Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5658: Big brother?

"Is it strong enough, how can I know if I don't give it a try?"

The two argued **** reason, and Zhai Changzun, who had never made a sound, looked sideways and glanced blankly.

A few hours later, Chen Feng appeared near the Galaxy Sword Sect.

Elder Wu was also with him.

After leaving the Great Desolate Lord's Palace, he went to Dayan Immortal Gate by the way.

Without the Zong Sect Immortal Talisman, where would you dare to tamper with it in secret?

Therefore, Elder Wu recovered extremely quickly there.

Blame the old man was not willing to stay there all the time, so Chen Feng brought him back.

Now the Galaxy Sword Sect has become the strongest fairy gate under the three top one-tier fairy gates of the Eastern Wilderness!

Even the Dragon Tooth Fairy Gate is as famous as it at best.

In such a grand occasion, the entire sword faction has naturally undergone earth-shaking changes.

The most intuitive point is that the aura within the martial art is getting stronger!

Elder Wu is enough to heal his wounds.

"I didn't expect the old man to live and see the Galaxy Sword Sect regain its prestige..."

Looking at the greatly changed Galaxy Sword Sect, Elder Wu's muddy eyes were a little moist.

He waited for a day, too long!

Chen Feng smiled and comforted him a few words, and the two quickly entered.

Elder Wu went straight back to his residence to heal his injuries, while Chen Feng came to Tianshu Sword Sect.

From a distance, you can see that today's Tianshu Sword Sect is aloof, and it is even more completely changed than before.

The huge floating mountain is spectacular and magnificent.

There are a lot more figures flying in and out.

"Good luck."

He smiled, gathered his breath, and walked closer.

However, as soon as he approached, he only heard a clear drink.


Chen Feng stagnated and stopped.

I saw three face-to-face disciples.

They looked bad and quickly surrounded Chen Feng.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is? How dare you trespass alone! Which Sword Sect disciple are you?"

The speaker is a young man at the head.

I saw him standing with his hand held, his chin raised slightly, and his brows were filled with pride.

The Tianshu Jianzong disciple suit on his body attracted Chen Feng's attention.

In the past, Tianshu Jianzong had only one disciple uniform, which was silver-white with silver rims and curling moire patterns.

Can be regarded as the ultimate simplicity.

The two disciples behind the teenager wore that style.

And the purple and silver-rimmed disciple suit on the head of the man was very low-key and simple, extremely arrogant!

With such a comparison, Chen Feng suddenly knew it.

"Are you a disciple of the inner sect?"

Also, Chen Feng was the only disciple who was willing to join the Tianshu Sword Sect at the beginning, and naturally there was no need to divide the inner sect and the outer sect.

Today is not what it used to be.

Upon hearing Chen Feng's words, the three teenagers all laughed.

"You guys still have some insight."

"Brother Huai was the first disciple of Tianshu Jianzong's inner sect. It is said that his score in the entry assessment is almost equal to that of Senior Brother Chen Feng!"

"Boy, don't be too arrogant, Brother Huai is asking you something!"


Chen Feng keenly caught a few words.

"Big Brother Chen Feng?"

In terms of seniority, he can't be regarded as a "big brother".

Moreover, the three people in front of him are ridiculous.

Listening to their tone, they admired the "Big Brother Chen Feng" in their mouths.

As everyone knows, at this moment, the one who was stopped in front of them was indeed Chen Feng himself!

"You call Chen Feng a big brother, what about Xu Jun?"

Xu Jun was the disciple who brought Chen Feng to the Galaxy Sword School.

Although his talent is not high, it coincides with the time when the Tianshu Sword Sect was at its worst, and he did not receive attention at all.

But anyway, he always had a life-saving grace to Chen Feng.

Hearing Chen Feng's repeated ignoring of their words and self-consciously asking questions, the head of the senior brother Huai finally turned extremely ugly.

"What are you, I am a disciple of the inner sect of the Tianshu Sword Sect."

"I'll ask you again, which Sword Sect are you from? Your elders have not warned you not to trespass into Tianshu Sword Sect easily!"

Looking at the spitting "disciple of the Nei Sect" in front of him, Chen Feng was full of emotion.

Once upon a time, the disciples of the Sword Sect of Tianshu who were ridiculed and ridiculed by others became a status symbol.

Chen Feng pressed his thin lips tightly, and a faint anger appeared on his expressionless face.

Chen Feng remembers the few disciples of Jianzong Tianshu at the beginning.

Even after Tianshu Jianzong had just returned to the highest point, he could remember a group of disciples who poured in.

At this time, the one standing in front of him was obviously a new addition during the time he was gone.

When the Galaxy Sword Sect had experienced life and death, it rebounded from the bottom and made a **** road to join.

In front of these three, where is the slightest Sword Sect of Tianshu?

Looks like?

No one doubted that they were disciples of the Sword Sect of Heavenly Power in the past.

Arrogant and domineering!

However, the third floor of the Star Soul Martial God Realm dared to do whatever he wanted.

It seems that the Heavenly Axis Sword Sect has overfilled its head in a short time, and it has mixed in a lot of **** sticks!

In any case, Chen Feng is not in a hurry at this time.

Since you are the "big brother" among the three populations, you might as well teach them a lesson.

The Galaxy Sword Sect can be regarded as his base camp.

Among them, Tianshu Jianzong is basically controlled by him.

He didn't want to see these dog things dirty his eyes!

Tianshu Sword Sect will never become the second Tianquan Sword Sect!

Thinking of this, Chen Feng looked down, all emotions converged in it.

When he looked up again, his face became more and more grim.

He didn't release his breath directly, but stared coldly at the "Brother Huai" in front of him, saying every word.

"When will the Tianshu Sword Sect have your turn to be wild here?"

The next moment, he reached out and grabbed it forward.

Chen Feng's intention was to take these three boys in and find an elder to make them suffer.

Unexpectedly, the three people in front of him immediately laughed wildly when they saw that he had just raised their hands.

"Dare to shoot against my disciple of Tianshu Sword Sect!"

"No matter which Sword Sect disciple you are, you don't want to stay in the Galaxy Sword Sect again today!"

With that said, the young man surnamed Huai immediately burst into his peak cultivation.

The killing intent was revealed in his eyes, and he turned his hand and released a killer move!

The silver-white sword light burst out of magic light, revealing endless killing intent, and came straight towards Chen Feng.

That person actually planned to kill Chen Feng on the spot!

Seeing such a cruel behavior, Chen Feng's heart grew colder.

Indiscriminately, if they come up without leaving a way to survive, are such people really disciples of the Tianshu Sword Sect?

Isn't it no one cares?

His complexion was extremely ugly, and he still faced the Lingxian sword light with one hand.

The two disciples behind the young man named Huai burst into laughter.

"This idiot actually wanted to take Brother Huai's sword with a mere palm of his flesh."

"Sure enough, it's too long!"


Screams sounded.

It's just not from Chen Feng.

But it was the young man named Huai who was arrogant in the last second!

He flew out for a thousand meters on the spot, his face was as pale as a crime, and his bones were broken!

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