Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 837: Shampoo

A big wooden barrel is placed in the middle of the house.

Chen Feng was naked, sitting cross-legged, showing only one head.

At this moment, his face was flushed, and there was heat coming out of his forehead.

At this moment, he seemed to endure some tremendous pain, his eyes closed tightly, his teeth clenched, and his whole body trembled.

Chen Feng just swallowed the Xiusu Pill, and at this time, he was cleaning up the original dark wounds, cleaning the marrow and cutting the hair.

At this time, Chen Feng had already passed half an hour before swallowing Xisui Pill.

Chen Fengfeng felt that after he swallowed the Xisui Pill, the cold medicinal power of Xisui Pill seemed to have turned into small knives and penetrated into certain positions of his body.

Then, there, digging, scraping, and cleaning some things out there.

Such a huge pain is absolutely unbearable for ordinary people.

But for Chen Fengfeng, it was just a pediatrics department, and he didn't even utter a scream.

I don't know how long it took. Suddenly, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes, his fists were clenched, and his muscles were tight.

Then, there was a faint noise on the surface of his body.

Then there were many tiny wounds on the surface of his body.

These wounds are only two or three inches long and very narrow. Some wounds are so deep that the bones inside can even be seen.

And if ordinary people read it, they will be shocked to find that Chen Feng's bones are very moisturized.

Moreover, there is a faint metal light in the white! It looks very strong!

Through these wounds, you can even see that there are some places inside that have accumulated a lot of congestion, just like tumors, growing in Chen Feng's body.

And these places directly lead to congestion of the meridians.

At this time, directly open the wound and reach here.

Then, Chen Feng felt the medicinal power of Xisui Pill gushing out, expelling these impurities directly and flowing out along the wound.

In an instant, Chen Feng discharged a lot of blood and black impurities.

In the bucket, it suddenly became a red and black color.

An unpleasant smell also filled the air.

At this moment, Ziyue and Anlao, the two of them hovered and watched.

Although the two of them are just incorporeal and have no sense of smell, they still slapped their noses in disgust.

Ziyue responded exaggeratedly: "Ah, it smells! Old An, let's go out and hide."

The old man laughed secretly: "Okay!"

Then they left the room.

Chen Feng gave a wry smile, and the two of them didn't save themselves any face.

It took a full hour before the medicinal power of Xisui Pill was fully utilized.

Chen Feng jumped out of the bucket. He lifted the bucket outside to dump the dirty water and replaced it with a new bucket.

Then, he took a bath comfortably and jumped out.

He felt refreshed and refreshed.

At this time, the wound on his body surface had healed. Chen Feng circulated the qi in his body, and he was pleasantly surprised to find that some areas of the original meridians were completely unblocked.

And the positions that were originally painful at the moment of exertion became very normal and comfortable.

At this time, An Lao and Zi Yue had already returned.

An old man looked at him, smiled and said, "How is it? It feels different, right?"

Chen Feng nodded and said, "Old An, thank you so much. After eating this Xisui Pill, it is really different from the past."

An old man smiled and said, "This is your first time eating. The effect will be particularly good, and it will gradually weaken in the future."

"If you eat it ten times, there will be no effect."

"Starting today, you will take one tablet every three days. After a month, your body should be greatly improved."

"However, if you suffer serious injuries later, or if you have a continuous accumulation of dark injuries, the Xisui Pill will have no effect on you. You can only find the kind of exercises that can wash the marrow and improve the muscles."

Chen Feng nodded silently.

Then Chen Feng left his room and went to the cliff on the west side of Broken Blade Peak.

Last time, the woman in black had taught him how to enter the Jedi freely, and Chen Feng now mastered the method.

This is also the reason why the woman in black feels relieved to leave.

Chen Feng took a deep breath, jumped into the air and plunged into the passage.

Soon he came to the Jedi and found the entrance of the Eternal Blood Cave.

The eternal blood cave, the scenery remains the same, time can not leave any trace here.

Chen Feng came directly to the side of a huge blood pond, then broke a large amount of spirit grass and threw it in, and he jumped into it.

He sat cross-legged in it, practising the Dragon Elephant Breaking Heaven Secret Art frantically.

After a cup of tea, Chen Feng stood in the dry blood pool with a wry smile on his lips.

"If the essence of this pool is replaced by the former me, it will take at least an hour."

"Now, one cup of tea can be absorbed, and the speed has increased tenfold!"

"In the past, absorbing the essence of this blood pool can at least improve my cultivation base by six to seven acupuncture points, but now, I can only open one more acupuncture point."

"My Dragon Elephant Fighting Heaven Art, entered the tenth building, the realm is extremely high, and the amount of blood required is also greatly increased."

"However, there is also an advantage now, that is, every time I enter the Eternal Blood Cave blood bank, the amount of blood that I can absorb has increased many times."

Chen Feng shook his head and continued to enter the next blood pool, absorbing it frantically.

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