Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 816: Within ten days!

"And what you have to do is to strengthen your confidence, drag it down for me, and live hard, understand?"

After hearing Chen Feng's words, Bai Shanshui seemed to be inspired a bit, and slowly nodded.

Chen Feng sat cross-legged behind him, extremely pure and extremely powerful, and the power of blood poured into the Baishan water.

Bai Shanshui's complexion immediately turned ruddy, and the blood that was about to dry up in his body instantly became full again.

His wound suddenly ruptured, pus and blood spattered, and congestion flowed out.

Chen Feng said lightly: "It's okay to drain the waste blood."

He continued to instill in it.

There was a lot of blood flowing from the wound, but in the end it was sealed by Chen Feng with a gust of blood, no more bleeding, but began to heal slowly.

Bai Shanshui's complexion has become very good, his complexion is ruddy, his body has strength, and he looks no different from a normal person.

But Chen Feng knew that this was just a stopgap measure, and this state could not be maintained for a few days.

Bai Shanshui said in surprise: "Big brother, I feel that you have made a breakthrough again. Your current skill is extremely mellow and powerful, and it seems to be much higher than before."

Chen Feng smiled slightly and said, "Yes, this time I went out and broke through two buildings."

Bai Shanshui took a breath, Chen Feng said it lightly, but this is a breakthrough in two buildings!

How difficult is it for others?

But in Chen Feng's mouth, it was as easy as picking up a stone on the side of the road.

Chen Feng stood up, looked at Bai Shanshui, and said, "Junior Brother Bai, don't worry, within ten days, I will definitely get back the medicine for you."

"You just wait with peace of mind, don't think too much."

Bai Shanshui nodded.

Chen Feng said something to Bai Shanshui, and then went to the backyard.

Wu Xi and Ling Xiao are here, and Chen Feng has tested Wu Xi's martial arts.

Wu Xi is definitely a martial arts genius, and the first three strokes of the Great Dragon God Fist have already made breakthroughs.

Then Chen Feng taught Ling Xiao and Wu Xi the Three Swords of Extinction, and gave them all without reservation.

And, I told them in detail about my own understanding of the three swords of extinction.

Ling Xiao and Wu Xi both listened extremely seriously.

Both of them knew that this was a rare opportunity, and it was impossible for them to have access to such martial arts techniques.

Chen Feng taught them all afternoon.

Before leaving, Chen Feng gave them some of the martial arts secrets and more than a hundred spiritual herbs he had obtained in the ancient tomb.

These martial arts secrets were obtained from the killed She Qingchan and others.

Those few people were all masters of the tenth floor of the Divine Sect Realm, and the core disciples of the Ziyang Sword Field. Their cultivation techniques and martial arts were a lot higher than Qian Yuanzong's.

Even, it was not worse than Chen Feng's cultivation of the Great Dragon God Fist and Extinction Three Swords.

Chen Feng is now cheaper.

And seeing these martial arts secrets with the lowest level of martial arts fragments, Wu Xi and Ling Xiao both showed excitement on their faces. When they received the secrets, their hands trembled.

Wu Xi looked at Chen Feng and said with great gratitude, "Brother Chen Feng, I really don't know what to say."

"Only one sentence, desperately want to report!"

Chen Feng smiled and said, "Needless to say, I should protect you, not you."

"Practice well, get revenge as soon as possible, and fulfill your long-cherished wish as soon as possible, and I will be happy for you."

"I don't hope that I will avenge you at that time, but you will use your own strength to get the lost things back."

Wu Xi and Ling Xiao listened quietly and nodded seriously.

Chen Feng said to Ling Xiao again: "I will search for the pill to help you restore your gong, and I will do my best to find you as soon as possible."

Ling Xiao was extremely grateful.

Then Chen Feng left.

He first went to Tongtian Peak and found Wei Hongxiu.

Wei Hongxiu looked at Chen Feng and asked in surprise: "What, do you ask me how many pharmacists are there in Ziyang Sword Field?"

Chen Feng nodded: "That's right."

Wei Hongxiu thought for a while, and said, "If you ask me this, I really know it."

Chen Feng listened very carefully.

Wei Hongxiu went on to say: "In Ziyang Sword Field, there is only one official pharmacist, but a first-grade pharmacist."

"He accepted two apprentices, one of them was his second apprentice, but the apprentice of the alchemist."

"The other big disciple is about to enter the ranks of a bottle of pharmacist."

She took a deep breath: "The pharmacist has a distinguished status, and he can refine all kinds of magical pills with extraordinary effects."

"So this existence, in our Ziyang Sword Field, is extremely respected."

"His cultivation base is not very high, but he is one of the very few Supreme Elders in the sect, and the treatment he enjoys and the worship he receives far exceed the average Supreme Elder."

"And his big disciple, who is about to step into the first-grade alchemist, is also very arrogant and domineering. He behaves in the Ziyang sword field, but no one dares to control."

"What are you asking about this?" Wei Hongxiu asked Chen Feng.

Chen Feng shook his head and said, "Hong Xiu thank you very much. As for why, I can't tell you why, it's a secret."

Wei Hongxiu nodded, and did not continue to question.

Then, Wei Hongsiu handed Chen Feng a mustard seed bag and said, "Chen Feng, this is our trip to the site. Of the harvest we have received, your part."

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