Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 813: The inheritance is mine!

The distance between him and Yun Buxiu was tens of meters, but this palm came in an instant.

If Yun Buxiu wanted to enter Shimen, he would have to bear this palm forcibly.

And as long as he is caught in this palm, he will undoubtedly die.

Yun Buxiu looked at the treasure right in front of him, but couldn't get it. Angrily, he shouted sharply, extremely angry, and stared at Chen Feng with blood red.

But he had to turn around and resist, doing his best to resist this hand.

However, he was shot tens of meters out, hit the rock wall heavily, spurted blood, and was seriously injured and dying!

Tianhe Realm master, it is too scary!

Even if he and Chen Feng add up, it is by no means the enemy of He Yanxiao's move.

A smile appeared at the corner of Chen Feng's mouth: "What if it's not your opponent?"

After saying this, he immediately walked into Shimen.

As soon as Chen Feng entered Shimen, he suddenly felt a huge mental fluctuation hitting him.

He seemed to hear a faint sigh, and then the next moment, Shimen suddenly closed behind him, and no one could enter.

Seeing the Shimen closed, Yun Buxiu's face showed a look of despair, and he was frustrated to the extreme.

But he was extremely determined, and immediately adjusted his mood, then gave Shimen a fierce look and quickly turned and left.

When Miao Chenqing saw this scene, her eyes were dull.

After a while, he screamed in madness and anger: "Which little bunny dared to profit from the fisherman? I must break your body into pieces!"

He Yan laughed and laughed: "Let's decide whether we will win or lose."

As he said, it was another palm shot.

The two continued to fight into a ball, Miao Chenqing was extremely angry and suffocated, feeling that he was about to explode with anger.

After working hard and trying my best, I ended up making clothes for others.

Chen Feng, who was inside at this time, naturally ignored Miao Chenqing's mood.

His eyes widened at this time, and he stared at the scene before him blankly.

After he came in, he found that the area was actually very small, just an ordinary and simple stone chamber.

There was a table in the center of the stone room. On the table, Chen Feng saw what he had dreamed of during his trip.

It was a fist-sized bead, and in the end the bead looked gray and unremarkable.

But if you look carefully, you will find that it is deep inside to the extreme.

It seems that the entire galaxy has been loaded into it!

It made people look at it, the eyes fell into it, it was almost impossible to pull it out, and it was indescribable for a while.

"Is this Xu Mizhu?" Chen Feng murmured.

There was a fascination in his eyes.

Soon, he shook his head to wake himself up.

Then, he saw a jade board beside Xu Mizhu.

Just as Chen Feng wanted to touch, he suddenly remembered the scene when he was practicing the Dragon God Fist.

At that time, I also touched the slate, and immediately began the inheritance.

At that time, Chen Feng was about to be shattered and had a nervous breakdown.

So he immediately withdrew his hand without touching it hastily.

He glanced at it, and five characters were written on the jade board: Thunder Thunder Fist.

"Sure enough, this is Real Thunder's life's most powerful knack: Thunder Thunder Fist. Tianhe Realm, one of the top martial arts!"

"But now, it's not time to learn."

Chen Feng put it in a mustard bag, then took Xu Mizhu in his hand and took a deep breath.

Sitting cross-legged in the stone room, he made his mind hollow, without desires, desires, and thoughts.

Then with a hard hand, he crushed Sumizhu.

As soon as Xu Mizhu shattered, Chen Feng felt like a sun burst in front of him, emitting countless light and heat.

The huge impact generated in an instant almost shook him to death!

Although he closed his eyes, he could feel the hot light.

Chen Feng was shocked, the lifelong skill of the real person Lei Ting was really powerful and extremely powerful.

But then, he held his breath.

And the next moment, this immense skill rushed into Chen Feng's body!

These skills were integrated into Chen Feng's meridians, and in Chen Feng's meridians, they ran wildly.

This is the purest skill, without any attributes, which can be absorbed by any warrior.

Even the Dragon Elephant Fighting Heaven Secret Art can be absorbed.

Gang Qi circulated wildly in his body, and instantly gathered into a giant river.

You know, Chen Feng would need at least one day of cultivation to gather together into such a huge current.

But at this time, it was only a moment.

In the follow-up, there is still an influx of skill.

This river. He rushed frantically towards the unopened acupuncture points in Chen Feng's body.

But at this time, one of Chen Feng's most worried things happened.

When the skill reached that node, suddenly, these skills, like being sucked in by a huge monster, instantly surged towards that node.

If Chen Feng cultivates on weekdays, the qi of one night of cultivating will disappear at this node in an instant.

But now, gong power is constantly being poured into this node, like an endless river, constantly being poured into it.

At this time, Chen Feng was also ruthless: "Damn it, I don't know what the **** is doing!"

"But I still don't believe it. The Heavenly River Realm pinnacle master has a lifelong skill, but can't you feed you?"

He directly guided these skills and instilled in the node desperately.

And this node is really like a bottomless pit, as much as you come and swallow.

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