Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5645: Breakthrough, the seventh hole!

No one thought that Chen Feng would suddenly fall down after just entering the third-grade blessed land fairy mountain.

However, the next moment, he stretched out a hand beside him to catch the fallen body.

"I didn't slack until now, it is indeed a bit capable."

The avatar of Taoist Wuya looked down at Chen Feng, who was holding it in his hand, with no concealment of appreciation on his face.

Others may not be able to see it, but with his cultivation level and figure, where can he not detect the problem?

Fairy Yuheng raised her head when she heard this.

"This senior, Chen Feng is..."

Before she finished speaking, Taoist Wuya took the initiative to explain.

"As soon as he saw that Chu Taizhen was asking for trouble, he immediately ordered Gong Licheng to come and find the old man."

"In order to delay time, he had to deal with the first game challenge himself."

"Do you really think that with its mere ten-square cave-sky realm and the sixth cave-sky realm, there is nothing serious about it in front of the Second Tribulation Dixian?"

Hearing this, why can everyone not understand?

Chu Taizhen hated Chen Feng deeply, and he would not show mercy when he started.

Under such indiscriminate bombing, I'm afraid Chen Feng didn't even have a chance to hide.

Looking back now, no one can imagine what he experienced in the duel for almost an hour!

Chen Feng has always been a strong person.

If he had extra energy, he would never let himself appear in front of everyone embarrassed.

But when the first game came out, it was obviously already that way.

Seeing everyone's faces full of worry, Taoist Wuya waved his hands at will.

"Don't worry about it. Although he was seriously injured and dying, this guy is a bit capable and didn't hurt his origin."

"Who can say it well, maybe this kind of absolute force crushing is also a benefit to him."

Before the words fell, Chen Feng opened his eyes.

Instead of looking at everyone, he looked straight ahead.

When they first entered the Seven-Rank Beidou blessed land, Chen Feng and others were shocked by the scenery inside.

And now, when you first entered the third-grade blessed land fairy mountain, the inside is even more beautiful.

If the original Beidou Fudi was just an extremely beautiful valley, then there was a small continent in front of it.

The mountains are stacked one after another.

The cliffs are soaring into the clouds, and there are green plants and flowers everywhere.

Of course, the most exciting and trembling is undoubtedly the exciting green mist in the air.

Stars overwhelming

Chen Qingqi!

It has the same warmth as aura, but more abundant.

Moreover, compared to the star Qing Qi in the Seven-Rank Blessed Land, here is more intense.

Under the sky in the distance, there is a huge force together, huge and diverse in shape, undulating.

Almost materialized!

The power of nearly ten thousand stars!

The rich and extreme star Qing Qi rushed into Chen Feng's body.

The pores on the whole body are relaxed!

Chen Feng's complexion was still pale, but he still laughed.

"Sure enough, as I expected."

As he said, he flipped his hand and fully mobilized the Xinghai World in his body.

This time, instead of relying on the three hundred and sixty-five stars in the Xinghai World to replenish, but actively seek out the power of the stars from the outside world!


Golden Dao rhyme appeared again around Chen Feng.

The next moment, he disappeared in place and appeared above the sky.

With him as the center, the void began to continuously rotate, quickly forming a huge vortex.

The power of nearly ten thousand stars also increased with the vortex, began to change his body shape, intentionally or unintentionally attracted to his direction.

The originally clear blue sky suddenly dimmed.

Everyone was watching in place, without any hindrance and no dissatisfaction.

This brand-new third-rank Beidou blessed land can be said to have been brought down by Chen Feng alone.

Even Lu Xingwei, who had planted a demon heart and had to obey, still had to admire it now.

Such a mentality is beyond the reach of people!

The huge vortex was spinning frantically, getting bigger and bigger.

The power of dozens of stars that were close to him had already been completely swallowed and disappeared into the whirlpool.

Later, the power of the stars in the entire sky also rotated with the direction of the vortex, forming a larger vortex.

Gong Licheng stared at the dark shadow above the sky, his eyes burst into surprise.

"How can this be caused by a mere ten-square cave heavenly sixth cave monk..."

"If it is the wind catastrophe of the Lingxu Land Wonderland, I am afraid it is nothing more than that."

Speaking of this, he suddenly froze.

If it is the sixth hole of the Shifang Dongtian realm, it can still cause turmoil in this way.

The Six Tribulations of the Spiritual Land Wonderland that Chen Feng will face in the future, how terrifying it should be!

At first, several people nearby nodded in agreement.

Then they followed suddenly

Stopped and looked over.

They also thought of this.

Some people even think of:

"When he broke through the Shifang Dongtian realm, he did the same, and his momentum was too great."

In response, Taoist Wuya only smiled and said:

"Since he's been here all the way, he must have been prepared, don't worry."

The words are so.

Chen Feng in the void is constantly recovering.

The constant force of stars poured directly into the body, scouring every gap.

Coupled with the dew on the saplings of world origin, his golden spiritual world, Xinghai world and Dantian world are all recovering quickly.

However, at this moment, for Chen Feng, one thing is more important.

The power of nearly ten thousand stars surrounded him from all directions.

The power of these huge stars is now being guided by his best efforts!

Three hundred and sixty-five large and small stars correspond one by one to the stars in the depths of the universe in reality.

Even the ten big moons and three big suns are the same.

At this time, what Chen Feng had to do was to make every effort to promote its high-speed rotation.

Form a galaxy!

In the late stage of Shifangdongtian realm, monks usually need to transform every star into a galaxy.

But others are no more than ten or a few dozen at most, but he has three hundred and sixty-five!

It is necessary to transform all three hundred and sixty-five stars into galaxies. If anyone hears it, I am afraid that this is a fantasy!

No one has ever done it!

"But I want to try it!"

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and swallowed the power of nearly ten thousand stars like a gluttonous food.

With the help of that majestic and continuous force, it wraps all the stars and rotates at high speed!


In the deepest part of the Xinghai World, a half-virtual and half-real ancient Buddha star soul seemed to have a new change.

However, under the faint suppression of the Candle Nine Yin Star Soul and the Roaring Sirius Star Soul, it was suppressed again with difficulty.

Chen Feng gritted his teeth and guided desperately.

The golden spiritual world is roaring crazily, and the golden spiritual power is almost exhausted!




There are constant loud noises coming from his body!


Accompanied by a sudden golden thunder light, Chen Feng easily broke through the seventh cave heaven of the Shifang Dongtian realm in the power of ten thousand stars!

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