Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5631: Enter Dayan Fairy Again

Elder Wu's talent in formation is extremely strong, but in terms of cultivation, it is still not amazing after all.

He does not know how many years he has survived.

Everyone only knew that Elder Wu was there when they joined the Galaxy Sword Sect.

The origin of life is an extremely scarce resource for him.

It's a bit to consume a little.

Chen Feng frowned now, the Xinghai World in his body was shining brightly.

The continuous force of stars was guided by him and poured into Elder Wu's body.

But those forces poured into it, as if entering the vast universe.

Elder Wu's star sea is full of cracks!

A pair of withered hands suddenly stepped forward and gently grasped Chen Feng's hand that poured the power of the stars.

The wrinkled face showed a relieved smile at this time.

"It's useless. I know the old man's body."

However, Chen Feng did not give up easily.

"There must be a rescue!"

After speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Luo Xingchen.

Luo Xingchen lowered his head and thought.

"The guardian formation of the Galaxy Sword Sect is closely related to the life origin of Elder Wu."

"Both can be said to be both prosperous and both prosperous.

"In other words, if the Great Array has been in contact with Elder Wu at this time, with its current state, I am afraid that it will be sucked up by the Great Array in a while!"


The significance of its arrangement was to protect the entire Galaxy Sword Sect forever.

But after Luo Xingchen said this, Elder Wu shook his head resolutely.

"Xing... River Sword Sect, don't... don't have such a formation in one day."

For now, the crisis of the Galaxy Sword School seems to be over.

But it is hard to guarantee that there will be no accidents.

The guardian formation is the last barrier for every immortal gate.

However, at this moment, a voice faintly sounded.

"Just now, the old man understood briefly, you Donghuang now have a first-grade immortal door called Dayan Immortal Door."

"This fairy gate is not only famous for its formation, but also under your control, why not order it to form a formation to repair its life source?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Feng's eyes suddenly lit up.

He looked at Luo Xingchen without saying a word.

"Please also ask the master to lend me half of the fairy token from Dayan Immortal Gate."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Xingchen threw the jade talisman in the shape of a yin and yang fish.

Chen Feng accurately took the fairy talisman, and the golden rhyme quickly spread out.

"Flawless, Elder Gong, Fellow Daoist Lu, wait here for you

It means that I and Wuya Taoist will go and come. "

As soon as the voice fell, Jin Guang quickly wrapped the three of Chen Feng.

In the next moment, they have appeared tens of thousands of miles away.

In less than half of the incense, Chen Feng and Elder Wu stepped into the gate of Dayan Immortal Gate again!

Dayan Immortal Gate is broader than the Galaxy Sword Sect.

But, as always, it is black and white.

On the huge stone at the door, a huge picture of yin and yang of Tai Chi and Eight Diagrams is in sight.

Among them, the ubiquitous yin and yang way, compared to the last time infiltrating, has undergone earth-shaking changes.

However, for Chen Feng, it is still useless!

Last time, he had the mask of a succubus, and even his breath could change accordingly.

Now, the half of the Yin Yang Yuxian Talisman in his hand is more than enough to make him stride into it.

He had no intention of looking at the numerous floating mountains scattered from the bottom to the sky across the river.

At the entrance of Dayan Immortal Gate, there are many more powerful men.

When Chen Feng appeared, their complexion changed drastically.

"Quickly, go and invite Mr. Xingxian!"

Naturally, they would not know the fact that the five major forces went to the Galaxy Sword Sect to encircle and suppress.

At this time, Chen Feng showed up with Elder Wu and another mysterious old man, apparently sending a lot of messages.

Even though the results of the encirclement and suppression by the five major forces have not been spread, the people of Dayan Immortal Sect's understanding of Chen Feng is enough to be highly vigilant.

He came here with the **** Elder Wu.

Obviously, this person rushed to the Galaxy Sword Sect in time.

Obviously none of the five major forces could stop him!

As soon as the fairy talisman came out, everyone surrendered.

Chen Feng's hair scattered, strode forward, his complexion tense.

He completely ignored the sitting elders in black and white robes and stepped into the Dayan Immortal Gate.

Looking up is the sound of rolling thunder:

"Xingxian Daojun, come see me soon!"

The expressions of all the people present near and far changed drastically.

Not only because of Chen Feng!

Even more because of the mysterious old man behind him!

The mysterious old man did not hold half of the fairy talisman.

The defensive formation and hidden comprehensive formation of Dayan Immortal Gate fell apart under his feet!

Layers of collapse!

"Where did that guy find such an old monster!"

Without saying anything, everyone turned around and flew to the high floating mountain.

Not long after, a dark shadow quickly appeared from the highest floating mountain. It was Daojun Xingxian.


Chen Feng and the mess behind him, his eyes drenched, and immediately calmed down.

"Little friend Chen Feng came here, I don't know..."

Chen Feng interrupted the speech before he finished.

"Stop talking nonsense, I don't bother to care about other tricks now."

"Since you are known for your formations, at this moment, immediately set up a formation to restore the origin of life."

"If you shirk, I don't think you need to keep the Dayan Immortal Clan."

Hearing this, Daojun Xingxian's expression sank.

He could hear that Chen Feng's words were not exaggerated or threatening.

The next moment, without saying anything, he nodded immediately.

Several elders of the Supreme Master received the instruction from the master, so naturally they did not dare to be idle.

Chen Feng was taken to the martial arts field.

Afterwards, the four elders all worked together and used their magic weapons.

Elder Wu's body was floated high in the air.

Countless treasures of heaven, material and earth are placed in the formation.

An hour later, a hundred-meter-sized solid-recovery array was completely formed!

However, things happened suddenly.

Elder Wu at the center of the circle suddenly coughed up blood, and his breath became more and more wilted in a blink of an eye.

Chen Feng was furious upon seeing this.

"what happened!"

I saw Xingxian Daojun face embarrassed.

"Little friend Chen Feng, it's not that there is something wrong with this solid foundation."

"It really seems that Elder Wu has combined his life origin with another supreme array."

"The origin of life formed by a large array of solidification and return, has not been repaired, it has been taken away."

Unconsciously, many elders of Dayan Immortal Clan were all around him.

And the disciples with relatively low cultivation bases gradually disappeared.

Chen Feng glanced at it.

He is not familiar with the formation method, but he can also see that this solid return line does not hide any hands or feet.

Although Elder Wu couldn't get better immediately, it wouldn't continue to deteriorate.

Thinking of this, he breathed a sigh of relief temporarily.

Then, slowly turned around and looked at Daojun Xingxian.

"Are you bargaining with me?"

As soon as Chen Feng's eyes were met, Daojun Xingxian shook his heart.

The white yin and yang fish still shining brightly.

It can be said that at this moment, the two are of equal status to Dayan Immortal Gate!

For some reason, the person in front of him was a kid who didn't know how much younger he was.

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