Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 886: Desperate!

Its body slammed heavily on the cliffs on both sides, knocking blocks of boulders to the ground, and the entire mountain shook.

Then, it hit Chen Feng fiercely.

Chen Feng's heart was stunned, and he was full of pride, and laughed loudly: "Come on!"

The head of the giant snake slammed into Chen Feng, and Chen Feng did not show weakness, and hit it with a punch!

Above the fist, the thunder light shot in all directions. It was the first move of the Thunder Piliquan: Thunderbolt Jiuxiao.

The fist and the head of the python slammed together, and Chen Feng was knocked back several steps, feeling severe pain all over his body, and the fist was even more cracked.

The giant python also shook his head, but obviously it was not affected.

It was painful from Chen Feng's punch, but he didn't injure it, but it aroused his fierceness even more.

It twisted its body a few times, then used its head as a sledgehammer, and swept towards Chen Feng again!

Chen Feng thunderously struck him three times in a row, and beat him fiercely.

At this time, the giant snake's attack power became stronger, and Chen Feng was directly shocked and flew out more than ten meters, hitting the mountain wall.

He hit a big hole in the mountain wall, and Chen Feng fell to the ground, vomiting blood.

But the python is still unscathed.

It looked at Chen Feng's gaze, and it was even more angry. The angry ant was able to block his attack twice!

The next moment, it suddenly jumped and jumped directly out of the abyss.

Only then did Chen Feng see that the overall length of this giant python reached more than 300 meters.

In front of it, Chen Feng was as small as an ant at a human foot, extremely inconspicuous.

Then, the giant python attacked Chen Feng frantically.

It doesn't seem to have any spells, but his body is extremely powerful, head, body, and huge tail, hammering at Chen Feng frantically.

Every time, with the power of Thunderbolt, Chen Feng had to go all out.

And the power of its attack became stronger and stronger. In the end, every time Chen Feng blocked it, he would vomit blood and step back a few steps.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Feng had a lot of wounds on his body.

At this time, the people of the Xie family were outside, all with a horror.

Because they were in the Wei family mansion, thousands of meters away, they could see a mountain shaking violently, as if it was about to collapse!

Everyone was shocked by the momentum!

Chen Feng took another move, feeling extremely bored in his chest, and several bones were broken.

Heart said: "It's not going to work like this, this beast is too rough and thick!"

"The python's defense is extremely strong, and it hasn't been injured at all, and Chen Feng's thunderbolt fist can't break its defense."

"If this continues, at most one cup of tea time, I will be shaken to death by him!"

"Now, the first thing is to break its defenses, and then it's easy to say!"

Chen Feng suddenly let out a sharp roar, and the Ziyue knife came out of its sheath.

Three moves in one, crazy cut out!

A round of huge sword intent suddenly appeared, and slashed towards the python.

The sword qi also slashed at the giant python, and a hint of sarcasm appeared in the giant python's eyes.

Extremely fierce, the sword energy that could kill dozens of masters of the Ninth Floor of the Divine Sect Realm, hitting it, was actually useless.

A spark appeared and then dissipated directly.

And the sword intent, also fell heavily at this time.

The python did not have the sword intent in his eyes, but he paid a heavy price for it.

The intent of the knife fell on him, directly cutting his body surface into a huge wound of three to five meters long, dripping with blood, revealing the flesh and blood inside.

Chen Feng sighed, the sword intent is now useless against powerful enemies.

The giant python was in pain and attacked frantically. A red light flashed across its body!

The body shape suddenly enlarged a circle!

He slammed into Chen Feng fiercely again. This time, Chen Feng felt that the force of the impact had doubled!

He spurted blood frantically, feeling that all his bones were broken, and his meridians were broken every inch!

Suddenly, he was seriously injured.

Chen Feng was shocked: "With this beast's current strength, I can resist at most two more times."

Chen Feng is already in desperation.

"But, so what!" Chen Feng suddenly yelled frantically: "My heart of the brave will never go out!"

"But a battle!"

His hand held the Purple Moon Knife tightly!

At this moment, Chen Feng suddenly entered an ethereal realm.

The knife just now was extremely smooth, and naturally, that feeling came to my heart again!

Then in the next moment, Chen Feng had more understanding of the sword and the meaning of the sword.

No, that has gone beyond the scope of sword intent, but reached the realm of sword momentum.

Chen Feng's heart suddenly became ethereal, and suddenly the Purple Moon Knife waved again.

But this cut is not a slash!

Instead! Shake the earth!

Chen Feng's knife looked very slow, like a heavy object of several thousand catties hanging on a light purple moon knife, it was extremely difficult.

It seemed that it was not air, but a piece of extremely hard metal.

After he slashed out with this knife, on the ground, there suddenly appeared hundreds of thorns that were one foot high, extremely sharp, and as hard as steel.

These sharp thorns all appeared before the giant python could react.

In an instant, all plunged into the body of the giant python!

Where the giant python was close to the ground, one-third of its body was pierced into the spikes, and it hissed in pain.

And the spikes joined its body, and for a while, he could not move and was fixed on this earth!

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