Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5627: I am alone, that's enough!

Suddenly, one of the experts in the eleventh cave of the Ten Fang Dongtian Realm suddenly exclaimed.

"what happened?"

Everyone followed the sound, and the next moment, their complexion changed drastically.

I saw that on the inner wall of the entire Luohong furnace, dozens of complicated...killing formations rose up!

Moreover, it is a lore!

All the killing arrays interacted with each other and strengthened layer by layer, bursting out a divine light that resembled a lightsaber on the opposite side.

An immortal reacted immediately, and immediately stopped and wanted to rush out of the great Xiu Luohong furnace.

However, it is too late!

As soon as he approached the furnace mouth, a large golden array suddenly lit up.

All heavenly immortals have been collected into the Great Asura Hong Furnace!

It looks like it is going to be refined!

A powerful female fairy from the sky with an excellent figure, clenching her silver teeth.

With her eyebrows on fire, she stared at Chen Feng and sternly shouted.

"Chen Feng, you are crazy!"

It's not just that the heavenly immortals who are trapped in the Great Asura Hong Furnace are going crazy.

Even the five major forces present and the Galaxy Sword Sect behind them were dumbfounded again.

In the guardian formation, someone muttered to the person beside him, his eyes filled with blankness.

"What's going on...Aren't those mysterious people helping us?"

"I thought they were helpers called by Chen Feng."

Not only the people of the Galaxy Sword Sect thought so.

Even the people of the five major forces think so in their hearts.

All of these mysterious people who suddenly appeared a few days ago had extremely strong cultivation bases, and their origins were unknown.

At that time, the Galaxy Sword Sect asked inside and outside, and no one knew them.

However, without exception, they did their best to protect the Galaxy Sword Sect.

There are even a lot of fall.

Just yesterday, when they were about to lose out, some of them finally spoke in anger.

"Where did Chen Feng go?"

"This is the immortal gate where he himself is. Do you think that we can complete the task just by us!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized.

It seems that these people should be helpers called by Chen Feng.

But who would have thought that this scene would appear!

Even Yin Haoran, Si Konghao and others were surprised.

For a time, even the huge lightsaber condensed not far away came to a halt.

It seemed that he wanted to see what tricks Chen Feng had.

With countless gazes staring at him, Chen Feng gently curled the corners of his lips and looked down into the great Xiu Luohong furnace.

He sneered.

"Have you forgotten, how could I let you leave alive?"

Hearing this, many immortals in the sky, trapped in the furnace of the Great Asura, suddenly realized.

The reaction is over!


Everyone who comes to the top of the sky understands that they must never reveal their world to anyone.

Once everyone's attention on the top of the sky, there will be endless trial tasks related to it.

At that time, countless immortals will come to their world.

There are many trial missions that you have participated in.

As far as the top of the sky is concerned, the more the future pattern of the world is reversed, the more expensive it will be rewarded.

In order to complete the task and get rewards, those immortals from the top of the sky will do everything they want.

As for Chen Feng, if they can't be killed, the consequences... can be imagined.

Wanting to understand this, the Celestial Celestials who were trapped in the Great Asura Red Furnace suddenly panicked.

Chen Feng really wants to kill them!

There is no room for negotiation at all!

Above the void, Chen Feng's expression was extremely cold.

He didn't hesitate, and tried his best to urge the whole body to cultivate.

In the Galaxy World, the light is shining!

Among the more than 300 stars, the power of a large number of stars is continuously transmitted.


Today, the Great Asura Luohong furnace has become a Taoist instrument.

Its power is not the same!

Almost in an instant, endless murderous aura shot out.

The killing array is on!

The huge Xiu Luohong furnace is gradually getting smaller.

Everyone desperately wanted to rush out of it, but unexpectedly the sealed golden circle seemed as thin as a cicada's wings.

But extremely strong!

After an immortal in the sky screamed sternly and was refined, someone finally panicked.

He stared at Chen Feng, yelling angrily.

"You can't kill us!"

"Without us, who will help you protect the Galaxy Sword Sect!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng raised his eyes and looked at the huge lightsaber in the distance, as well as the hundreds of people of the five major forces below.

His face was extremely calm, but his eyes gradually made waves.

"I don't need your help, I am enough."

As soon as this was said, there was a moment of silence in the audience.

Many people even thought they had heard it wrong.

Especially the people of the five major forces laughed out loud after reacting.

"Hahaha...Is this kid stupid?"

"One person, against hundreds of us?"

"Why? Just rely on his ability to be easily knocked off by us just now?"

Many people laughed presumptuously, with disdain and arrogance on their faces.

Venerable Cedar, who was holding the banner of Destroying the God of Destruction, couldn't help laughing at this time.

He shook his head and looked at Chen Feng and couldn't help but ridicule.

"Chen Feng, the old man admits that you have an excellent talent and excellent cultivation base."

"If there is a chance, given time, you may be the strongest person in the entire Eastern Famine."

"But right now, don't say the old man, even dozens of people behind him can easily kill you."

Behind Venerable Cedar, the masters of the other four immortal gates also nodded in agreement.

What's more, there was a flash of light in the eyes, and they actually wanted to solicit.

Listening to the oncoming ridicule, Chen Feng smiled.

He calmly stared at the broken array of God of Destruction in the hands of Venerable Cedar.

"Do you use this thing to gather the power of everyone?"

Before the voice fell, only a golden halo flashed.

The next moment, Venerable Cedar's pupils shrank suddenly, and his instinct drove him to retreat for hundreds of miles.

But, just as he stopped.

Chen Feng's voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Where do you think you can escape?"

Venerable Cedar's complexion suddenly changed, and without a word, he flipped his hand and waved his monstrous cultivation base.

However, a piece of gold captivated his eyes.

The full blow of the half-step Lingxu Land Wonderland was completely blocked by a golden "enchantment"!

An exclamation from a distance rang in his ears.

"Venerable Cedar, your arm..."

Hearing the sound of these words, Venerable Cedar turned his head and looked at his left arm.


Raising his head again, I saw the young man in front of him, pulling out the Array of Destruction God Banner from his broken arm.

"How... how is it possible!"

In the shock, Liao Angran, the master of the Burning Heaven Sect, suddenly changed his complexion.

He stared at the golden light-shining one-hundred-meter "enchantment", his eyes opened violently, and he blurted out.

"Daoyu...this is probably Daoyu!"

"Millions of years ago, the talents of the inner sect of Yuxu Immortal Sect had some inheritance!"

As soon as this remark came out, it was like a boulder sinking into the water, and a stormy sea was suddenly set off.

The name Yuxu Immortal Gate, now a million years later, is rarely mentioned.

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