Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 888: The eleventh building! breakthrough!

A giant python like this, a dignified second-level spirit beast, is very powerful, and it is impossible to catch many.

How can Shenlongjiao have such great ability?

The snake slave said: "When I was in the Shenlong Sect, one of our instructors was drunk and revealed to me. It seems that there is an extremely powerful python in the Shenlong Sect. This is even the foundation of the Shenlong Sect. !"

"This is the sacred beast of the Shenlong Sect. It is extremely tyrannical, and it is also the source of all power in the Sect."

"And these giant pythons seem to come from it."

When Chen Feng heard this, he was shocked. If this is the case, then there must be an extremely powerful spirit beast in the Shenlong Cult!

A greedy heart suddenly rose in Chen Feng's heart, and he secretly said: "This spirit beast, you are waiting for me in the Shenlong Sect. I will definitely kill you and devour you!"

At this point, there is nothing more to ask.

He directly killed the snake slave with a palm.

There was a hint of relief in the snake slave's eyes.

At this moment, Chen Feng looked at the giant python's body with a smile on his mouth.

He leaped forward directly, cut a huge wound on the giant python's body, then sat cross-legged and stretched out his palms, absorbing the power of blood crazily.

The second-level spirit beast, the powerful blood power, brought a steady stream of power to Chen Feng.

The power of crazy blood kept pouring in, and Chen Feng felt that his strength was rising.

One acupuncture point is opened, two acupuncture points are opened...

Finally, when Chen Feng had absorbed half of the python corpse, there was a loud bang, and the thirtieth acupuncture point on the tenth building was also opened!

Then, the mighty **** Gang Qi rushed into the next meridian and swept another brand new acupuncture point.

Chen Feng officially broke through and entered the eleventh floor of the Divine Gate Realm!

Chen Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, but he did not feel proud for long, but immediately walked to the half of the corpse.

Beside the other half of the corpse, continue to absorb.

After breaking into the eleventh building, promotion became more difficult.

With the half of the body of this giant python, Chen Feng only raised five acupoints.

But Chen Feng was also very contented. He never thought that he would have such an adventure this time in Daliang City.

An old man suddenly appeared next to him, smiling and saying, "You little guy, you are really lucky. There are adventures wherever you go."

He secretly said in his heart: "Could it be that this is the so-called man of fate!"

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "The benefits are more than these! There are also benefits that this giant python has brought to me!"

With that said, he released the Wuhun Xiang Liu.

After Wuhun Xiang Liu saw the giant python corpse, he seemed to be able to see something that Chen Feng couldn't see.

Then, Chen Feng saw that something had been pulled out of the corpse abruptly.

It turned out to be the phantom of a giant python!

It is the soul of that giant python.

Xiang Liu Wuhun produced a huge attracting power, and dragged the python soul over there. The python soul made a sharp angry cry, but it was completely useless.

In the end, he was led directly in front of Xiang Liu Wuhun.

Xiang Liu Wuhun stretched out his sharp claws, five big mouths, frantically biting, and instantly tore the giant python soul to pieces, and then swallowed it.

After swallowing, the Mavericks Wuhun suddenly fell silent for a moment.

Then, a brand new meat bun suddenly appeared.

After a while, Xiang Liu Wuhun grew a new head, which was also the seventh head.

Seven-headed willow!

The body shape of Wuhun Wuhun changed from forty meters to fifty meters long, and the sharp claws on it became even bigger, the size of a house.

The length of the two wings has also changed from five meters to ten meters, and finally it looks not so small and not so ridiculous.

But the light skin on the surface of the Wuhun Xiang Liu's body had become scales.

It's just that the scales are still a bit new, not so sturdy.

The next moment.

Yellow light flashes!

Eight rays of yellow light flashed one after another, and the Liu Wuhun was officially promoted to the eighth rank of the Yellow Martial Soul.

This time, the martial arts supernatural power, what Chen Feng chose to enhance was an extreme blow.

"This giant python really provides a lot of good things for myself!" Chen Feng laughed.

An old man tutted twice: "You fellow, really amazing, kill a monster and don't let go of anything."

"Vampire enhances skill, Wuhun enhances soul!"

Chen Feng laughed and said, "I want to remove all the scales and guts on his body as a treasure!"

An old man nodded: "You kid, haha, I like this style of behavior!"

The two looked at each other and both smiled.

Ziyue snorted in disdain next to her, raised her small chin, and Tsundere said: "One is old and one is young and two are not serious."

The python was stripped of skin and bones.

The hard skin of a giant python is extremely hard and flexible, and it is covered with blue-black scales the size of a water tank, which is extremely strong!

When Chen Feng used the Purple Moon Knife, he couldn't even cut it.

Forced, he had to shake the earth again!

After cutting out with a knife, a huge wound was cut.

Chen Feng was a little shocked, the hard skin of this giant python was comparable to that of Qing Lingjin!

An old man on the side said: "The hard skin of this giant python is tough and tough. It should be regarded as a first-class spiritual material! And it's relatively superior in the first-level spiritual material."

"First-level spiritual material?" Chen Feng asked in surprise: "Does it mean the same thing as first-level material?"

"What is the first-level material, this name is very loose."

(Nine chapters burst more! Are you happy? Haha, are you happy?

On the first day of New Year's Day, I wish all brothers and sisters a Happy New Year's Day and all the best in 2016.

The nine chapters are updated as a gift from me! If you like it, give a reward and vote for a monthly pass! Haha...)

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