Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5699: The only chance!

He looked at everyone around him for the first time.

Needless to say, Zhong Li Yaoqin, Tianchou Beast Slave and others obviously received the same temporary task.

But how is this possible?

The entire void was trembling fiercely, and many immortals in the sky, who wanted to tear the space and teleport, fell one after another.

Weeping and being killed.

In this case, Chen Feng can't think about anything.

"Go first!"

The golden rhyme unfolded instantly.

In the next moment, several people disappeared.

It is also thanks to the great devil King Gama Silvi who did not know enough about Chen Feng.

Otherwise, as long as he disturbs the rhyme between heaven and earth, he can still stop Chen Feng and his party.

Gama Silvi is furious!

It did not hesitate to use such a powerful projection, and spent a lot of cultivation base to get here.

The purpose is to kill Chen Feng and avenge his beloved youngest son.

But just now, Chen Feng slipped away under his nose!


Booming sound waves, almost tore the entire sky to pieces!


Heaven's punishment fell intensively, and the nine-day thunderclouds in a radius of hundreds of miles condensed into the sky thunder pond!

Below, the devilish energy rises to the sky!

Gama Silvi was able to withstand this level of punishment, other Shura demons were different.

Whether it is the demon soldiers and demon generals of the black wisp of giant flame great demon clan, or the demon of the ten thousand demon alliance.

At this moment, all were punished in this dense heaven and turned to ashes.

No bones left!

Regarding this, Gama Silvi didn't even look at it.

It quickly captured the disappearing direction of Chen Feng and others' humanity rhyme.

"Naughty animal, where to escape!"

Before the words fell, he suddenly disappeared in the same place.

Chen Feng turned the Taishang Yuqing Jiu Shou Zhen Jue to the extreme.

The golden Dao Yun burst out with dazzling light, and the star sea world was even more connected by a divine glow.

The Taoist Wuya frowned:

"How can you temporarily add tasks to the top of the sky of Shilaozi?"

"That projection, it is impossible to obliterate it with the power of you and me."

Chen Feng forced himself to calm down.

He stared straight ahead and kept teleporting in one direction.

"Don't mess with yourself, I have encountered this situation."

At the beginning, he and Zhong Liyuntian, Feng Bingyun and others also encountered similar temporary tasks in the trial mission world of Xuanwu Zhongqian World.

The Heavenly Canal Beast Slave had already reacted.

"Da Mo Lin Temple!"


Chen Feng said quickly: "The Lord of Heaven will not give missions that are absolutely impossible to complete."

"Before we used our strength to finish it, and this time we can still give it a try."

When these words came out, everyone was first relieved.

However, the Tiancun Beast Slave quickly asked doubtfully:

"But this time, who else can we pit?"

"In this little thousand world, we are the only human monks left."

"The group of people from Cong Jingzhu is worse than us, and everything that the Ten Thousand Demons League can beat is in Demon King City."

At this moment, Zhong Li Yaoqin's eyes followed Chen Feng's direction.

She suddenly realized something and suddenly spoke.

"Venerable Feng Sui!"

Hearing that, Taoist Wuya, Heavenly Remnant Beast Slave, and Chen Sha all fell into silence.

An existence that has been dead for ten thousand years?

Chen Feng nodded, but his face remained solemn.

He is taking risks.

He was betting that he had no wrong judgment!

There is only one chance!

Dao Yun's tremor kept reminding him that a pair of eyes fixed on him.

Approaching them quickly!

But the more at this time, Chen Feng's heart became clearer.

He seemed to suddenly understand why the Lord of Heaven sent him three optional tasks at the beginning.

The first one must be done, killing Gama Stema.

The second and third are alternatives.

Help Lang Kang restore his sanity and open the core area of ​​the human secret realm!

The former, to a certain extent, is inevitable, because they will definitely come into contact with Cong Jingzhu.

As long as Lang Kang did not die in their hands early.

As for the latter, I am afraid that the Venerable Feng Sui can be resurrected!

At the beginning, in the fourth floor of the giant tower of Tibetan Buddhist scriptures, the mission has been explained.

There are a large number of celestial profound spirit stones in the core area of ​​the human secret realm!

They also discovered that there was a whole stellar mineral vein as an energy supplement.

In addition, the so-called core area of ​​the human secret realm is just the main tomb of the Venerable Feng Sui...

Inside, lies his physical body!

Everything is well explained.

Venerable Feng Sui is indeed the supreme human race in this small world!

Not only was he punished by the heavens, but he also broke through to above the Second Tribulations Earth Immortal.

After losing the battle with the sky, he used thousands of years to prepare for his resurrection!

And right now, he is the biggest trump card of the human race!


The golden rhyme disappeared.

The five Chen Feng rushed into the secret realm in an instant.

In the secret realm, all formations and enchantments complement each other.

Rao is the projection of Gama Silvi when it comes to this mountain, and I am afraid it will have to be suppressed.

"Chen Feng, you killed Gama Stema?"

The aborigines such as Jingzhu and Langkang stayed here in accordance with the agreement.

As soon as I saw a few people, they greeted them one after another.

"To kill is to kill, but the projection of the old black wisp of giant flame demon is here."

"It's too late to explain so much, let's go in with us first!"

The voice did not fall.


The whole mountain was suddenly shaken.

There are constantly rolling boulders in the tunnel!

Seeing this man-made "pirate hole" is about to collapse!

Gamma Silvi projection, here it is!

"Run inside!"

As long as you enter the official tomb, you will be formally protected by the Venerable Feng Sui.


"Chen Feng, today, you will definitely die!"

The endless magical energy is like an avalanche and tsunami, and it hits quickly behind itself.

Among them, there is also a strong energy attack that pierces the spiritual world!

Taoist Wuya waved his hand and quickly propped up an enchantment.

The next moment, he looked at Chen Feng: "Let them enter the Golden Pagoda of Hundred Ghosts!"

Almost at the same time, Chen Feng also thought of this.

The cultivation base of dozens of aboriginals is too low to withstand this level of pressure!

When they were put into the golden pagoda, Chen Feng had also begun to gulp blood.

The coercion of the Four Tribulations Earth Immortal cannot be underestimated!

At this time, the air ban became a guarantee and a hindrance.


There was another violent tremor.

It seems that the entire huge mountain is disintegrating!

However, Chen Feng's spiritual consciousness was still enough to clearly discover that Gama Silvi's projection had also followed in.

It is also restricted by the formation!

"I have to say that this Venerable Feng Sui's attainments in formations are truly culmination!"

Even the strength of the Four Tribulations Earth Immortal had to act according to the rules.

However, having said that, the speed of Gamma Sylvie's projection is ridiculously fast.

It has not concealed the strength of the cultivation base from beginning to end.

Above the Secret Realm of Human Race, the thunder pool formed by Mo Yun is also pouring down.

What a sign of the end of the world!

Murderous aura after the formation is activated everywhere!

Fortunately, Chen Feng is not the first time to come to this mountain.

Before being overtaken, he stepped into the real tomb. boom!

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