Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 883: Mysterious breath

"I am the boy of Qian Yuanzong who was seriously injured when he ran away hastily under your knife!"

The young master of the Wei family had a grudge with Chen Feng.

He looked at Chen Feng and felt that his sanity was about to collapse.

"How is it possible? How could this boy become so strong in just one year?"

I feel that I am progressing fast enough, but in front of him, I can't fight back at all.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "Okay, now I let you know who I am, and I regret it enough, and you should die."

With that, he shot out with a palm and directly killed the young master of the Wei family.

At this time, Wei Changan and others just came out of the hall.

Seeing this scene, he screamed: "No!"

But it was too late.

Chen Feng turned his head to look at him, smiled and said, "Nothing?"

"You dare to kill my son, the old man is fighting with you!" Wei Changan brought a dozen elders to Chen Feng to kill.

Chen Feng laughed and said, "A group of chickens and dogs, what use is more of them?"

The figure flashed, and a dozen punches were shot in a row.

Boom, all the elders around Wei Changan were killed.

In a blink of an eye, the entire Wei family, among all the strong, only he was still alive.

And seeing this scene through the gate, everyone onlookers was shocked.

On the contrary, the Xie family's reaction to this was rather plain, and they had long known how powerful Chen Feng was.

At this moment, I am not shocked that Chen Feng can do this.

Chen Feng looked at Wei Changan, smiled and said, "Are you going to kill me now?"

Seeing his gaze, Wei Changan backed away, waved his hands one after another, and said, "I dare not, I dare not!"

Chen Feng smiled: "What other masters do you have in the Wei family? Let's call them out together! I will kill them together, so I don't have to look for them one by one.

Wei Changan looked at Chen Feng with horror on his face: "We no longer have any masters in the Wei family. Only me is left. You have killed everyone."

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Oh? Really?"

Wei Changan nodded: "Yes, I'm true, I will definitely not lie to you at this time."

Chen Feng nodded slightly, but he didn't believe it at all.

Because since Chen Feng entered the Wei family, he had a rather strange feeling.

In the Wei family, there seemed to be a very powerful aura.

The reason why he could feel it was because of the dragon blood in his body and the martial soul of the willow. It seemed that he was quite interested in this breath, and he had a very greedy desire to appear!

Chen Feng asked An Lao in a low voice: "An Lao, can you feel what kind of breath this is?"

An old man smiled and said, "You little fellow, do you really know everything?"

"The reason you can feel this breath is because you have a special dragon blood in your body. I am a soul body and I have nothing. Of course I can't feel it. If you ask me, it is better to torture the old man in front of you. "

Chen Feng nodded and walked to Wei Chang'an. Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed his collar and lifted him up.

He smiled and said, "Frankly explain, are there any masters in your Wei family?"

He suddenly yelled: "Say, tell me quickly!"

This violent roar directly shocked Wei Changan, his whole body trembled violently, and a mysterious light flashed in his eyes, but then he began to cry out for grievances.

"Chen Feng, wronged, really wronged, we are the only old man left in the Wei family, there really is no one else!"

Chen Feng smiled: "You really can't give up on the Yellow River!"

He is now very knowledgeable about dealing with such people.

Because the bottle of green juice obtained from Tang Hengyun has not been used up yet.

Chen Feng smiled slightly, patted him with a palm, and directly shattered his bones, and then led him into the hall.

Turning around and said to Xie Zhuxin: "Zhuxin, the other messy people are gone!"

He didn't want this scene to be seen by others.

Xie Zhuxin nodded, and the Xie family dispelled all those onlookers.

Chen Feng carried Wei Changan into the hall. Wei Changan panicked and shouted, "You, what are you doing?"

"What am I going to do?" Chen Feng said with a smile: "You will know soon."

With that said, he made a lot of wounds on Wei Changan's body, and then wiped the green liquid on them.

In an instant, Wei Changan let out a scream.

From time to time, the screams turned into giggles.

He screamed and shouted: "Chen Feng, Chen Feng, you kill me, you kill me..."

Chen Feng was watching a good show.

After a quarter of an hour, Wei Changan finally couldn't hold it anymore. He shouted: "I said, I said."

Chen Feng smiled: "Should you say that you don't have to suffer this kind of suffering?"

"You people, you really don't cry without seeing the coffin."

With that said, he took away the green juice from him.

Wei Changan suddenly took a long breath of relief, and he lay there comfortably without moving.

Chen Feng said coldly: "Say quickly."

Wei Changan shivered sharply: "I said, I said."

He shivered and said, "There is a rockery in the backyard, and there is a secret road behind the rockery."

"My Wei family's house was built against the mountain, and the secret road leads to a secret realm in the mountain. Even I haven't been to that secret realm."

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