Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 870: Arrogant

But Xie Mingtang, luck was really good. After going out of **** luck, he ran into a master when he went out to practice.

That master, and he can't resist.

Xie Mingtang invited him back to Xie's house directly.

With the help of this expert, Xie Mingtang immediately turned the situation around!

That master became the supreme worshiper of the Xie family, helping the Xie family with two major things one after another, and he was prestigious in the Xie family.

Then, he publicly announced that unless Xie Mingtang became the head of the family, he would leave Xie's house after the Chinese New Year.

At this time, the entire Xie family was panicked.

Xie Mingtang was immediately recognized as the next Patriarch.

The current Patriarch seems to have acquiesced in this matter.

Chen Feng smiled and said, "That is the master of the so-called sixth floor of the Divine Door Realm, right?"


Xie Zhuxin nodded: "That person has reached the sixth floor of the Divine Door Realm, and he is very powerful."

She looked at Chen Feng with some worry in her eyes, and said, "Chen Feng, how strong are you now?"

"I remember when I first saw you, you were the third floor of the Divine Gate Realm. Now, have you reached the fifth floor? Can you be the opponent of the sixth floor?"

Chen Feng shook his head slightly and said, "I am not the fifth building."

"Not the fifth building?"

Xie Zhuxin's expression became even more worried: "Are you on the fourth floor now?"

She looked worried, feeling that she was going to fail this time.

I'm afraid that Chen Feng is not the opponent that exists.

She gritted her teeth suddenly, as if she had made a decision, and said, "Chen Feng, don't stay at Xie's house anymore, go quickly."

Chen Feng suddenly froze: "What do you mean?"

Xie Zhuxin gritted her teeth and said: "I can't hurt you. This time I am completely defeated. I won't be Xie Mingtang's opponent. I can't involve you anymore."

"Leave now, and leave here as soon as they are not here!"

"Since you are not his opponent, then, don't block the car with Man Arm, I immediately announced that I would give up the competition for the position of Patriarch, and let him!"

When Chen Feng heard it, he was funny and moved.

The funny thing is that I said that I was not the fifth building, which meant that my strength was higher than the fifth building.

Xie Zhuxin got it wrong, thinking she hadn't reached the fifth floor yet, thinking she was not that person's opponent at all.

But what moved was that after Xie Zhuxin made such a judgment, she let herself leave the first time, for fear of implicating herself!

So, Chen Feng couldn't leave even more.

Xie Dongshan quickly explained to the side: "Young Master, things are not what you think!"

Xie Zhuxin said quickly: "Okay, don't explain, time is too late."

"Xie Mingtang has always done things very quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late. Let's go!"

"Haha, is it time to leave now?"

There was a wild laugh outside the door, and then with a bang, the door was kicked open.

Xie Mingtang’s arrogant voice came in: "Xie Zhuxin, Xie Dongshan, and that little bunny, get out of here!"

Xie Zhuxin's face turned gloomy: "I will meet them when I go out, Chen Feng, you don't leave here if you hide."

"Don't worry, I will never let you be implicated today, the big deal is that I will submit to them."

Chen Feng smiled slightly, reaching out and holding her, with a gentle smile on his face: "Don't worry, everything has me."

Having said that, I went out first.

Xie Zhuxin was stunned. What she saw in her eyes was Chen Feng's gentleness and self-confidence, a smile that seemed to control everything!

Chen Feng and the three people walked out of the room and saw a circle of people standing in the courtyard at this time.

Among this group of people, Xie Mingtang is at the front.

Next to him is a white robe warrior who is more than 30 years old.

This white-robed warrior, with his chin raised, his face full of arrogance, and a defiant look, put on what he thought he was a master!

Chen Feng guessed that this person should be the warrior of the sixth floor of the Divine Sect Realm.

Chen Feng looked at him and felt very ridiculous.

The sixth floor of the Divine Sect Realm, in the Ziyang Sword Field, any ordinary disciple can reach such a level, there is nothing to be proud of, and anyone will be crushed to death.

But he is so arrogant, it is ridiculous!

The faint sarcasm of Chen Feng's mouth was always on, and after Xie Mingtang looked at it, he was furious.

He said coldly: "Little bastard, I told you just now, you will soon see the strength of a real master!"

He pointed to the person next to him, and said coldly, "This is my Xie family consecrated, Wang Jie!"

Wang Jie was about thirty-two years old. He glanced at Chen Fengfengyi from the corner of his eye, and let out a cold snort, disdainfully said:

"This is the little **** Xie Zhuxin invited? Just rely on him, want to compete with me?"

With that, there was a burst of disdainful laughter!

Xie Mingtang also laughed: "Yeah, they are simply mad, it's really ridiculous!"

He looked at Xie Zhuxin and said loudly: "Xie Zhuxin, I know you are not reconciled yet, you still want to fight with me."

"But it's a pity, the person you invited is absolutely impossible for Wang Jie's opponent."

"This time, I have also invited my father and uncle, so that everyone can see how trash your people are and how powerful my people are."

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