Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 868: Cheap bones, owe to clean up!

"Moreover," he pointed to Chen Feng behind Xie Dongshan, and said coldly: "You dare to bring an outsider into the family house, do you want to rebel? Is this an agent of another family?"

He screamed: "Come on, catch this spy for me!"

He directly framed up and slandered Chen Feng as a spy.

Chen Feng smiled faintly beside him, his emotions did not even fluctuate.

In his opinion, these people are no different from ants.

When people see a few ants rushing towards them, will they have any excited reactions? Absolutely not!

"Who dare!" Xie Dongshan sternly shouted as they watched them rushing up with their weapons.

"This is the distinguished guest I invited for the family. It is powerful and you must not offend!"

"What? Guest?"

"Hahahaha, really ridiculous, this is the most ridiculous sentence I have heard in the past two years!"

Xie Cheng pointed at Chen Feng and let out a disdainful laugh, haha ​​said: "This little bastard, I'm afraid the hair is not full, right?"

"Returning a distinguished guest? Still powerful? Who do you want! If he is powerful, wouldn't I be so powerful?"

"Hahahaha..." The others also laughed jokingly, with disdain, and didn't believe what Xie Dongshan said.

The difference between their strength and Chen Feng's strength is really huge, and you can't even see Chen Feng's depth at all. Just looking at him when he is relatively young, he feels that he has no ability and cannot be strong!

Xie Dongshan flushed with anger and wanted to argue about something.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly squeezed his shoulder and said lightly: "Leave this to me!"

Then, he stepped forward, looked at Xie Cheng and other guards, and said lightly: "Are you sure you won't let me in?"

Xie Cheng stared at him and laughed wildly: "Little bastard, what kind of pretense? Do you think you are strong? Do you think your status is honorable?"

"I just won't let you in, what can you do to me?"

He laughed and said: "You little bastard, I can easily deal with it with one hand, and you dare to be so arrogant in front of me! Believe it or not, I just killed you?"

Chen Feng shook his head with a hint of pity in his eyes, and said slowly: "You who are ignorant are fearless!"

Xie Cheng was irritated by his attitude.

In his opinion, Chen Feng completely despised him and was extremely arrogant.

He screamed: "You **** want to die!"

A fist blasted towards Chen Feng.

Chen Feng smiled slightly and flicked his fingers.

He just flicked his fingers lightly, and Xie Cheng was already hit by an extremely powerful force.

With a bang, he was directly hit and flew out more than ten meters, slammed into the gate, and directly smashed the gate out.

Xie Chengkuang spurted blood, he landed on the ground, his eyes widened, and he looked at Chen Feng in disbelief!

And the other guards looked at Chen Feng at this time with unstoppable horror.

Xie Cheng is the strongest among them. In their opinion just now, Xie Cheng's punch can directly kill Chen Feng.

Unexpectedly, Chen Feng just flicked his fingers, underlining, as if to flick away a wisp of dust from his hands.

And Xie Cheng was beaten so miserably.

They were extremely shocked, just how far the difference between the strengths of the two would have happened!

Seeing Chen Feng looking to them, they could not help but step back.

Chen Feng waved his hand and said lightly: "You also go with him for company!"

When he waved his hand, it seemed to be an understatement, but an extremely powerful force came out.

Everyone only felt Li Feng rushed towards their faces, and then as if being hit by a sledgehammer, they vomited blood, retreated a few steps, and fell directly next to Xie Cheng, looking miserable one by one, with multiple fractures all over the body.

Chen Feng walked up to them, looked down at them, smiled and said, "Now, can we go in?"

No one dared to answer. Everyone looked at Chen Feng silently, with fear in their eyes, and no one dared to say anything against it.

A hint of resentment flashed in Xie Cheng's eyes, but he did not dare to show it at all.

Chen Feng smiled slightly: "The bones are cheap, they just don't have to be cleaned up!"

He swaggered and walked directly into the mansion!

"A group of dog minions!" Xie Dongshan followed Chen Feng in, and when he passed by Xie Cheng, he left a word!

In Xie Mansion, the area is quite large.

After Chen Feng walked in, a person walked across from him, a young man in his thirties.

The youth was tall and strong, and looked quite generous.

This kind of person, if Chen Feng saw him a year ago, he would think he was very generous, but a strong person.

But at this moment, he was in front of Chen Feng, just like a firefly in front of the moon, his aura and aura were very humble, and there was no comparison.

Behind the young man, he followed an old man in his fifties, dressed as a housekeeper.

When the young man came here, he first glanced at Xie Cheng, who was lying on the ground groaning and screaming, then turned his gaze to Xie Dongshan, and finally fixed on Chen Feng's face.

Xie Cheng saw this young man coming, and his face immediately showed excitement, as if he had seen a backer, and shouted:

"Master, Xie Dongshan, a dog who eats inside and out, dared to collude with outsiders to come to the door. We did not allow outsiders to enter. He actually injured us. This kind of person is damned!"

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