Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 801: Legacy of the Peak Power in Tianhe Realm

It may be a magic circle or something else, but it is definitely of this nature.

So deterrence is definitely useful.

Sure enough, as expected by Chen Feng, after the shocking invisible sound wave came out, the three giant pythons suddenly stopped, and there was a pause for an instant.

And a moment of time is enough.

Xiang Liu Wuhun suddenly disappeared, and Chen Feng let out a cold drink and jumped out of a giant python.

Then, the Ziyue Knife slashed out fiercely, slashing on its wound again.

With a loud bang, the giant python was directly cut into two sections.

Then, Chen Feng took advantage of the other giant python's ability to regain his mobility, and went to him to display hundreds of knives frantically.

All the hundreds of knives were cut in the same position.

With a crackle, this giant python was also chopped into numerous pieces.

However, Chen Feng had some regrets in his heart, because deterrence would definitely be useless today.

After killing these two giant pythons, Chen Feng and Wei Hongxiu and others beheaded the remaining giant python.

But now, everyone has been injured, and Chen Fenggang's energy has almost been exhausted.

Chen Feng said solemnly: "This is not the way. There are so many giant pythons here, it is not suitable to stay for a long time. Go, let's continue to explore the way forward and don't entangle with the giant pythons here."

Others nodded one after another, accepted the spirit grass and beast pill, and waited for them to leave here and move forward quickly.

Soon, they came to the end of the hall.

At the end of the hall, there was already a stone gate at this time!

The stone gate was hundreds of meters high, but it was tightly closed at this time, and hundreds of people had gathered in front of the stone gate.

Many people are still coming here.

At this time, countless people were attacking Shimen, but they were all useless, and Shimen did not move.

At this time, among the crowd, a dazzling figure suddenly jumped into the air.

This person pierced out with a sword, like a beam of brilliance, across the sky, and hit the stone gate heavily.

With a loud bang, the entire stone gate trembled heavily, as if it was about to split a crack, but it was still not opened.

All the people below exclaimed and looked at this figure with eyes full of expectation.

The figure fell to the ground, and everyone saw that this man turned out to be a teenager, less than twenty years old, very handsome, dressed in white, unruly.

Chen Feng was also slightly shocked when he saw it.

"This person is definitely not inferior to me in strength, and may even exceed."

Then the boy bombarded three times in a row, each time the stone gate shook.

However, it cannot be opened after all.

At this time, the giant python had almost killed everyone, rushing towards the front of Shimen.

Thousands of people hiding in front of Shimen screamed and shouted in horror: "The python is here, we are finished."

"It's over, all of us are going to die, no one can be the opponent of the giant python."

The giant python had rushed towards the crowd frantically, and in a blink of an eye hundreds of people died from their attacks.

At this time, Chen Feng suddenly said to the teenager: "We two will work together to open this door."

The boy took a look at Chen Feng and nodded his head: "Okay."

As he said, he pierced again with a sword.

At this time, Chen Feng also uttered a big sound, and cracked the air with a knife and volleyed out.

With a loud bang, one sword and one knife hit the stone gate at the same time.

The reason why Chen Feng did not do anything at this time was because he had been breathing in and regaining his qi.

Because in the previous battle, his qi had almost been exhausted, and he was already unable to issue another slash in the air.

So he wants to recover.

When this sword and sword slashed on the stone gate, finally, the stone gate cracked a gap with a thud.

Although the gap is small, it is enough for a few people to pass.

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned, and then the next moment, they rushed into the stone gate with crazy and surprised shouts.

Chen Feng also rushed into Shimen with Wei Hongxiu and others.

After entering Shimen, Chen Feng and others discovered that their current location turned out to be a huge cave in the mountain.

The height is hundreds of meters, like hollowing out a big mountain, the whole cave is emitting a faint green light.

The young man in white came over, smiled and said, "I don't know if you are in Xiayun, I don't know your name Gao."

Chen Feng smiled: "Chen Feng."

The white-clothed boy nodded, made a few more polite words, and left quickly.

Chen Feng and the others did not immediately advance, but under Chen Feng's suggestion, came to a hidden small cave.

After they came here, they all sat down, recuperated from their injuries, breathed in, and began to recover.

The cave was very quiet, and no one noticed, Chang Hongsheng showed a strange expression on his face.

After resting here for three hours, Chen Feng and others continued to move forward. They looked back and found that the pythons had disappeared.

All the others have disappeared, presumably they should have rushed to the front.

Chen Feng and others are not in a hurry.

There are dangers here, and it is not easy to get the treasure.

Rush to the front, but die faster.

They continued to move forward, about a dozen miles, and suddenly a tall cliff appeared in front of them.

On the cliff, dozens of **** characters were written unexpectedly.

Wei Hongxiu said softly:

"I am a real Lei Ting. I practiced muscles and bones at the age of three. I entered the day after tomorrow at the age of five. I stepped into the first building at the age of eleven. At the age of 23, I entered the Tianhe Realm!"

"My life has been in Qingzhou, and I am invincible! Of course, I was seriously injured in my early years, and the injury has not healed. When I was 131 years old, I knew that my destiny had arrived and I would never have the opportunity to break through to the next level."

"Therefore, I poured all my skills in my life into the Xumizhu."

"Hide the most proud martial arts here, waiting for the destined to arrive!"

After reading this sentence, Wei Hongxiu exclaimed: "It turns out that the owner of this ancient tomb turned out to be Real Lei Ting!"

Chen Feng asked: "Who is Real Thunder?"

He had never heard of this name before.

(Haha, eight bursts, unhappy? If you look cool, please vote for a reward and subscribe, thanks!)

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