Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 809: Scared to death

Xue Lizhuo looked silly at this scene.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly turned his head, looked at him, made a gesture of cutting out with a light knife.

Xue Lizhuo let out a scream, his seven orifices were bleeding, his body trembled violently, and he fell to the ground hard and died of anger.

Chen Feng smiled and put the knife into its sheath: "I scared you!"

Xue Lizhuo was scared to death by Chen Feng's knife.

But after Chen Feng finished saying that, his body tilted and he fell directly to the ground.

When Chen Feng woke up again, it was already three days later.

When Chen Feng opened his eyes and saw the stone wall above his head, he looked a little dazed for a while, and asked, "Where is this place?"

After a mouthful, Chen Feng realized that his voice was extremely hoarse and extremely awkward, like two pieces of iron rubbing.

And his throat hurt even more. The sharp pain in his throat was only the beginning, and then Chen Feng felt that nowhere on his body was not a sharp pain.

If it hadn't been for Chen Feng to experience the torment of such a high temperature when he was practicing the Golden Body Judgment, and the pain that his whole body seemed to be dissolved and scalded, he would definitely scream in pain.

Now this kind of pain is nothing to him.

He took a deep breath and felt that his body was empty and all the qi had disappeared.

All the meridians and acupuncture points, musculoskeletal and musculoskeletal body in the body came with severe pain, scattered and broken.

Chen Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly: "This time I really hurt enough!"

Hearing his voice, Wei Hongxiu hurried over, looked at him with concern, and asked, "Chen Feng, how do you feel?"

Not only her, Liang Guangyu and the other three also came over and looked at Chen Feng with great concern.

Chen Feng sat up, supported by Wei Hongxiu, and looked around.

This is a cave, not big, but very clean.

He asked dryly, "Where is this place?"

"This is a cave not far from where you killed them three days ago. It is very safe and no one came."

Chen Feng heard that Wei Hongxiu said, only to realize that he had been in a coma for three days.

His heart suddenly tensed: Three days have passed since the incident, could it be that the inheritance of the real Thunder has been taken away?

Seeing his look, Wei Hongxiu seemed to have guessed something, and said: "Chen Feng, don't worry, the inheritance of Mortal Thunder should still be there."

"Because this is the time of the day, people are constantly passing through the passage. I roughly calculated it. On average, tens of thousands of people come in every day, and they are all martial artists."

"Only when I heard them speak, it turns out that there are some people who are not greedy and left early, and some people escaped from the mouth of the python and left the ancient tomb."

"They spread the news after they returned to the city. Many people heard that a large number of beasts and spirits were produced here, and there were even rare first-level materials, and they rushed."

"Tens of thousands of people have poured in. If the inheritance of the real Thunder is really obtained by someone, the news will definitely come out."

Only then did Chen Feng know that so many people had come in in the past few days.

But he felt a little relieved when he heard what Wei Hongxiu said.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly felt an extremely hungry feeling in his body.

This is not real hunger, but the need for qi and strength in the body.

Chen Feng immediately said, "Hongxiu, can you guys avoid it temporarily?"

Wei Hongxiu and the others nodded, did not ask anything, just left the cave quickly and blocked the cave with big rocks.

Chen Feng quickly took out dozens of jade boxes from the mustard bag, each of which contained hundreds of catties of blood.

Then he took out the big cauldron again, introduced the blood into the big cauldron, and in an impatient posture, he broke and threw thousands of spiritual herbs and elixir into it.

Then, he quickly jumped in.

Chen Feng ran the Dragon Elephant Fighting Sky Art, absorbing it frantically, and a wave of blood poured into his body, causing Chen Feng to sigh comfortably.

This kind of gradual recovery of strength is really wonderful.

It took a full three days for Chen Feng to recover to his peak strength. He vomited countless black blood clots. The surface of his body was also in the wound, with a lot of blood flowing out.

He expelled all the congestion from the injury.

After his strength returned to its peak, this team continued to move forward.

Walking on the road, Wei Hongxiu said happily: "Chen Feng, you killed those core disciples six days ago, we have made a fortune."

"Those core disciples have robbed a lot of people. There are hundreds of beast pills in them!"

As he said, he took out a mustard seed bag, shook it and said with a smile: "These beast pills are here now, give it to you!"

Chen Feng shook his head, did not answer, and said, "These beast pills are also considered common to our team. Go out and divide again when the time comes."

Wei Hongxiu shook his head very firmly: "No, Chen Feng, this belongs to you."

Chen Feng was also very determined.

The two argued, and in the end Chen Feng got 80%, and the remaining few got 20%.

After walking forward for almost half a day, everyone came to a hall.

This hall is a few kilometers in radius, which is ten times larger than the previous hall.

The most shocking thing is that at this time, there are corpses all over the hall.

Moreover, these corpses seemed to have been placed deliberately. They were placed neatly. All the corpses had their heads facing the door and their feet facing inside.

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