Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 866: Forget about today

Chen Feng was stunned, he had never encountered such a thing.

He was stunned in place. At this time, Ziyue and Anlao suddenly appeared.

Ziyue tweeted twice, and said jealously: "Oh, that's right, lingering with your lover!"

"This woman hated you to death, but now she embraces you and asks for love. Are you very happy?"

Chen Feng didn't know how to let it go. He stretched out his hand to push Ran Yuxue away, but as soon as he stretched out his hand, he touched Ran Yuxue's smooth skin on her body. He immediately shrank back like being struck by lightning.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Zi Yue, don't ridicule me. She used to be my master's woman."

"In my mind, although she is hateful, she is in the same position as a teacher, how could I touch her?"

He looked at An old man for help, and said bitterly, "An old man, what should I do about this?"

Ziyue giggled for a while, but she seldom saw Chen Feng look so flat.

Chen Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Ziyue, don't gloat for misfortune. You can also come up with your ideas. Don't you see where I put my hands now?"

Seeing that he was still talking here, Ran Yuxue seemed very dissatisfied, and suddenly kissed him on the mouth.

Chen Feng was shocked, and hurriedly turned her head, Ran Yuxue kissed her neck, her breath was blue, her voice was extremely charming:

"Hurry up, hurry up, who are you talking to? Hurry up and hold me..."

Chen Feng saw that her skin was already glowing red, and her face was flushed even more.

His eyes were confused, only **** in his eyes, and nothing else.

An Lao glanced at the side and said: "He is afraid that he was given an aphrodisiac, and it is a very, very powerful aphrodisiac."

He stepped forward, opened Ran Yuxue's eyelids, took a close look at her pupils, and then heaved a sigh of relief and said:

"Fortunately, the thief just wanted to increase her **** and let her take the initiative to ask for pleasure, rather than want her life."

"The aphrodisiac given to him is not the most powerful one. There are some aphrodisiacs that die as long as they don't make friends. There is no other way."

"But now, there are ways to cure this."

Soon, under An Lao's guidance, Chen Feng brought a large bucket of ice water over and poured it into Ran Yuxue.

Ran Yuxue choked and coughed, but after he drank the cold water, his mind clearly seemed to be clearer, his eyes were clear for an instant, but then he continued to be covered by lust!

Then, she slammed her head directly into the bucket.

Ran Yuxue's head was pressed in, unable to breathe, struggling violently.

He felt like he was suffocating to death.

But Chen Feng stayed with her secretly, she couldn't move at all.

Old An said: "Okay, it's almost done."

Chen Feng released her hand, and Ran Yuxue stood up immediately, breathing greedily, panting heavily.

Coughing violently while breathing.

Just now, she was choked with a lot of water, coughing for a long time, and suddenly vomiting violently on the side of the wooden barrel.

The spit out not only contains water, but also some red liquid.

An Lao took a breath and said, "Okay, that's it."

Then he disappeared: "Boy, leave the matter here to you."

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Thank you for being old."

An Lao smiled slightly and disappeared instantly.

Ran Yuxue coughed for a long time and vomited for a while, then she turned her head back with clear eyes.

Her face was still flushed, but not because of lust, but because of her suffocation and embarrassment.

She glanced at Chen Feng, then lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Chen Feng, thank you very much, I just..."

She wanted to say something but stopped, and the scene that happened just now made her feel extremely ashamed.

Although she has been given an aphrodisiac, in fact she has always been sober, but the effect of the aphrodisiac is so powerful that she can't control her desires and behavior at all.

In fact, she remembered those things clearly.

Before she finished speaking, Chen Feng interrupted her and said: "Uncle Ran, nothing happened just now, and I don't know anything."

"All the things that happened here today are forgotten, understand?"

Ran Yuxue nodded silently!

She didn't even dare to look at Chen Feng.

Regarding today's matter, she didn't know what to say.

She remembered everything very clearly. When he was humiliated by the one-eyed man, he could not wait to die. When Chen Feng came, she clearly remembered the joy she felt when she saw Chen Feng.

And what I remember more clearly is the shame in my heart when I entangled Chen Feng with extreme shame and begged him for love!

At this time, Chen Feng could pretend to be completely ignorant of this matter. That was the best ending.

She looked at Chen Feng and said sincerely, "Chen Feng, thank you so much!"

Chen Feng shook his head slightly: "Uncle Ran, needless to say, leave quickly and go back to Qian Yuanzong!"

Ran Yuxue nodded, and Chen Feng found a large women's dress here and threw it to her.

Ran Yuxue put on her body, turned and walked towards the tunnel entrance.

Suddenly, she whispered: "Chen Feng, I am very sorry for the past, you and your master."

As soon as Chen Feng heard this, his face immediately became cold, and he said coldly, "Uncle Ran, don't say these words anymore."

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