Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 862: Take it, Qi Qi Dan!

Then, Chen Feng and Xie Dongshan left Ziyang Sword Field.

At this time, neither the head of Broken Blade Peak nor Elder Chi were present.

The whole Broken Edge Peak, he can call the shots.

Naturally, Chen Feng didn't need to go through someone's unification, he could leave directly.

In the evening of the same day, the two of them left the Ziyang sword field and arrived at Danyang County.

The destination of their trip is Daliang City.

Ziyang City under the mountain is two to three days away from Daliang City.

In the evening of the same day, they rested in an inn in Ziyang City.

In the inn, in a quiet room, Chen Feng sat cross-legged.

In front of him, is a sapphire tray.

In the sapphire tray, there are two pill, which are pale yellow, and they look very elegant and exude a burst of fragrance.

This delicate fragrance contains extremely rich spiritual power.

Take a deep breath, as if you feel that your cultivation level can increase a bit.

This kind of pill is exactly Qi Qi Pill.

Chen Feng refined four Qi Enhancing Pills, two of which were given to the Heavenly Dao Team, and the other two were kept by himself.

Chen Feng took a deep breath and put one of the pills into his mouth, then calmly began to refine.

The entrance of the elixir instantly turned into a warm current.

Then, it rushed into Chen Feng's body.

This warm current penetrated into Chen Feng's meridians, penetrated into the limbs, and poured into the acupuncture points that Chen Feng had never opened.

The color of this warm current is absolutely different from the color of Dragon Elephant Fighting Heaven Jue Gang Qi. It is colorless and does not have any attributes.

Just pure power.

The Dragon Elephant Fighting Heaven Jue in Chen Feng's body was running, and these warm currents began to circulate in the body for several weeks following the Dragon Elephant Fighting Heaven Skill.

Then, it became a blood-red color.

It became exactly the same as the qi of the Dragon Elephant Fighting Tian Jue before.

Gang Qi swept into the acupoints and condensed into cyclones.

Soon, all the cyclones condensed in a hole.

Then, the mighty Gang Qi surged to the second acupuncture point.

Chen Feng was a little surprised. You must know that he is now stepping into the tenth building, coupled with the extremely high quality of the Dragon Elephant Fighting Heaven Jue's qi. While bringing him strong combat effectiveness, he wants to condense the cyclone and open his acupuncture points. , The aura needed is much higher than others.

The mighty Gang Qi opened the second acupuncture point again, and all the condensed inside it was completed before it disappeared.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "Unexpectedly, Qi Qi Pill could help me open two acupuncture points."

He swallowed the second Qi Enhancing Pill again.

After half an hour, Chen Feng opened his eyes and slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

He has now reached the middle of the tenth building, and there are twelve acupuncture points left before he breaks into the eleventh building.

Chen Feng roughly calculated an account, and it took him almost a day to refine these two Qi Enhancing Pills.

After the two Qi Enhancing Pills were swallowed, it would take almost a day to refine them.

This is equivalent to two days, which can open four acupuncture points!

This speed is really amazing!

Of course, Chen Feng did not consider the cost in this calculation.

After all, alchemy requires materials, and the success rate of an average first-grade pharmacist is about fifty to one.

Only fifty raw materials can be refined into a pill, and it may still be inferior!

And Chen Feng's success rate in refining Qi-enhancing Pill was 25:1.

This is because the Qi-enhancing pill is relatively difficult to refine among the first-grade pill. For example, the success rate of the better-refined Qingxin Healing Pill has reached twenty to one, which is very scary!

With this advantage, Chen Feng is destined to practice much faster than others.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, and secretly said in his heart: "I must find Profound Fire earlier and swallow it."

"As a pharmacist, there are so many benefits."

"If I didn't have the ability to refine medicine, it would be impossible for me to cultivate so fast. The pharmacist is really too powerful, and I definitely can't lose this ability!"

At this time, it was the darkest period of time before dawn.

Chen Feng was not sleepy. On the contrary, he had a breakthrough in strength, but he felt clear and clear, and his heart was clear.

He took a deep breath and felt that all the organs of his body were full of vitality.

All the feelings have become more acute.

Chen Feng suddenly heard, not far away, there was a whispering sound.

Chen Feng also had a childlike heart, and immediately concentrated his attention and ears, leaning towards that side.

Suddenly, the vague voice just now became clear.

He could distinguish clearly that the room where the sound came from should be twenty-five feet away from him, and the location was slightly lower.

If nothing else, it is on the first floor or underground.

Two people spoke in very small voices at this time, but this voice was very clear when Chen Feng listened at this time.

"Hey, that little girl, but she is so beautiful, it's not an exaggeration to describe it as a beautiful fairy," said a rough and hoarse voice.

A slightly sharp young voice snickered: "Yes, there are many beautiful women in the Ziyang sword field, and in the city of Danyang County, I have visited many kiln brothels, but I have never seen such a high-quality product. "

The rough voice laughed: "Haha, can the people in the kiln brothel compare with her?"

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