Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5618: The seventh step of the Supreme Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen Jue is to guard Qingjing!

Then, another palm blasted out!

This palm is more direct and neat than all previous moves!

But also more powerful!

Obviously it is only the power of the flesh, but it seems to be able to cover the sun and the moon!

He wants to use this palm to completely shatter Chen Feng's confidence!

However, Chen Feng smiled slightly when he saw this, and his golden Dao Yun suddenly burst into bright light!

"The power of Tao Yun is far more than that!"

"My Taoist rhyme can transform all things and remove all kinds of offensives!"

"As long as I am strong enough, I can even condense a certain range of domains, which belong only to my domain!"

Chen Feng whispered softly, and then, the sharp light in his eyes suddenly lit up.

At this moment, his understanding of Tao Yun finally made a breakthrough!

The Great Perfection of Shou Yi Jing!

He stepped forward.

Officially enter the seventh stage of the Supreme Yuqing Nine Shou Zhen Jue, Shou Qingjing!

At this moment, Taishang Yuqing's Jiushou Zhen Jue worked to its extreme.

The golden rhyme of Taoism is scattered outwards from Chen Feng as the center.

Condensed into a space instantly!

Although it is only ten meters in radius, within these ten meters, there is only Chen Feng's own rhyme!

This is his domain!

In this domain, the prohibition of the ancient forbidden land suddenly disappeared.

Chen Feng's cultivation has been restored!

More than three hundred stars in the Xinghai World all lit up, and the power of the stars burst out wildly.

The Supreme God Demonizing Dragon Art also operates autonomously.

Taoist Wuya was already close to Chen Feng's punch, but suddenly he took it away.

He was extremely surprised.

" actually have the supreme blood?"

With a long sigh, he suddenly drew back several tens of meters to face Chen Feng.

The face of Wuya Taoist is extremely complicated and seems to have thoughts.

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then he was shocked.

"Senior, do you know my blood?"

Although he knew he had the supreme blood, he didn't know the specific situation.

The Taoist Wuya nodded slightly, and his voice was extremely solemn.

"The supreme bloodline is the strongest bloodline of the heavens and all realms!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng's heart was shocked!

The strongest blood of the heavens and all realms!

His life experience is probably more complicated than he thought!

Just about to continue to inquire, but at this moment Chen Feng's mind was tingling, and his eyes suddenly went black.

When Chen Feng recovered, he had already reached his spiritual world.

He was dragged into his spiritual world by Wuya Taoist clone!

How powerful is this Wuya Taoist!

Chen Feng was extremely shocked.

In the spiritual world, the golden spiritual power is surging like an endless ocean.

Wuya Taoist stood with his hand in his hand, standing not far away.

He looked at the sleeping Immortal Mo Rin and the Bihai Ziluocao with only one branch, his eyes filled with sigh.

"As expected to be... the son of that man, even if..."

"But it's terrifying to be able to do this!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Feng's mind was slightly shocked.

These words of Taoist Wuya clearly know who his parents are!

However, before Chen Feng could ask any questions, Taoist Wuya had already looked into the distance and shook his head.

"Don't ask me, with your current strength, knowing more is not good."

"Even, it will cause death!"

Chen Feng had long expected this remark.

He looked at Taoist Wuya and smiled bitterly.

"In the old days, there was an old man named Huanglin Old Man who made the same statement."

"He also told the younger generation that in the future, he can go to the Xihuang Guixian Xianzong to get a glimpse of the truth."

The Taoist Wuya in front of him seemed to raise his eyebrows when he heard the name of the old man in the deserted forest.

It looks like something has been thought of.

"He was right."

"When your cultivation base is higher, you can indeed go there."

Having said that, Taoist Wuya laughed.

"As early as a million years ago, Guixu Xianzong was already a super grade immortal door!"

"Time has changed, and I don't know how much it has grown."

"If you can enter the inner sect and become the strongest disciple of the inner sect, then you are qualified to see the truth."

Upon hearing these words, Chen Feng trembled fiercely in his heart.

Only by becoming the strongest disciple of Guixu Xianzong will you be qualified to see the truth!

What level of news is this!

Is the world so unattainable?

Chen Feng was silent for a long time.

When he raised his eyes again, his face once again showed determination and confidence.

Since even Taoist Wuya said so, this Guixianzong is definitely going to go.

However, thinking of what the Great Desolate said that day, Chen Feng couldn't help but smile.

The top of the sky issued a task.

Within fifty years, it is necessary to prevent the powerhouses of the three super-grade immortal gates of the Western Regions from rushing into the Eastern Desolation and breaking through the top of the sky.

Among these three super-grade immortal gates, one of them is Guixu Xianzong!

He and Guixu Xianzong must be hostile!

There is only one way to catch the news and complete the mission of guarding the top of the sky.

That is to become stronger!

Strong enough that Guixu Xianzong had to pay attention to it!

So strong that even if it is revealed afterwards, he is still strong enough to stop the three super-class immortal masters!

There is a long way to go.

Chen Feng smiled, and then returned to his senses.

Suddenly, he thought of something and looked at Taoist Wuya.

"Senior, come with me."

Before the words were over, Chen Feng led Taoist Wuya to the depths of the golden spiritual world.

That is an undeveloped place.

There is only a golden chaos.

However, passing through this chaos, a huge wall appeared in front of you!

It was a golden seal that looked like a huge one!

Complex and mysterious lines are all over it.

The oncoming simplicity and solemnity made Chen Feng feel uncomfortable every time he approached.

This continuous golden seal is extremely thick and tall.

It is so majestic, as if eternal life is difficult to cross.

This is Chen Feng's memory seal!

At the beginning, he defeated the golden seal very hard.

But found that after one layer, there is another layer!

Chen Feng pretended to be calm.

"Since the predecessors are here, why don't you help me break this seal?"

Taoist Wuya raised his eyes to see this sealed wall, and a moment of shock flashed in his eyes.

Hearing what Chen Feng said, he came back to his senses.

"You kid, don't think that the old man doesn't know your thoughts."

"But the old man still said that, let it be."

"With your current strength, knowing too much will hurt you"

Hearing this, Chen Feng knew he couldn't force it.

But, one day, he will personally reveal all the secrets in his body.

Taoist Wuya glanced at this golden spiritual world again, and nodded in satisfaction.

The next moment, the two returned to the turret again.

Chen Feng glanced.

On the ruins of a broken wall not far away, the three of Mei Wuxia are struggling.

Everyone was surrounded by a layer of silver gods.

Mei Wuxia was swinging a sword, Gong Licheng hugged his head in both hands, shouting in pain.

And Xia Xuanfeng has a hideous face, sometimes fearful, sometimes desperate...

Before he could speak, Taoist Wuya said lightly beside him.

"The old man took away the six reincarnation chapters just to avoid chaos."

"Therefore, now it is natural not to fall into the hands of others at will."

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