Peerless Martial Soul

Chapter 5608: Awakening! Howling Sirius Soul!

It continues to merge into the **** chain in the air.

In the end, all were absorbed into Chen Feng's Dantian world!

At the same time, a voice suddenly rang in Chen Feng's mind.

"Seventh grade inferior."

The bloodline of this Scarlet Eyed Demon Wolf Wolf King is not low.

In the Xinghai World, the stars are lit up again!

But Chen Feng's complexion was suddenly pale.

In the past, plundering the blood of the gods and demons usually took him several hours, or even a whole day.

But today, in order to forcibly plunder the blood of the wolf king in front of him, he did not hesitate to consume a lot.

But it's worth it!

At this moment, in the depths of the lit stars.

A passionate howl sounded from afar!


This wolf howl seemed to have crossed the endless void and came over the years.

In an instant, Chen Feng suddenly opened his eyes.

A touch of surprise passed in his eyes.

I saw a virtual star soul that had been silent for an unknown period of time, suddenly appeared, and a ray of light was lit.

"Roaring Sirius Soul!"

Chen Feng is overjoyed!

In addition to the Candle Nine Yin Star Soul in his body, the Ancient Buddha Star Soul and the Roaring Sirius Star Soul have existed for a long time.

Except for the former, the latter two have been in a state of blurring.

Now, the roaring Sirius Star Soul was awakened by the Star Soul of the Scarlet Eyed Demon Wolf Wolf King.


Xinghai World trembles again.

A star soul as huge as a mountain suddenly appeared.

In the next moment, that body rushed straight towards the Red Eyed Demon Wolf Star Soul who was incorporated into the Star Sea World.


The Red Eye Demon Wolf roared, very sad.

However, under the suppression of Chen Feng's blood, there was another Jiu Yin Star Soul in awe.

It has no room for struggle at all!

Only let the roaring Sirius Star Soul feast on it.

Swallowed up!

The roaring Sirius Star Soul finally glowed because of this!

It is starting to condense into a solid body!

Huaguang skyrocketed, and the momentum was overwhelming!

In the blink of an eye, there were already more than twenty stars flashing, completely turning the imaginary into reality.


Seeing this, the red-eyed demon wolves all around wailed bitterly.

When Chen Feng saw this, he gave a cold snort.

His condition has recovered a lot.

The roaring Sirius Star Soul swallowed the Scarlet Eyed Demon Wolf Wolf King, which also gave feedback to his majestic power.

Chen Feng not only recovered his physical strength, but even the aura on his body was rapidly surging.

After devouring the blood, the Star Soul was also absorbed.

Now, his cultivation base seems to have broken through!

The joy in Chen Feng's eyes was even greater.

His eyes fell on the wolves on the wasteland, and the power of the majestic stars surged out and poured into the Qingqiu Tianlong Sword.

"Too high to punish God!"

Sweep out!

The endless killing intent and the blade light were all restrained in a silver light.

At the moment when the knife was cut out, the joints in the body began to make crackling noises.

An unprecedented force is continuously injected into the limbs.

He has another breakthrough!

The sixth hole of the Shifang Cave Heaven Realm!

Even with just one kick, you can break through to the seventh cave of the Shifang Dongtian realm!

Today, he dares to fight even if he is facing a real spiritual virtual land fairyland powerhouse!

The current cut, even if the Red Eyed Demon Wolf Wolf King returns to its peak, it will be unstoppable!

What's more, these ordinary red-eyed magic wolves?

The wolves were suddenly shocked.

Even the Red Eyed Demon Wolf in the Fairyland of Lingxu, the first reaction is to escape!

The mighty coercion, such as the topping of Mount Tai, the tsunami and avalanches, came down like an avalanche.

The knife light passed.

Huge ripples in the void.


Dozens of red-eyed demon wolves were immediately shrouded in the light of the sword, and their figure disappeared.

The weaker ones, even under the crush of the knife light, directly turned into a flood of blood.

The Scarlet Eyed Demon Wolf in the half-step Lingxu Land Wonderland was also seriously injured.

This is the power of Chen Feng now!


At this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded!

Chen Feng looked down.

I saw a huge Sirius flying across the sky and across the stars in the world of stars.

The roaring Sirius soul condenses!

At this time, it was fighting against the Jiu Yin Star Soul, and confronting each other.

Even the Golden Sutra of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was stimulated.

Golden lotus emerged.

A rusty and simple scripture appeared.

It stood in front of Chen Feng and flipped quickly!

A ghost of an ancient Buddha gradually appeared in the afterimages of the pages!

The phantom of the ancient Buddha is too hazy to see the specific features.

I can only vaguely see that the ancient Buddha is wearing prayer beads, closing his eyes, and clasping his palms reverently.


In the depths of the star sea, dozens of stars happen to correspond to the ancient Buddha!

In a trance, I can even hear the ancient Buddha chanting!

Upon seeing this, Chen Feng was surprised and burst into laughter.

In the Star Sea World, Huaguang is prosperous!

The three star souls condensed two!

Not only that!

Suddenly, a mysterious force surged from it.

Chen Feng was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a touch of joy in his eyes.

"Inheritance of Howling Sirius!"

Just as the candle nine yin has the ability to swallow infinitely, the roaring Sirius also has its particularity.

A lot of information is constantly pouring into my mind!

Sirius captures the moon universe Dafa!

Sirius photographs the moon, can illuminate everything!

With Chen Feng's current strength, it was enough to perceive everything below his life within a hundred miles.

Within this range, even if he deliberately used secret techniques and treasures to obscure the breath, he could see it all!

The next moment, he opened his eyes suddenly.

Lightning exploded in his eyes.

Howling Sirius swallowed the Scarlet Eyed Demon Wolf Wolf King, and Chen Feng had a close connection with Howling Sirius.

At this time, he saw a lot of images in the mind of the wolf king.

Among them, there is nothing he cares more about than the figure of Gong Licheng.

In the mind of the wolf king, Gong Licheng appeared more than once, all around the entrance of the oasis.

Gong Licheng, has not yet entered the oasis!

He has been waiting around for a long time, but tomorrow is the full moon.

This is good news.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng got up and looked into the depths of the broken mountain in the distance.

"There is still a full day, and it's too late to rush now."

When the words fell, the golden Taoist rhyme lit up, and the light filled the void.

The two disappeared instantly.

In the blink of an eye, it spanned thousands of miles.

At this moment, in the depths of the fractured mountain range ahead, a figure was sitting cross-legged.

He suddenly opened his eyes.

This person is indeed Gong Licheng!

Gong Li grew up, raised his head and looked into the air with a cold snort.


The power of the stars came out from him, surging and spreading for thousands of miles.

He looked towards Chen Feng's direction.

In the eyes, killing intent was extremely cold.

"Unexpectedly, you still found it."

As the third celestial disciple Chu Pingsheng wooed, although Gong Licheng and Chen Feng were new to each other, they were not strange to each other.

Chen Feng stood in the air.

The great Xiu Luohong furnace was temporarily put away by him, and Mei Wuxia would not be in any danger.

He can let it go.

With a punch, the golden Daoyun instantly condensed into a giant fist in the void.

Go straight to Gong Licheng.


Gong Licheng's face changed slightly, but then he sneered.

"I thought it was something, but that's all."

He waved his big hand and shook it from the void.

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