's true."

"Haha, that's it." Sun Qichang said with a smile: "Tomorrow, our wild wolf hunting group will enter the Dragon Slaying Mountains to hunt down spirit beasts and find medicinal materials.

"Why don't you go with us tomorrow and join our wild wolf hunting group temporarily."

Chen Feng condensed his brows, looked at him, and said with some caution: "Why did you find me?"

Sun Qichang smiled and said: "It's very simple. This is purely a coincidence. Just now you killed a few masters in the alley so easily and I saw it!"

"So I invite you to join our wild wolf hunting group!"

Chen Feng thought for a moment. In the Dragon Slaying Mountain Range, there are many spirit beasts and dangers everywhere.

Chen Feng's current strength against a second-level spirit beast is almost the same, no matter how high it is, he can't deal with it!

In this way, entering with a powerful group is a wonderful thing, and you can also hide yourself.

Chen Feng nodded.

Seeing his promise, Sun Qichang was extremely happy, haha ​​smiled and said: "Then let's go now, it should not be too late, now is the past, and we will leave early tomorrow!"

When the two were walking on the road, Sun Qichang asked: "By the way, I don't know your name yet!"

When walking outside, Chen Feng would naturally not reveal his name casually. He smiled slightly and said, "You can call me Feng Chen!"

Feng Chen, it is precisely to reverse the word Chen Feng.

After a while, Chen Feng stared at everything in front of him, dumbfounded.

"This, this is what you say, the top ten, extremely powerful wolf hunting group in the entire Elixir Town?"

It's not that Chen Feng's concentration is not enough, it's that the gap between what appeared in front of him and his expectations is too big.

In front of him was a dilapidated courtyard, which was more than ten meters in radius, almost like a slum.

In the yard stood a tattered flag with a height of five meters. The flag was embroidered with a **** wolf head. It was very realistic, but it was a pity that the flag had not been subjected to anything. The tattered flag was about to become a cloth strip!

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a strong hunting group's resident!

Next to Chen Feng, Sun Xingchang showed a smirk on his face, took two steps back with some guilty conscience, and smiled: "Brother Feng, Brother Feng, you can take a look first."

He immediately shouted at the room: "Hey, it's all out. I brought you a master."

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