Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5668: The world of trials is now open!

This sound resounded similarly in every corner.

When Zhong Li Tan Sheng heard this, his face was even more ugly.

Chen Feng was happy to see the result.

It seemed that the truth of what Zhongli Yaoqin said was still accepted by everyone on the top of the sky.

But then he heard some sounds.

"What's the use, see so many people here today?"

"The Zhong Li Family issued an order to kill the woman. If he can punish this woman, the Zhong Li family will thank you very much."

Under the benefit, the truth is false.

Tiancun Beast Slave and the others changed their complexions slightly, looked around, as if looking for a certain figure.

Zhongli Yaoqin hasn't appeared yet!

At this moment, the great voice of Heaven's dominance suddenly sounded.

"The world of trials, open now!"

Before the words came to an end, the original black bronze fangs giant gate suddenly rose up with countless divine lights.

All the giant bronze fang gates have turned into red light gates.

A rapidly changing picture lit up in the light door!

The silhouettes of one world after another flashed by.

But this time, many trial immortals did not choose a light gate by themselves.

They are waiting for someone!

There is no doubt that it must be Zhongli Yaoqin.

Chen Feng sneered in his heart.

A group of trial immortals also dared to imagine that they could punish the immortal in the trial mission.

Extremely ridiculous!

The taunts of Chu Taizhen and Zhong Li Tansheng were left behind by Chen Feng.

He turned his head and glanced at Wuya Taoist and Tianchou Beast Slave.

The three of them walked toward the nine giant blood-colored bronze fangs 10,000 meters away.

Chu Taizhen and Zhongli Tansheng followed closely behind.

Behind them, there are also two strong immortals in the sky.

Chen Feng turned a blind eye, even with a smile on his mouth.

The next moment, he flipped his hand and took out a golden reincarnation jade medal and two trial keys.

The golden reincarnation jade brand suddenly burst into a **** light.

Amazingly, it was the peak nightmare-level failed trial task that was received in the past!

Behind Chen Feng, the Tiancun Beast Slave stepped forward and took out a one-step ascending order and reincarnation jade card.

Taoist Wuya also took out a trial key immediately.

The three of them stepped into the **** light.

When Zhong Li Tansheng saw this, he immediately had doubts: Why did Chen Feng have two in his hands...

Before he finished thinking, an exclamation suddenly sounded behind him.

Immediately afterwards, a red afterimage rushed towards them.

It is really Zhongli Yaoqin!

And she reached out and just took over a key of trial in Chen Feng's hand!

"They are in the same group!"

Between the electric light and flint, the **** light skyrocketed.

All the immortals who entered this blood-colored bronze fangs giant gate disappeared in the red light.

After a flicker, Chen Feng and others have entered the passage of time and space.

This is still a dark passage.

However, it is somewhat different from the previous black channel.

This time, the walls of the passage still flickered with mixed blood, like the huge pupils of the demon race, bursting out a chilling glow.

However, to his surprise, the Heavenly Canal Beast Slave around him was stunned.

The avatar of Taoist Wuya came for the first time and didn't know much about it. Seeing him so surprised, he asked casually.

"The time and space channels we entered in the past were all red, but this time it was pitch black."

Total darkness?

It seems that those red lights are the function of the title of destiny.

On the other side of Chen Feng, standing was Zhongli Yaoqin who rushed into it at the last moment.

When he heard this, he looked at Zhongli Yaoqin.

Sure enough, Zhong Li Yaoqin looked at the scarlet light, and opened his mouth to say something.

"Zhong Li Yaoqin."

Chen Feng interrupted her in time.

Zhong Li Yaoqin turned his face to look at him, reacted for the first time, and was silent immediately.

Taking this opportunity, Chen Feng briefed the two "newcomers" who participated in the trial mission for the first time on related matters after entering the trial world.

Not far behind the four, many people followed.

One of the teams is headed by Yin Yi Lou Chu Taizhen, and the other is headed by Zhong Li Tan Sheng.

But after the two, there are still sparse figures entering the space-time passage.

Many people have seen the abnormality of the channel color and are surprised at why it is pitch black.

"What kind of trial task is this?"

"I regret it a bit..."

In this regard, Zhong Li Tan Sheng is not surprised.

"This is a trial task that Chen Feng obtained from the fourth floor of the Great Tower of Tibetan Scriptures."

"A failed trial mission!"

"The least difficulty is also at nightmare level."

When this was said, everyone in the rear was dumbfounded.

The lowest difficulty also has a nightmare level, then the highest, isn't it a nightmare level in the nightmare level?

Immediately, many monks softened their feet with fright, and their faces were as pale as earth.

"We just followed Zhong Li Yaoqin in, for the reward of the killing order..."

"I knew who would come to die!"

In response, Zhong Li Yaoqin turned his head, smiled coldly, and Zhu lips gently spit out two words.

"Deserve it!"

Chen Feng glanced at her, then whispered:

"This trial mission is more dangerous than any one I have experienced before."

"After being dispersed, in any case, self-preservation is the best!"

While talking, everyone has followed this special time and space channel to the world of trial missions.



The eyes were all dim devilish energy, looking up at the sky, only a round of **** waning moon remained.

The gust of wind whizzed past, blowing those demonic energy like dark clouds falling into the ground.

At this time, the void suddenly tore, and a figure leaped out of it.

That figure is Chen Feng.

And he also happened to be wrapped in a cloud of magic energy.

After Chen Feng walked out, the pitch-black crack closed instantly and disappeared.


Above the wilderness, there is no vitality in the sight.

Some are just wastelands stained red with blood, and broken walls faintly visible from the horizon.

This is Yuheng Xiaoqian World!

After being completely invaded by the black wisp of giant flames and great demon clan, he looked devastated!

Chen Feng checked himself for the first time.

Yuheng Xiaoqian World probably has nothing to do with Yuheng Fairy, but there is also room for suppression here.

Fortunately, he only needs twice the power to fly normally.

Afterwards, he tested his consciousness.

Chen Feng's spiritual world has strengthened a lot since he mastered the Taishang Yuqing Nine Shouzhen Jue.

The divine consciousness spread out, and he could see the broken wall in the sky in an instant.

The corpses are everywhere!

Blood flows into a river!

Almost all of those who fell there were human monks!

Those corpses did not know how long they lay there, many of them had weathered, and more of them had exposed bones.

Chen Feng glanced quickly and quickly distinguished the original traces of the fragmented wall.

Once, there should be a huge human camp.

Different from Chen Feng's footsteps on the vast expanse of the wasteland, the ruins in the sky are steep and ravines.

Such a geographical position is quite advantageous, and it is the best fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

But now it has become a dead end.

For a time, Chen Feng couldn't even imagine how powerful the demons would be to kill here.

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