Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 880: Kill with a punch!

Chen Feng strode out, following him, the faces of everyone in the Xie family were excited.

With Chen Feng's strength, the Wei family could not be his opponent.

They all want to see how Chen Feng cleans up each other fiercely!

And those disciples of the Xie family have not seen Chen Feng's strength with their own eyes, but they all have some doubts and talk about it!

"The Wei family, it is said that in the past few years there have been three masters of the fifth floor of the gods, and they are extremely powerful!"

"That's the master of the fifth floor of the three gods, is this young man their opponent?"

"I don't think it is necessarily. He is so young that he looks unreliable!"

Many people felt in their hearts that Chen Feng would definitely not be able to compete with the Wei family!

"Yes, I don't think he is an opponent either. It is said that the Wei family not only has three masters of the fifth floor, but also a master of the seventh floor!"

"Even if he can beat those fifth floor masters, he is definitely not the opponent of the seventh floor masters."

"Yes, yes." Many people nodded.

When Chen Feng came to the outer courtyard of Xie's house, he saw a scuffle in the outer courtyard of Xie's house.

More than a dozen people wearing black clothes are advancing steadily.

Many thanks to the family members are fighting hard, but they are not opponents at all.

The dozen or so people in black clothes were obviously from the Wei family, and one of them was a master who was the fifth floor of the Shenmen Realm.

Among the Xie family's guards, they went in and out, and as soon as they punched out, one of the Xie family's guards was killed.

One of the fifth floor masters laughed loudly: "Just because you thank the family, do you want to compete with our Wei family?"

"Tell you, starting today, your Xie family will become history and disappear forever in Daliang City."

"And everything from your Xie family will be accepted by my Wei family." When he said this, his eyes were extremely greedy!

Although the Wei family is now stronger than the Xie family, in terms of financial resources, it is far inferior to the Xie family.

These people are extremely excited when they think of the benefits they can get after swallowing the Xie family!

Chen Feng sneered and said: "It is your Wei family that will disappear today, not the Xie family!"

When the people of the Wei family heard this, they looked at Chen Feng, and then at Chen Feng's age, their faces immediately showed disdain.

The master of the fifth floor of the Divine Sect Realm coldly snorted and said, "Little bastard, are you crazy, dare to brag about it here?"

"Believe it or not I killed you with a punch!"

Chen Feng let out a cold snort, and was no longer impatient to talk nonsense with him, his feet flickered, and a teleport came to him.

Then, he punched directly and hit his chest fiercely.

With a loud bang, before everyone had reacted, the master of the fifth floor of the Divine Door Realm had been shaken into several segments, and his flesh and blood flew!

After the Xie family came out, they saw this scene.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked.

"What's the origin of this young man? The five-story master of the gods, he was killed by a single move!"

"Also, when you look at his understatement, he obviously didn't exert any effort."

"Oh, killing this master is as simple as killing a chicken!"

"Yes, this person is really too strong, maybe he really might be the opponent of the Wei family's seventh floor master?"

"It's not easy to say, I think it may not be." There are still people who look down on Chen Feng.

Seeing that Chen Feng killed the strongest of them with a single punch, those members of the Wei family were stunned.

Chen Feng screamed and came to them like a tiger entering a flock.

With one punch, six people were killed instantly.

All the other members of the Wei family were shocked to see this scene, with a look of fear in their eyes, and fled out one after another.

Chen Feng sneered: "Want to run? Can you run away!"

He used his shocking steps, his figure was like electricity, and in a flash, he killed seven people.

At this time, only one of them was not killed, and all the others from the Wei family were killed by Chen Feng!

The only survivor saw this scene, his legs weakened in fright, and he collapsed directly to the ground.

Seeing Chen Feng coming towards him, he wailed loudly: "Spare me, spare me, don't kill me."

Chen Feng walked up to him and kicked it out.

He screamed sternly, thinking that he was bound to die this time.

As a result, he did not expect that after Chen Feng kicked him, he felt that he was flying up like clouds and fog, flying out a full tens of meters, but after falling on the ground, he was unharmed.

He was stunned, and Chen Feng looked at him and said coldly, "Don't you hurry up?"

"I want to kill you, you can't escape! I don't want to kill you, just get out!"

This Wei family nodded his head in a hurry, then turned around and ran away!

All the members of the Xie family were stunned. They originally wanted to go up to help Chen Feng, but before they came forward, Chen Feng had already solved the battle after just a few breaths.

Xie Zhuxin walked to Chen Feng and laughed, "It's so cool, so enjoyable!"

"My Xie family and Wei family have been fighting for hundreds of years. This is the most hearty and crushing battle!"

Other Xie family members are also dazzled.

Of course, there were some elders who were dissatisfied with Chen Feng's support for Xie Zhuxin's sobriety as the head of the family. At this time, their minds also changed.

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