Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 834: You are all going to die!

"All of you, you are going to die! I will kill you one by one, making your deaths terrible. This is what you dare to offend Yue Linglong!"

His voice is extremely cold!

At this time, he was obviously bound by the soul chain, and he couldn't move his body. It could be said that he had no strength at all.

However, these words are full of bitter murderous intent.

After letting those people listened, they couldn't help but tremble in their bodies, and there was an extremely fearful emotion in their hearts.

Then they calmed down and said, "This little **** is now in jail and can't move. What am I afraid of him doing?"

They felt that they were shocked by Chen Feng just now, and they were all angry into anger.

One of them walked forward, kicked Chen Feng fiercely, and said with a sneer:

"You're fierce again, you're arrogant here with me? Now you are all prisoners under the ranks, you dare to say such things?"

Chen Feng didn't speak, but looked at him coldly, with an extremely cold look in his eyes.

When he met his gaze, the person who insulted him turned out to be a palpitating heart.

Tang Hengyun also saw Chen Feng's gaze.

An anxiety flashed in his heart: "This little bastard, don't stay for long."

He sneered and said: "You are just looking for death. I originally planned to torture you for forty-nine days before killing you, but now it seems that I am going to kill you today!"

"I tell you, you can't live to see the sun tomorrow."

"Really? Why don't I think so?" Suddenly, a clear voice came from a woman.


When Tang Hengyun heard this voice, he was immediately shocked.

His prison, located under the house, is heavily guarded.

And just now, he has already ordered that no one is allowed to disturb him. At this time, someone broke in directly?

And, you know, he has no women here.

"it's me."

They turned their heads, and then they saw a very beautiful woman who was 27 or 18 years old, but with a cold face and an arrogant expression, slowly walking over.

In this prison, she was filthy and bloody, and she was in white clothes floating like an immortal, and it seemed that she would not be contaminated by these filth.

At this time, Chen Feng also raised his head with difficulty and saw the woman.

And when he saw the woman's face, his face immediately showed hope.

Because this woman looks very similar to Wei Hongxiu.

Although Chen Feng didn't know who she was, he immediately guessed that this might also be the person Wei Hongxiu invited to rescue him.

And the aura exuding from this woman is also extremely powerful.

In fact, now Chen Feng doesn't need a powerful person to save himself.

As long as she can block Tang Hengyun and unlock the soul lock on her body, that's it!

At this time, Wei Qingyi, you also saw Chen Fengfeng's eyes.

After meeting Chen Feng's gaze, she was suddenly shocked.

What kind of look is this?

Like a lone wolf, although facing a desperate situation, it is tough and full of confidence. The body contains fearless power.

She secretly said in her heart: "No wonder Hong Xiu values ​​him so much and loves him so much, this young man is really extraordinary."

Tang Hengyun frowned, stared at her and said, "Wei Qingyi, it's you?"

Wei Qingyi smiled and said, "Why can't it be me?"

Tang Hengyun snorted coldly, "Wei Qingyi, I warn you, don't get involved."

"This is a matter between me and this little bastard, don't cause trouble to your Tiandao team!"

Wei Qingyi smiled and said, "Since I have come here, do you think I would not have considered this issue?"

Tang Hengyun's expression became even colder: "Wei Qingyi, do you have to go against me?"

Wei Qingyi smiled and said, "Hand over Chen Feng and I will leave here immediately!"

"What if I don't pay?" Tang Hengyun said grimly.

Wei Qingyi said coldly, "Then I have to grab it!"

Tang Hengyun laughed loudly: "Wei Qingyi, although you are a genius at Ziyang Sword Field, although you are known as the first genius at Ziyang Sword Field in ten years!"

"Although you claim to be the first person in Ziyang sword field in fifty years!"

"Although it is a true disciple."

"But, don't forget, I am a dignified elder!"

"Don't think that everyone is holding you, your strength is really strong for me? Tell you, in front of me. Your strength is definitely not enough!"

Wei Qingyi smiled.

A smile on her frosty face was as bright as a peach blossom and extremely beautiful.

"Really? Let's try!"

As she said, she suddenly took the lead and took a shot.

She slapped her palm, and the air was immediately chilled.

The temperature in the entire prison has dropped dozens of degrees in an instant.

Moreover, a huge air current swept out.

With a bang, the entire dungeon shook violently, and the stones fell one after another!

Tang Hengyun hurriedly resisted, but after he threw a punch, he was hit and flew more than ten meters away, vomiting blood!

He looked at Wei Qingyi in disbelief, and said in shock: "You, you have already broken through and entered the twelfth floor!"

Wei Qingyi smiled and said, "Yes, you didn't mistake my strength!"

As she said, she took another palm shot, and directly shattered all the fences of Chen Feng's prison, then walked in and reached out to unlock the soul chain.

When the soul-locking chain left his body, Chen Feng immediately felt that his qi was returning to his body.

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