Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5641: In the first game, I surrender!

Relying on this humble feedback.


Chen Feng suddenly got up and once again struggled to open a piece of golden Dao domain.

Just when Chu Taizhen was condescending and asked him to knelt down and beg for mercy.

He suddenly raised his head and laughed sharply.

"Heaven rules, this first game, I give up."

After hearing this, Chu Taizhen shook his heart, and said it was not good.

Although he has been in retreat all year round, he has also heard of this junior in front of him recently.

This person is very good at tactics.

Moreover, I have never seen him bow his head to anyone!

It is impossible for him to admit defeat!

Even if he heard that clear "give up" at this moment, Chu Taizhen was not happy at all.

What followed was boundless anger after surprise.

"What's the point of surrendering now!"

"What I want is that you can't survive, you can't die!"

After all, he exploded with all his strength and madly attacked Chen Feng in front of him.

The void is constantly trembling.

The gang wind swept around, wrapped in the endless aura of killing and the spirit of extinguishment, and rushed forward.

He immediately faced Chen Feng and was about to pass through.

But, at this moment, everything is quiet!

The whole piece of circular boulder with a diameter of one thousand meters lit up with a green glow.

The will of the Lord of Heaven has fallen!

"Ming Yilou challenged the Beidou team in the first round, and Chu Tai really won."

The huge voice not only resounded in this void, but also resounded in the ears of many onlookers waiting for the outcome of the battle.

After hearing this, Fairy Yuheng and others changed their faces.

On the other hand, the people in the Yinyilou who had just been driven out immediately lit up with ecstasy.

They looked at Fairy Yuheng and others again, gearing up to regain the third-grade blessed land in front of them.

The rest of the people were even more emotional.

"No matter how talented Chen Feng is, after all, the time to come to the top of the sky is still shorter."

"I admit that he is strong, but as long as the opponent is a strong man who has just entered the fairyland of the virtual world, he may still have a trace of vitality."

"But he is really frivolous this time, but unfortunately a genius has fallen from the top of the sky."

"Genius...huh, at the top of the sky, there is no shortage of geniuses."

Amidst the roaring discussions, Lu Xingwei on the side was uncharacteristically.

Not only did he not worry at all, but instead looked up at the place where Chen Feng and Chu Taizhen had originally stood.


Before the words fell, a thunderbolt fell in the void.

Then, among the countless black lights lingering, a portal slowly appeared.

Everyone suddenly became excited: "The two of them are coming out!"

"The gate of the duel arena opens, and the result will be announced immediately!"

A triumphant smile erupted among the members of the Yinyilou.

However, after a burst of strong light passed, two figures appeared at the gate of the arena at the same time.

When the gods fell, a crack appeared on the iron-blooded banner, which meant the consumption of an opportunity.

Everyone finally saw Chen Feng's situation clearly.

"Chu Taizhen, although I lost, I will definitely come to my door in a month."

"Next time, I will make you regret revenge, and even make you regret having a son like Chu Ping's life!"

Chen Feng's voice was loud.

Everyone present could hear it clearly.

Then, what caught his eye was a young man covered in blood and embarrassed.

It was Chen Feng!

Fairy Yuheng and others immediately exclaimed, their faces suddenly full of worry.

But, I have to say, they also breathed a long sigh of relief.

Although Chen Feng was seriously injured at this time, he was not near death.

And this kind of injury that didn't hurt the origin can recover after a while.

Therefore, although this first match was lost, it was not a big loss for the Beidou team.

Chu Taizhen stood in front of Chen Feng, even maintaining a hands-on posture.

He hated having to take care of everything, so he killed the arrogant kid in front of him.

But I can only hold back!

"Huh, wicked animal, I will save you one more month of dog life."

Speaking of this, Chu Taizhen stood up straight, looked at Chen Feng coldly, and laughed.

"However, this fairy mountain in the Yiyilou, I am afraid you will be blessed with it."

Everyone around was thinking the same way.

In their view, Venerable Guhong, the earliest founder of the Beidou team, was closed without fighting.

Completely ignore the safety of the players.

This is obviously showing weakness to Chu Taizhen.

Today's Beidou team can be said to be supported by Chen Feng alone.

The first match was lost, and the overall situation has been decided.

The Beidou team, it's lost!

The arrogant laughter of the members of the Yinyilou heard in the ears, and both Fairy Yuheng and the Tiancun Beast slave couldn't help being angry.

They almost unanimously, wanting the next challenge.

Chu Taizhen spoke first.

"My Yiyilou, the second game is...Qu Xihong!"

The unfamiliar name did not cause the rest of the crowd to discuss.

However, the members of the Yinyi Building were all excited as if they were beaten up.

I saw the sound of chains colliding among them.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man with a tall man, a sturdy back and a strong aura, stepped forward.

At the moment when he saw the people coming, Chen Feng understood where the strength of Yin Yilou was.

This Qu Xihong is a war slave!

However, he was a war slave with the eleventh cave of the Ten Fang Dongtian Realm!

The treatment of the war slaves in Ningyilou was completely different from that of Duan Xinglan.

Although he was a war slave, on the surface, he was no different from ordinary people.

Except for the black chains tied to their bodies, it shows that their identities are different from others.

He looked at Chen Feng without even looking at Fairy Yuheng and others.

It seemed that no one else could get into his eyes except Chen Feng.

Chu Tai really sneered again and again.

"Chen Feng, you have someone to challenge!"

In this regard, the onlookers were very emotional and talked a lot.

The faces of Fairy Yuheng and others were even more ugly.

Unexpectedly, there is such a strong man in Yinyilou, who is just a war slave!

They are not as powerful as Chen Feng, at most they can only challenge one or two small realms.

Lu Xingwei's expression on the side also pulled down.

"Master Chen, why don't I just join your Beidou team."

"This second person, I'll fight."

As soon as these words came out, Chu Taizhen, who was sure that the Beidou team would lose, immediately changed his expression.

The same goes for the audience.

"Elder Lu, what is your relationship with Chen Feng?"

"You are the elder of the second rank force, how can you bear to condescend to this small team?"

Many people asked.

In response, Lu Xingwei just wanted to speak, but was stopped by Chen Feng's hand.

He shook his head.

"Thank you Elder Lu for your kindness, but the defeat of the Yinyilou is already set."

Chen Feng's words immediately caused an uproar in the audience.

Especially seeing the smile on his face, everyone was even more surprised.

Even Chu Taizhen's expression turned gloomy.

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